Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)

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Rutland Daily Heraldi

Rutland, Vermont

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RUTLAND DAILY HERALD THURSDAY MORNING JULY 8 A "A Windsor Civil War Exhibit in Weathersfield I Mrt Lmm Wtnt Much 'of Material In Foster House Loaned by Area Reiidenu Weatherifield who wa a lieu-tenant of Company 18th Regiment of the Vermont Volunteer nil wa a gin of tha late William Butler of Caven-duh Parley Hoyt loaded a cav airy carbtna a musket bayonet and belt a bullet pouch ii rr Tat Mr John Llor visited rI tivea In Main ovef the holiday Wayne Pavla hai eom fitted thirty-eight week course Gret Lake ETA School nd 1 spending a aixteen-day lcve with hi parent Mr and Mr Ralph Pavia Mr Francii Burton Robert Auitin and Ml Alice Burton of Springfield tilled Sunday on their aunt Mri Harry Kellefg Mr and Mr Fred Barton fiava raturned from New Can-'nit Conn where they visited their daughter Mr Raul Gar-da and family ed by Philip Stapleton Then there 1 one origin! ropy of the Savannah Republican dated April 16 163 Thla rarrica apecial atoriea from Montgomery and Seim a Ala ahowinf tliat they were in the newt loo year ago Thomi A Chadwick of Cheater ha done much research on the subject klra rtiinney vla-tted him and eecured a loan from him of Civil War guna a Cavalry aaber musket cap minnie ball and a framed note daled Jan 9 1832 a promise to pay $30 for the hire of three alavea to be returned at Cbrlat-tnaa next well clothed and furo By THELMA flOISlNGTON WEATHERSFIELD CENTER (Special) The Civil War exhibit arranged by Mr Janice Hoyt Phlnney and John Hurd at the Rev Dn Foiter Houe la aurprislngly Interesting If one can tpart a few hour to itudy and read the Item on display There are 29 reprint of the Atlanta Journal dated from Ap A- A rd 1 I860 to June 7 1883 which carry the new atorle ofjlahed with Hat and Blanket the -War erf the Rebellion as At a permanent exhibit there they happened Theae are loan- la a coat of Joseph Spafford of The average tl veteran of World War 1 la 70 ars old Prices Effective In Stores in Rutland Brandon Fair Haven and Poultney 4 1 DOM A Git Flinty of Worthwhllt Glfti Tool Save Plaid Stamps! 1 I Under aupervlilMi ef Mias Margaret Rheuby Woedateck recreation area swimming Instructor these small fry pant from their water aarty laaaone long enough have their nt lure takes Tyson nr art RusieU Cuenln Bernie and -Scott 111- Clock Chuck u49e3 Clado Chuck Si 59 Rib Roast Srd-ifll i 901a) (UVI ouj 7QC ttAVI J0ll) Sh'Id Roast JsU) RAVI Uc I) STEAKS Chuk Steak Tu 59e SJU ChuckSteak 69'H Calif Steak 69' rj Chuck Fillet TSru85cKS Rib Steak IONC-N u89 ionoonirc wICMK I'UMSHOUll Steak lONBtSS0 179 Chuck Steak 99CSS Club Steak tu 189 Ia rVw SealaJa Thin Sliced AQ (Sv wieilK Shoulder Steak isleVT It lb) At tend In Barry aon Dale and Frank EUlaon Apn and Carleton Harlow and Lillian Lombard Prof and Mrs Philip Africa and family of Keuka Park NY are spending three week at the borne erf her parents Dr and Mrs John CaveltL The Rev and Mri Philip Hall and two daughters of Randolph called Saturday on Mr and Mr Robert Buawelt Mis Betty Dillon of Brooklyn NY apent th weekend with her aunt Miss Mary Dillon Lydia Waiianen spent on day last week with her grind-arents Mr and Mrs Allen larton of Ljidlow and thair uest Mia Brenda Peas of rattleboro and a canlaan Thera la aio Civil War a word on display Thera ar Letter from war nuriaa of tha Civil War and several diaries Mia Winifred Par-kina loaned a diary which her aunt Mill Marietta Bice kept during tha war and John Hurd typed excerpt from It which ahovr tha feeling and reaction of a young girl of this community during tha war and what the women did Mrs Thelma Hoaington loaned three diaries kept by her great imd Albert TyrHl who enllated from Charlestown IL with Co 34th Begl merit From these John Hurd picked out Interesting excerpt and tvped them for easy read lng There i also a latter from John Wright' grandmother to bis father Another Hem 1 list of the Citlrena of Weathmfidd who were liable to enrollment with their ages and occupation This was daled Jan 31 3883 and algned by th selectmen of Weitherefield Eldaoo Chamberlain Henry Prentice and Boa well Downer Attached to tWa it a hat of all of the soldi era who were In the United State service at that time In this list 1 the name of James Henry Goldsmith who after returning lived in the Rtv Dan Foster House and served as the Weather afield Center poatmaiter Goldsmith served as hospital afeward during the war sod played in tha band Another soldier of not on th list la Juatua Dartt who was a lieutenant Hanging on the wall i a framed citation from th State of Vermont to Juatui Dartt as a testimonial of his courage gwlrkAism end fidelity In hi countrys caue At one tide of the room there ar certificate of bounties money paid by th town to the loidtera or to some relative One reads: Selectmen of the Town of Weatherifield pay to my mother Betsey Carlton of Cavendish- my town bounty and signed by Charle Carlton Another read '200 Treasurer of Weathersfield pay Charles Mudgett money of bewnties to soldiers as voted by the town" and signed by the Selectmen a Chamberlain Henry Prentice end Boaweli Downer On May 10 last Mrs- Jantet Phijmey gave a paper entitled Weathersficlde Part in the War of the Rebellion at the meeting of the Weatherafielc Historical Society which was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Philip Stapleton Since then she has had it mimeographed end It is on display with the other items of the ex hi bit Mrs Phinney did much research for this paper especi ally studying the Vermont Roster which gives the names of th men who served from each town in th atate when they were -mustered in and when discharged In her paper she give the names which are on the Civil War Memorial Monument in the Grove the town records of th Bounties paid to the men in the service end states that the first Cavalry fought more battles han any oner unit in th state of Vermont and that there were five men from Weathersfield in that unit And one man Theodore Hutchinson went through 58 battles There art also two recent books! Civil War Centennial Handbook loaned by Mrs Fhlnney and -'Golden Book on the Civil War loaned by her daughter Miss Dawn Phinney The Rev Dan Foster House is open from 2 to 5 pm except Mondays and Thursdays of at of and Ci for Alan Mr were Chuck Roast Tu 73 Calif Roasts 59' Sirloin Tip Newport Rst 'ir 99cS2i WISH MONtCUt ycIAVI U1ISK61 BtraioM Cut Ik fid U' (Straight Cut lb fid 1 1411) their daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Everett Forrest all of Bennington Were 4th of July guests of Mr Wilklai slater Mrs Bernice Allen Mr and Mrs Frank Naumann returned Saturday from a three month European trip Monday was another Red Letter Day for th Reading Historical Society Another of the )eP rides which a re fast becoming famoui was held with 21 Jeeps in th carivan and between 80 and 100 passengers Including the driver They left the village at 9 am and got bsck around 8 pm Travel time Included a lunch atop at th Brown Schooihouse as la customary Although a thunder storm occurred it did not mar th trip to any appreciable extent Mary Churchill and Wayne Allen gave historical sketch Is lite of old buildings were passed Much credit is due them end Guy Jenna for the lucceas of the outing The trip thia year es usual was traversed mainly on old unused roads Only possible to be travelled by jeeps and included Chase Comers and Reading Pond two Reading landmarks An open house with- refreshment was held afterwards at Historic House Abraham Lincoln was post-master of New Salem El from 1833 to 1836 Reading Ban Mr and Mra Pearl Perkins pent a recent weekend in Keene NH with relatives Mr and Mrs George Megrath ef West Rutland were at their house here on tee 4th Mr and Mrs Marvin Doujdaa and two children of SL Johns-bury are apendtng a few dayi with Mr'Douglaa' slater and husband Mr and Mr Harry Griffin The Misses Pamela Famham and Mary Jewett of Morrisvllle spent ten day with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Harry Griffin Th auction of the late Ethel Whit' possessions was held list Saturday Reading Christian Union Church cleared a little over $10000 on the lunches eerved at th auction la te adjacant church vestry-Mri Betty Murray of Perkin-villa carried the RFD mail laat week while Gilbert Whittemore th regular carrier wu on vacation Mr and Mr Gilbert Wilson of Portland Conn wer at Mrs Leila Wilson' over the 4th end they all took trip to Woodbury where they called on Mo and Mrs Hugh Davis in cimp there and other friends Mr and Mrs Fred Wilkins and granddaughter Debbie Kid San Wnuam Jwvt Mr and Mr John Patterson Hollis NYl and their daughters and families Mr and Mri Richard Deaaon and Wendy of Wichita Falla Texas and Mr and Mrs Wilhelm Rung and Billy of Brooklyn NY were the family cottage on th Lake for' th weekend Mri Patterson and the Deatons are remaining for an extended vacation Mrs Cyril Mayea of Ironton Ohio and Mr Raymond Kent Erieville NY called one day last week cm their sister family Mr and Mri Cleon Tatro On Sunday Mr and Mrt Ezra Tatro of Bridgewater called and accompanied them to Westminster where they visited with Mr and Mrs Everett Tatro Mrs Everett Tatro with her mother Mr a ranee Bodine while waiting aurgery at a Keene 'Nil hospital Mrs Anna Voltman of East Meadow LI end Worthington AUyn of Woodhaven NY were weekend guest of Mr and Mr Kollock Mr and Mrs Lyman Burnham and her sister and family and Mrs Tomalo and two children all of Boonton at their home for the holiday Nine members of the Ninevab Brook 4-H Club are at Camp 39 -63 fresh Steak Cod Fresh Haddock Fillits All MIA SKINKSt lueia-aiOKT JANE PARKER 9 Ground Chuck 75eJ5S Stewing Beef lTlb75 Beef ionmn u29 Ribs in (lave 14lb) (SAVI oa ii) 49C (SAVI 1015) Gordon Spaulding and two of hi three children called Monday on hi mother Mr Edith Spaulding Mr and Mr Vernon Loveland and family of Los Angelei Calif and their daughter and family Mr and Mrs Ralph Bottlcfrer of FayettavllI Art called on Mr and Mrs Charlti Gutkopf and Mr and Mra Jordan Loveland during (ha weekend Mr and Mrs Roy Boynton and daughter and family Mr and Mrs Sallac and two children all of West Sterling Mast spent th weekend at their Beef tnoit lb Value APPLE PIE FRAKXFORTS 10X269 2UI 125 UlteS 55 a- JAN PARKE PKO or a Homestyle Donuts 2 w'59c JANS PARKE GOID OK MARSH Crescsnf Pound co*ke -39 JAN PARKER CHERRY ICEO AngI Food co*ki S3 Plafo Short Ground Large 1 lb8oz 55e Each Cri 1 JANI PARKER WITH PECANS Cherry Danish 59 JANI PARKE9 CINNAMON Crescent co*ckles 2m 79 JAN PARKER nii MmcrosT a pk KOItS aaaowica oa tt 3 Downers In Sharon this week 'Kingdom ML-: Camp ii PEACHES RiStSu4 ib 49c Ripe Luscious nn I DELICIOUS SERVED WITH Real Cream Topping a '1 Cl mmsoicar 30 3 FOR 100 FOR JUMBO SWEET FRAGRANT Cantaloupes Eiueherrits 39 Lemons ef Umes 6" 39 Plums aLiroNi 1 0 roe 29 Watermelons AVIRAII 89 HEARTY AND HAVORRA Tea lags 100109 ANN PAG Salad Mustard UM17 ANN PAGE Italian Dressing 49 asp Corn Oil rwrtiottuj i ANN PAOI CORN OA Marjariro 29 ANN PAG Cake Mixes ne33 I SUNK 1ST CONCENTRAlf Orangeade on21 ANN DAI -ICED I Molasses Cookies NABISCO Choc-Chip Cookies 49 SUNSHIN Hyde Park Cookies 395 NEW ANN PAGE 1 0 OZ CANS TOMATO RICE 5p3f37e -AC Mnnt Dlve SUITANA FROZEN IOZ AAC ftieai rICS CHICKEN TURKEY BEEP 4 PKGS OV Meat Dinners tfi 39c Delsey Bathroom Tissue 2 r0us 27c 1 JUST REDUCED FROZEN FULLY BAKED Orange Fluff Cake SUTTER CREME ICED 43c REGULARIY S5c 13 OZ NOW Kleenex Facial Tissues Lcmonddo seneca frozen Yukon Canned Soda Elberta Peaches Fruit co*cktail ASP SLICED OR HALVES 29c 99c 49c 35c 39 200 1 PlY tez CANS 12 OZ CANS I L1 14 OZ CAN 1 LB 1 4 OZ CAN 10 6 smt a South Wallingford Mr and Mrs Louie DAnieLo of Rutland and Mr and Mrs Clayton DAruello of Castleton called on friends Sunday Fred Smith of Salem NY visited his cousin Mrs Memtt Mitchell and Mr Mitehcli Crocker Livingstone and eon of Leona rdsville NY spent the weekend in town and visited his brother Fred Livingstone at Rutland Hospital Mr and Mra Albert Wilson of Glens Fal's NY visited her brother in law and sister Mr and Mrs Sargent Mr and Mrs Louis Sargent end daughter Brenda visited Mrs Flossie Dana and Mrs Mildred Standish in Belmont Nelson Burdick of Scotia visited tus sister Mrs Irene Gorton Mrs Alvin Belcher of a Wallingford and Mrs Walter Sharon and son Gary of Charlestown NH visited their cousin Mrs Louie Wideawake and family tm omm itvume a ne Tf a cohmnv ie Boy-cr-dee Frozen Pizza CTC WITH (1314 OZ IfiC lAUSAGI PKG Oz With CHEESI a oik 1 turwu Mr Sl Jail 1 Tataca nwt 5 Km 10 ttfotiW AU AAV Sum I tK nMMAItr AM tlelAKa AraAHim Ita AMa rial Sun IN 1 Tobins FIRST PRIZE Cold Cuts on the best that money can buy The slices are now made bread-size to make tasty sandwiches Ail FIRST PRIZE Cold Cuts art made from pure wholesome meats and seasoned with Imported spices under strict Government Inspection Buy the best Dont take chances 'a- xao ae EXTRA PLAID fl put your trust in products from tha foL'ts who care HRSWRIZiT ITO- vvs -1 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF $500 OR MORE COUPON GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY JULY 10 1965 Um Mupoe par family Nat goorf far fob produeW nd Kami prohibited by law (A) i is ya: xsx' s3k' 3' Betty Crocker layer co*ke Mixes r'HRSWI7F 17 A -G'AV 6 ITAVERI LOAF 60L0GNA Bomosecn Mr AM PM YK 469-Mil Mrs Helen Persmtte Mr and Mrs Donald McC-arten and children of Ayer Mass Miss Pamela Dole of Wilamantic Conn and Mr and Mrs Charles Spear of Hudson Falls NY were guests of Mrs Lora Preston over the weekend Mr and Mrs Ernest Hall were weekend guests of his mother Mrs Caroline Fish and his Sister Mrs Eleanor Fish It took two hours for an unbroken Line of cars to come from the fireworks exhibition it the lake to reach the iatarsoo Loo at tee Comers 4c Off 2 LB I CZ PKG I 'a HiEi wWa tjji 1 492? 95 PACKING COw INC ALBANY DIVISION ALBANY 1.

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Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.