Magnesium Body Butter Recipe For Relaxation and Sleep (2024)

Magnesium Body Butter Recipe For Relaxation and Sleep (1)

So this thing is happening, and it aches and fills me with joy and makes me wish for a pause button at the same time. One minute I’m standing in a grocery store aisle nodding my head to a “those were the days” comment – while mentally calculatinghow much longer I can shop before a toddlerpocalypse, of course – and the next I’m standing behind my daughter as she zooms in to take this photo . . .

Magnesium Body Butter Recipe For Relaxation and Sleep (2)

. . . for a project she’s working on. And my boys? I’m savoring snuggles with them while trying not to sustainLego-induced foot trauma. (This is real life after all.)

So yeah, they’re growing up, and with that comes some not so fun territory. I’ve written about natural remedies for growing pains before, but today I wanted to share something that we’ve recently found helpful in addition to those suggestions. It’s a magnesium oil rub with essential oils that support muscle relaxation.

Magnesium – both in supplement form and topically applied – transformed my sleep years ago when I discovered it eliminated my restless leg symptoms. It’s also been very helpful when my littles have achy legs at night.

While there is no agreed upon cause of growing pains, one common theory is that it’s often due to the inability of ligaments and muscles to keep up with rapid bone growth.

As children are growing fairly rapidly, their muscles, tendons, and ligaments are growing as well,” says Jason Homme, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Those body parts “may not be growing at the same pace, which can cause protesting a little bit.” (source)

My children’s pediatrician shares this view, and suggested magnesium as one of the things that may be helpful.

Magnesium Body Butter Ingredients

Magnesium Body Butter Recipe For Relaxation and Sleep (3)

This recipe makes a wonderful bedtime rub for achy or restless legs, and it’s incredibly easy to make. Below is a breakdown of what I used (and why).

First, though, if you’d rather not make your own, I recently discovered this magnesium lotion made with good quality ingredients like organic shea butter, argan seed oil, prickly pear seed oil and high potency transdermal magnesium.

Now, back to the ingredients . . .


There’s a reason magnesium is often called the magic mineral. As I mentioned in this post on science-backed tips for deeper, more restful sleep, itfuels about 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Some of those reactions help to relax achy muscles, mitigate the effects of stress,and calmthe mind by supportingthe production of theneurotransmitter GABA.

Magnesium deficiency is very common, and unfortunately not all oral magnesium supplements are well-absorbed via the digestive tract.(source 1,source 2) There are some that are, which I’ve covered in this post on magnesium supplements, but another way to improve levels is through dermal (skin) absorption.

One way is through epsom salt or magnesium chloride baths. Another option is magnesium oil– which is not actually an oil buta mixture of magnesium chloride and water that feels oily to the touch. Magnesium oil is well-absorbed and dries without any greasiness. If you do as much laundry as I do, I’m guessing the last thing you want to deal with are oily sheets after the application of an essential oil rub diluted in a carrier oil. (Magnesium oil makes a great deodorant too, but that’s another post.)

A quick note on absorption: Because Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and a little calcium are essential for magnesium absorption, you’ll want to make sure your little one is gettingadequate amounts of those as well. According to Kristen Michaelis’ book, Beautiful Babies, magnesium levels show more improvement when Vitamin Dis obtained through sun exposure rather than oral supplements.

Essential Oils

Several essential oils are helpful for relaxation, and Plant Therapy (one of the essential oil companies I purchase from) even makes a Growing Pains blend. I’ve already shared with you a list of essential oils that are considered safe for children and general dilution guidelines, however for this recipe Clinical Aromatherapist Lea Harris recommends a higher than normal dilution ratio.

Lea, who isthe founder of Using Essential Oils Safely and the Using Essential Oils Safely community on Facebook, suggests a 2% dilution for under 5 (or at least 1%) and then 3-5% for the over age 6 crowd.

In terms of specific essential oils, here are the ones I think are bestfor this recipe:

One more thing before we get to the recipe. While growing pains are a normal (though hopefully occasional) part of childhood,there are other possible causes of leg discomfort.According to the Mayo Clinic, you should consult “your child’s doctor if you’re concerned about your child’s leg pain or the pain is:

  • Persistent
  • Still present in the morning
  • Severe enough to interfere with your child’s normal activities
  • Located in the joints
  • Associated with an injury
  • Accompanied by other signs or symptoms, such as swelling, redness, tenderness, fever, limping, rash, loss of appetite, weakness or fatigue” (source)

Coconut Oil and Beeswax

For some people, magnesium oil can cause an itchy or uncomfortable sensation when applied in undiluted form. For that reason, I’ve blended it with coconut oil and beeswax to ensure that it doesn’t irritate sensitive skin.

Magnesium Body Butter Recipe For Relaxation and Sleep (4)

How To Make Magnesium Body Butter

For this recipe, you will need an immersion blender and a pint-sized (16 ounce) mason jar.


To Make

Place magnesium oil, coconut oil and beeswax pearls in a pan and melt over low heat. Pour mixture into a mason jar and allow to separate (this should take about 30-45 seconds). Place your immersion blender at the very bottom of the jar, then slowly pull it up after about 30 seconds. Starting at the bottom helps to create an emulsion, which is a way of suspending oil in water so that they mix together. If you’re new to this process and want to see it – it’s the exact same technique demonstrated in my video about making lotion.

Once you’ve blended the body butter, add the essential oils and blend again. Set your timer for 7 minutes and blend one more time before transferring the body butter to a small jar for storage.

To Use

Massage a small amount into skin. I aim for daily application, although it doesn’t always happen due to busy schedules, etc.

Shelf Life

In general when you mix water and oil, you reduce the shelf life of a personal care product. However, in this case the water is mixed with a very high concentration of magnesium, which has natural antimicrobial properties. (source) One well-known example of this is the Dead Sea. (source) I personally try to use mine within 3-4 months, which is pretty easy to do with a batch this size.


Storein a cool, dark cabinet to prevent premature oxidation of the essential oils.

FREE Ebook: DIY Body Care Gifts Made Simple

Do you want to give gorgeous, handcrafted gifts for family and friends, without spending a bunch of time on them?

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Magnesium Body Butter Recipe For Relaxation and Sleep (2024)


Magnesium Body Butter Recipe For Relaxation and Sleep? ›

According to the experts, yes, magnesium will help you sleep. The mineral is responsible for 300 different body processes, one of which is to help activate mechanisms that will quiet and calm your nervous system.

How do you make magnesium butter for sleep? ›

How to make magnesium body butter?
  1. use a double boiler to melt 1/2 cup cocoa butter.
  2. add 1/2 cup of coconut oil and melt.
  3. add 1/4 cup magnesium oil (click here to find where to buy my favorite magnesium oil)
  4. cool for 30-60 minutes in refrigerator (until it is cooled completely and solid all the way through)

Does magnesium butter really help you sleep? ›

According to the experts, yes, magnesium will help you sleep. The mineral is responsible for 300 different body processes, one of which is to help activate mechanisms that will quiet and calm your nervous system.

How to apply magnesium body butter? ›

Apply 5ml around the body and massage well into the skin to stimulate absorption. After a shower or bath is a great time to apply as the skin is warm and the pores are open which aids absorption. Apply anywhere on the body avoiding delicate areas such as the eyes.

How do you make magnesium spray for sleep? ›

1) Boil distilled water. 2) Place magnesium flakes in a glass bowl, and pour over boiling distilled water. Stir until dissolved. 3) Cool completely before adding to spray bottle.

What is the best magnesium mix for sleep? ›

Magnesium L-threonate

This magnesium is often combined with the amino acid L-theanine to enhance the quality of sleep. This combination of magnesium and amino acids can reduce stress associated with poor sleep.

What is the best magnesium formulation for sleep? ›

Generally, magnesium glycinate is recognized as the best form of magnesium to help with sleep because it's easy for the body to absorb.

Where to rub magnesium lotion for sleep? ›

Be aware of magnesium cream products focused on sleep which may additionally contain melatonin as an ingredient. If you are not familiar with melatonin, do not use these. Apply a desired amount of the cream to the chest, neck, or abdomen 30 minutes before sleep for best results.

How long does magnesium take to kick in for sleep? ›

For anyone struggling with sleep wanting to give the supplement a try, its best to take it about 30 minutes before bed. It's also worth noting that there are many forms of magnesium, and some are thought to contribute to a restful night's sleep more than others.

What is better for sleep melatonin or magnesium? ›

Melatonin supplements are a common solution for people who may struggle with insomnia. Taking magnesium supplements may help melatonin work more effectively. Experts recommend consulting a healthcare professional before adding either melatonin or magnesium into your supplement routine.

Can you get too much magnesium from magnesium lotion? ›

No. You do not need to worry about overdosing when using transdermal magnesium as upper limits are only set when using the product orally. Large doses of oral magnesium can have a laxative effect due to it being a natural relaxant, however this is avoided when using magnesium applied to the skin.

Can I rub magnesium on my legs? ›

Magnesium oil can be rubbed onto the skin or sprayed if added to a spray bottle. Research on topical magnesium is very limited. It's unclear whether topical magnesium oil has the same benefits as taking oral magnesium supplements.

Can you rub magnesium on your skin? ›

But magnesium isn't only ingested—magnesium oil can be applied topically whether it's rubbed onto the skin or sprayed. To make magnesium oil, magnesium chloride flakes are combined with water. This creates an oily liquid. However, research is limited on magnesium oil and its effectiveness.

How much magnesium do I need to fall asleep? ›

If opting for a magnesium supplement, she advises following the instructions on the product label and taking it about 30 minutes before going to sleep. Dr. Johnson suggests a dosage of 100 milligrams to 350 milligrams, beginning with a smaller dose to gauge its effects.

Can you overdo magnesium spray? ›

However, as with anything, please use caution. The main side effect with too much magnesium is loose and watery stools. If you experience anything like this, or any discomfort or irritation, please discontinue use until you consult a medical professional.

Where do you spray magnesium for anxiety? ›

Spray Magnesium Oil onto your tummy and rub it in to help reduce feelings of anxiety and hot flushes. Use several times a day as needed.

Where do you rub magnesium for sleep? ›

Insomnia / Sleep

Rub onto the tops of your feet (soles of the feet are too tough to absorb quickly), heels and backs of legs before bed. We also recommend trying our bath flakes for improved sleep – take a relaxing soak in a warm magnesium bath just before bedtime.

Where do you put magnesium cream for sleep? ›

Be aware of magnesium cream products focused on sleep which may additionally contain melatonin as an ingredient. If you are not familiar with melatonin, do not use these. Apply a desired amount of the cream to the chest, neck, or abdomen 30 minutes before sleep for best results.


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