Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)

rr 16 RUTLAND DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1946. ORPHAN ANNIE HE COULDNT SAY NO Your Health Of Interest' to the Housewife; Special Menus and Recipes TVUTTS ALL THAT MATTBTSf OH, FRED? THERE, THEPE. HOfCV 00NT CSV OVER ME. EVERVTHNt; WLL BE AU. RttHT-1 PEODN-f IIABBIET WILSON Heres an Entirely New, Different and Delectable Way of Preparing and Serving like a recipe for an especially delectable Way to prepare babbit, heres a new recip i Nothing in the world tastes so -good toa man as the game he goes out.

gun in hand, to get Even if it's only a rabbit your particular hunter brings home, dish it up with a flourish in homage to his prowess! Amt. bv the way. rabbits are delicious if you just learn how to cmlc them. After skinning and cleaning the rabbit, cut It into pieces and wipe them clean wilh a damp cloth, just a you would prepare a chicken. Then cook in the way you would a chickeji fried, fricasseed.

or in pie. They're all delicious ways to. fix that rabbit. Or, If youd VS BY EDWIN F. JORDAN, M.D.

Shingles, or Tas the condition known medically, "herpes zoster, is an acute inflammation of the skin accompanied by the appearance of characteristic blisters. It is not, however, strictly speaking, a skin disease, as it effects only that part of the skin which is reached by certain nerves. It is almost always on one side ot the body only and is especially common around the chest, just aver and parallel to the ribE It appears also on the forehead, face and lower back and abdomen, Before the blisters corps Out on the skin, the patient usually has some pain; in the area where the blisters are about to appear. These generally become visibly on about the third or fourth day. Fever may be present and pain or neuralgia is fre-r quently severe, 1 The blisters after a period of several days begin to open and dry up.

finally disappearing altogether. In young and miJdle-aged people this is about all there is to it, but in older people there may. be neuralgic pains for quite a long time. Herpes may develop with or immediately after acute infections like pneumonia or meningitis; it can come in epidefnics or without any cause which be identified. It is believed to be due to a tiny living substance called a virus.) One other interesting point about shingles is worth noticing end that is it connection with chicken pox which is also a disease paused by a virus.

Small epidemics of herpes have developed at the same time as epidemics of chicken pox. There seems good reason to be- indoors. A test showed my blood count was down and 1 have been taking iron; tablets on the doctor's prescription, but I still yawn a great deal. I catch colds easily and have severe attacks of sinus trouble occasionally. You'll probably tell me to get eight hours of sleep.

I wish, I could. haven't had enough sleep since 1937. Maybe I have just piled up need for deep over these years so I need more than otherwise. i A. E.

W. A.t is impossible to tell whether your desire to sleep and apparent inability to get enough is caused by accumulated lack of sleep, tby some general disease or by what might be called nervousness. The first step would certainly be to try to get slept out by sleeping a great deal for several weeks. If the trouble still persisted, an elTort should be made, to see whether there wasj any physical or nervous cause producing 'the difficulty. lieve that an occasional, person can develop chicken pox from contact with a patient with shingles and the other way around.

A great many different kinds of treatment have been used for shingles witlv greater or lesser degrees of success. Among the more recent methods is the use of X-rays. When it develops on the forehead it can move down into the eye and this can be a very serious and painful condition indeed. (Address questions to Dr. Jordan in care of The Chicago Sun, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you wish a personal reply.) Desire to Sleep.

1 Q. I have a great deal of trouble trying to keep awake at my job. It is a desk job (editing) and involves little or no physical movement. Every day it is the same story I have to fight to keep awake at alL and anything, requiring close concentration and sharp perception has to be tackled in the morning. It is not caused by a heavy meal at noon, as Rhave only a sandwich and an orange and sometimes a cookie.

I try to get seven hours of sleep at iyght on work days and am a sound sleeper. 1 I yawn a great deal, especially PETERS MARKET A FRIENDLY STORE i 24 Terrill St. Phone 804 Complete Line of MEATS and GROCERIES All Meats Under Refrigeration Protected by Bacteria Germ-Killing Equipment. ALE BEER Mrs. Virginia Wade of Roanoke, selected the typical American housewife by an American radio network, leaves the Ssvoy hotel In London.

She IS visiting Britain to get acquaint-! ed with British housewives anc their problems. i Hydpville Rabbit Caaaerole. One cup vinegar, cup water, 1 cup red wine, 6 pepper corns; 12, whole cloves, 2 bay leaves, 2 teaspoons sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 4 'A -5 pounds rabbit, teaspoon pepper, 4 cup flour, cup fat, 1 cup chopped unions. I Mix together vinegar, water, red wine, pepper corns, cloves, bay leaves, sugar and 1 teaspoon aglt Put pieces of rabbit into a shallow pan and, pour the mixture over them. Let stand 2 to 2 hours, or longer, turning rabbit frequently so It will absorb the flavor of the liquid.

Wipe each piece dry. Reserve liquid. Add remaining teaspoon salt and pepper to flour and mix well. Dip each piece of rabbit into the flour. Have the pieces well coated with flour, but shake IT any excess.

Melt fat in a large frying pan. Add onipns and fry until golden browh. Add rabbit and fry slowly until browned 'bn both sides. -Transfer rabbit to 1 or 2 large casseroles. Add drippings from drying pan and add vinegar liquid.

Cover closely, and bake in a slow oven (300 degrees aboOt 3 hours, or until rabbit is tender Makes 10-12 servings. QUICK AND, EASY OR SATURDAY MTE. Anchovy Canapes Macaroni with Meat and Cheese Sauce Panfried Green Tomatoes Orange and Apple Salad 1 Pecan Cup Cakes. (Recipes Serve Four) Macaroni with Meat and Cheese Sauce Three tablespoons bultei or ham fat, 3 tablespoons floUr, cup ham stock or, macaroni waterj cup evaported milk, 1 teaspeon Worcestershire sauce, cup grated cheese, 4 cup chopped joked ham or veal, 3 cups cooked macaroni. Melt butter ot ham fat and blend in flour.

When smooth add ham stock or macaroni water and stir until sauce boils. Add evaporated milk, Worcestershire sauce, cheese and meat Cook and stir until sauce boils. Serve over cooked macaroni. FRIENDLY 1 TIPS. Lemon cake-top pudding is an old-time favorite dessert the kind of repeat-recipe family members welcome.

It requires 2 tablespoons flour, cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 eggs, separated, cup lemon Juice and 1 cppt'milk. Cream flqur. sugar and butter. Add beaten egg yolks, Hmon juice snd milk. Fold in stiffly beaten egg white.

Bake in 8-inch, unbut-tered dish, standing in a pan of water, for 35 minutes in moderate oven (375 degrees Separates into cake and custard layers. Serve hot or cold. (Serves 4). 4- The harvest supper given the Hydeville PTA realized about $45. Mrs.

Oscar Forcier was in charge assisted by Miss Iola Eaton and Mrs. Oscar Durkte. WINES Always plan your windowsjand coanter displays to link up Health Nurse i For Addison Towns Named 1 with your advertising in The Ilerald. Each helps the otherl SPIC and SPAN No Rinsing, NoJ Wiping 2 for 39c ALE, VCR; 8 1 Wand, -r Somethin (Special to Ttoa Herald BURLINGTON. Sept 26.

Mrs. Earl H. Upham, R. pf 82 Pleasant street Middlebury, who has been appointed public health nurse for the towns of Orwell, Benson, Hubbardton, West Haven, and SUd-bury, will begin her work on October 1. 1 i Mrs.

Upham is a graduate of the Lenox Hill hospital in New York city, and has an honorable discharge from the Army Nurse corps after serving three years and nine months with the armed forces. Her husband who is also a. veteran is studying at Middlebury college. A special effort will be made to carry on as much of the regular program as possible, but since Mrs Upham will continue to maintain her home in Middlebury, she will not be able to accept night callE Her hours of work yill be from 8:30 a. m.

to 5 p. m. weekdays, excepting SaturdayE She may be reached on the telephone by calling Middlebury 233-J, or by mail in care of the Addison county health center, Battell block, Middlebury, new rfiroatotpopo' lbuYttVuTuUy zirzxs' I mUtd. A treat with I prccisjon-mcu- every meal. Get FIAKO PRODUCTS OORT, jvtilltown, rl.

-JSf Weston Recent guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Elmer R. West were Mrs. George Lamson and son, William, of Shelburne, and Rev.

and Mrs. Harold Mayo and daughter, Alice of Keene, N. H. The Rev. Mayo is chaplain at the Naval hospital in Newport, R.

Reg.U.S.Pai.Off. i jNe 't liuUuji- Bcnningtoq Firm Files Articles to Incoiporate (Vermont Press Bnrean.) MONTPELIER, Sept. 26. Articles of association have been filed with the secretary of state by' Mill Supply. of Bennington.

The to deal 1 in mill machinery and supplies, listed 500 shares of common stock at no par value. Incorporators were Franklin P. Jones, Betsey L. Donnelly and Lafayette Lyons, all of Bennington. Certificate of capital actually paid in was filed by Polymers, inc, of Middlebury-listing 70 shares of common stock at $100 par value a share.

Signers were Gilbert and Helen E. Shaw. Bridgewater Corners Booster night and regular Grange meeting-are to be combined Sat-, urday nght. Charter, 50-year and 25- year members are so be recog nized. The program is to be in charge oft the Home and Commun ity Welfare committee, I with a speaker.

The public, is invited. Women are expected to brng sand wlches or cake. 1 Vs w-'Vv -j SaAbyth ufcera FIAKO rti csust mix FIAKORN CORN MUFFIN MIX IS Cleans Painted Walls, Woodwork, i 1 Linoleum with fhe workl 6 ML (zWm o). ACROIt Bay Musical compoajtlc Chum Clral wotfias Hun away ram Vui rnai SlacuMloa Bro.prr Head covarlns A drug Son Judah Comma ndrra TUI of Mohammad Out let Rainy I- piatlaa (irflua of do Profit Muarular 11 artmoslM ST. Early arrhlblahop of Canter-bury Spread to dry It.

Cut lati(lbwla 40. Anr 41. lo or 42 Pertaining to Nova Scotia 44 Hy 4k. Turklah daoraa 4a Hypocritical talk 41. Mora wllllnfly 41.

Uatharar of certain frulta IS Mai child kt. Small wagon k. Kainlntn name 17 Conjunction kt Humble kt ('tier i. it ii i. is it i to 11 ss 1 1 It to.

1 sc Si I Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN Mother of Caator and Pollu Ask Your Grocer Today for Two Packages of SPIC and SPAN! Declare Weakened Frequently Court lawyers Kye: Scotch Sharp answer Remnants of combustion I. Hawaiian food IS. One who tnaarta publlo 1 uaplclouar alan Bavarara Record In encretaryt ahbr. a 11. Optical rlaae 24.

Bearde of rrala 25. Calls 26. Wlnrllka I 21. IlluaTon of suapebsloS rltnout I every day for cleaning your linoleum, refrigerator, bathroom tile, all such things i And its safe for paint, safe for hands. ggSA Theres nothing like SPIC and SPAN for housecleaning time and all the time It cleans painted' walls, woodwork, linoleum, dozens of things, cleaner and brighter with half the work, because therea No Rinsing! No Wiping! Cleanings Twice As Easy! You simply dissolve three heaping tablespoons of SPIC and SPAN in a gallon of hot water, wring out a soft cloth well (enough so it doesnt drip) and just whisk away the dirt! One step does it alL NO RINSING! NO WIPING! Cleanings so easy youll want to use SPIC and SPAN support tlo Cautloa 'need to query your fashion knowledge with this suit its unquestionably RIGHT! Two-Piece with gently curved lapels, four flap pockets, belted waist and slim skirt, it comes in sizes 34, 36, 38, 4 Qj 42, 44, 46.

1 Printed Pattern 1762. Size 38 requires 4 38 yds. of 41 material. Directions are printed on each pattern piece to show you what it is, where it goes and how to match it to its mate. 1 FREE! With the pattern you order you will receive an eight-page fashion book, featuring fall and winter styles, in full color.

SEND 25c in coins.l SECURELY WRAPPED, your name and address Clearly printed. SIZE DESIRED AND PATTERN NUMBER to: PATTERN SERVICE Rutland Herald. P. O. Box 297, Station F.

New York 18, N. Y. Get packages ot today fo' It. II. Boand IE Animal alllad to the raccoon IE Withered IE Thraa-prenzad apeara SI.

Draaaed tt. Kind of beetle 4L Light wood 4 42. Aalatlo palm 42. Behave 4k. Provided 41 Russian river 41.

1 Server kd. Plnlah kE Employ IE 8un god CLtA sure SM Haaaakaapaq SeiC nd SPAN ha bttfl growtsd Ite Good Housokeopkig Sool Copr. Th Procter Gamble Co. Make SPIC and SPAN Your Daily Cleaning Planl AS Nuafowre Y-7 I i4t a i 14. A A..

Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.