Kitsune - Sukunasslu*t666 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter 1: The Beninging


I forgot to do this due to issues with my family, but I want people to know.

I get inspiration from other people's stories. I try my best not to make my story 100% like theirs, but sometimes some moments overlap with theirs.

I'll give them credit and I know it's over late, but I had forgotten to do this. Again, I don't like confrontations.




Chapter Text

Edited: 6/13/2024

???: "Congratulations, the baby is a girl!"

Huh, weird...why the f*ck can't I open my eyes? Where am I? What happened? All I remember is being in my room listening to the opening of Jujutsu Kaisen.

???: "'s a girl. I wanted a boy!"

???: "Raito, my dear. It doesn't matter, we'll love her no matter what...right?"

I felt like I was being moved around. I felt my body being placed in water and being washed all over, this caused me to cry out in disarray. Who the hell is washing me as if I were a baby!? Wait...why the f*ck do I SOUND like a baby!? With all the strength I could muster, I opened my eyes and saw a man in a nurse's uniform smiling down at me. What in the world? He washed me and wrapped me in a blanket. He then carefully walked over to a bed, where a pretty young woman was lying, with some dude sitting by her side.

Nurse: "Your baby girl is so adorable!"

The nurse passed me over to the arms of the woman who supposedly gave birth to me. She looked down at me and I giggled as her long blonde hair tickled my face. This caused the woman to sigh as she passed me over to her, who I guess is her husband. The man sighed as he rocked me in his arms. He looked at his wife annoyed.

???: "Dear, can you at least try to be happy?"

The woman snapped her head at the man holding me, glaring at him. I wonder what's up her ass.

Raito: "I wanted a BOY!" that's the reason, she doesn't like me. I'm not a boy. I thought I had escaped this type of life when I...wait how did I end up here again? All I remember is being in a room that looked more like a room made for a room and a...oh...I guess I couldn't take it anymore.

------------Time skip------------

It's been six months since I was born...again I guess. Soon my mother was able to be released from the hospital, I'm not exactly annoyed at being reborn but it did annoy me that the universe decided to give me a mother who didn't like me because I was born a female. As days passed by it seemed like a normal day...until today. For you see, my parents live in a temple, don't ask me why they do. I was sitting in the little spot I had to play in as my father cooked in the kitchen, looking tired as always. Ever since we got back from the hospital six months ago, my mother hasn't helped my father take care of me. He's been working himself thin and it was starting to get on my nerves. My eyes caught sight of a cute cat outside. It was so pretty that I decided I needed it. I carefully crawled over to the open door, and outside into the garden. I crawled over to the adorable kitty, only for it to run away from me. This irritated me and I crawled over to it. It kept doing this until I ended up near the edge of the forest surrounding the temple. The cat perched on a branch and I reached out to touch it...only for someone to lift me from the ground.

I yelped as I turned my head to look to see who had grabbed me. Expecting it to be my worried father or annoyed mother, but instead, I came to face with someone I least expected.Volcanic red eyes stared into my blue eyes as the person holding me scoffed. They had spiky pink hair and a black undercut. His hair was pushed back which showed off the black markings on his face. I glanced at the arm holding me to see the two black bands wrapped around his wrist and the sharp black claws. Holy sh* this Ryomen Sukuna!?

???: "God, pesky curses."

I looked up at him to see him glaring into the forest, his eyes almost...glowing.

???: "Didn't I tell you to not eat children?"

I heard the leaves rustle and snapped my head toward the forest to see a cat-like curse slowly come out of the shadows. Are you kidding me!? The cat was a trap!? Wait...I was about to get eaten by a curse and Sukuna...saved me?

Curse: "But we're starving!"

???: "Then eat the brat's parents! The mother is useless anyway!"

I looked at the man dumbfounded. Why is he protecting me? He's a curse! The king of curses!"

Curse: "What got soft, Noroi?"

I looked at the curse confused. Noroi...who's that? Suddenly I felt a sudden chill go up my spine as I felt this wave of blood lust that came out of nowhere. I glanced at the man to see him glaring at the curse with glowing volcanic red eyes.

???: "What did you say to me?"

Curse: "AH! I'm sorry, Noroi! I didn't-"

Noroi: "My brother might not be around now, but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect me like that, or did you forget I have the power to kill you?"

The curse trembled in fear as it shook his head. I looked at the man holding me astonished and confused. Is he talking about Jin Itadori? No that can't be, he ate him in the womb.

Noroi: "Now scram you damn pest."

The curse ran back into the woods leaving me alone with the man. He sighed as he looked down at me. I noticed how his expression softened. Okay...this can NOT be Sukuna.

Noroi: "This is why I hate humans. Always treat their pups like trash when they don't end up how they wanted them to, right Yako?"

I looked at him baffled as he hummed and nodded his head. He then gently cradled me in his arms before turning around and walking back to the temple. This is how I met Noroi, he won't tell me his last name or who Yako is.

Chapter 2: The Fateful Meeting


Tenshi meets a boy with pinky-spiky hair.

Chapter Text

Edited: 6/13/2024

Now that I figured out where I had been reborn, I made plans for the future to survive.

1. Don't be dumb or play the hero.

This is an important rule because I will not get myself involved in the plot of Jujutsu Kaisen. All because of what...I want to see my favorite characters before they meet their untimely demise. Hell nah! The plot already got f*cked up just by me being born into it! Noroi shouldn't exist, he isn't in the anime or the manga, so I have no idea what happened!

2. Pretend not to see the cursed spirits.

I knew this was going to be hard since they are hideous and terrifying, but Noroi can't leave the temple, so I won't have him to protect me in case a curse tries to kill me, and I don't know if I have a cursed technique...hell, I don't think I have cursed energy!

This brings me to rule number 3!

3. Learning about my energy in moderation.

I need to start training to use cursed energy and a cursed technique to protect myself against curses.

For some people, if they were Isekaied into Jujutsu Kaisen, their first idea would be, to try and become OP, trying to make a haram. but that would give away my position too quickly and I don't need a haram. My goal is to keep myself and my father safe from cursed spirits...but also keep Noroi safe from the sorcerers. He hasn't done anything bad to warrant this my knowledge. It's not like I can ask him about his past, he doesn't understand baby babble yet, and it's not like I WILL try to ask him because he's going to be suspicious as to why I wanted to know about his past. And I can't tell him "Oh, I come from a world where this world is an anime and you were never in the plot. So I wanted to know about your past, to see what changed." he wouldn't believe me and think I was lying! But before I start training, I need to know what era I was in. I glanced up to see my father making dinner and my mother lounging on the mat sipping her tea. I scowled at that, not liking how my mother was working my father to the bone, but I chose to ignore it for now. I glanced around the space of toys that my mother forced me into. She didn't want me in her space...which was the whole living room. Noroi glanced at me and I looked up at him. He might not be able to understand me with words, but I know other ways of communicating! I pointed at the newspaper by the window sill and then at myself. Noroi's eyes widened as he stared at me astonished.

Noroi: "Is it just me, Yako...or is this baby trying to tell me she wants to read the newspaper."

He paused as he frowned, looking irritated.

Noroi: "No, Yako, human babies shouldn't be reading at six MONTHS old."

He sighed as he got up, walked over to the window sill, and to my surprise... picked it up. I glanced at my parents to see them not seeing the floating newspaper. Noroi walked back to me and placed the newspaper in front of me. I let out a babble as a thank you before looking back at the newspaper. April 20th, 2003. I sighed in relief that none of the plot had occurred yet. Okay, so this means I have about three or four years to master cursed energy before I need to lay low. That should be long enough, especially if I get Noroi to help me.

------------Time skip------------

I looked at myself in the mirror as I smiled. My blonde hair was cut shoulder length with a cute red bow on the top. I was wearing a pretty white kimono with a black belt, just like Noroi wears...well Sukuna wears it too, but I'm matching with Noroi!! It's been three years since I started training with him. At first, he was confused about why a baby wanted to train cursed energy, but this Yako person who speaks to him inside his head convinced him to train me! And sure at the moment I don't have any cursed energy, I think because I was only three, but time will tell. However, it makes it easier to lay low for now.

Kishi: "Are you excited, sweetheart? I'm going to take you to a lovely park that has an amazing place to have a small picnic."

I glanced over at my father from the doorway. I don't know why my father took the day off to take me to a park when he needed to work to pay the bills for this place since my mother refuses to work and wants to take care of the temple instead of taking care of her child. She still hasn't lifted a hand when it comes to my care, that fell on my father and Noroi but no one knows that.

Tenshi: "Why are we going again?"

Kishi: "So you can make friends your age, honey. Don't think I haven't noticed you talking to air."

I cringed at that as Noroi laughed. He was leaning his back against the wall in the hall. I glanced at him with a glare.

Kishi: "See, there you go again. Glaring at nothing."

I sighed and nodded my head. Once I was done getting ready, my father and I left the house.

------------Time skip------------

Soon we got to the park and it looked rundown but still useable.

Kishi: "Alright, well um...I'm going to find us a good spot for lunch. You stay here, I'll be back."

I nodded as he gave me a large cloth that held our bentos. He walked off, leaving me standing at the entrance of the park. Suddenly I heard someone walk up to me and I turned to see a young boy with pink spiky hair, he was wearing a tiger costume. Wait...holy sh*t! That Yuji Itadori! What the hell is he doing here?! Yuji walked up to me with a frown on his face. He was huffing and puffing. Damn, he looks out of breath...that's a surprise because of his inhuman strength.

Tenshi: "Are you okay?"

Yuji jumped as he looked at me shocked.

Yuji: "Oh um...yeah."

Tenshi: "You don't look fine."

He nervously chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

Yuji: " parents were taking me to this shrine, but I saw this butterfly and chased after it. Next thing I knew...I ended up here."

I looked at him shocked and confused. He chased a that's the Yuji I know. Suddenly I heard a growl and glanced at Yuji's stomach as he blushed in embarrassment.

Tenshi: "You hungry?"

Yuji: "I guess. I didn't have breakfast this morning. I was too excited about going to the park to care."

I carefully moved the bentos to one hand as I grabbed Yuji's wrist. He looked at me confused as I pulled him over to the play house. I made him sit on the steps before sitting down next to him. I placed the bentos in my lap before unwrapping the cloth around it. I opened one of the bentos to reveal rice balls. I grabbed one and handed it over to Yuji. He looked at me shocked.

Yuji: "No, I can't possibly-"

His stomach growled again and it caused me to laugh.

Tenshi: "Just take it, pinky."

He looked at me shocked before taking the rice ball. I grabbed one for myself and started eating in peace.

------------Narrator's POV------------

What Tenshi didn't notice, was Yuji glancing at her as he munched on the rice ball, a small blush on his face. Tenshi Yami No is going to regret ever being nice to Yuji Itadori.

Chapter 3: The Realization


Tenshi figures out there is something deeply wrong with Itadori Yuji.

Chapter Text

Edited: 6/13/2024

I was standing in front of a mirror, looking at myself. My hair had grown down to my butt and I wanted to cut it, but Yuji likes my hair this long, so my mother doesn't let me cut my hair. I had the same cute red ribbon tied in my hair, but I don't find it cute anymore. Yuji had once ripped the ribbon out of my hair. He had this dark look in his eyes when he did it but then his mood did a full 180 and he started sobbing as he apologized. My mother felt sorry for him as she pampered him, telling him he did nothing wrong. I was wearing one of Yuji's hoodies, because...I have no idea, but he likes it when I wear his clothes, so my mother forces me to wear his clothes. I was staring at myself as Noroi stood behind me with his arms crossed. He had this frown as he normally did, but ever since I met Yuji, his frown deepened. There was something about Yuji, he didn't like. Maybe it's because they look like they could be related, who knows?

Yuji: "Angel~!"

I heard Noroi groan as Yuji came running to me in a cute tiger costume. I giggled finding it adorable.

Tenshi: "What is it, Yu-chan?"

Yuji pouted as he crossed his arms.

Yuji: "You didn't play with me today! And my grandpa said that one day you will get married and leave me!"

I gasped as I stared at him horrified. Why would his grandfather say tell him something like that!? I opened my mouth to say something when suddenly I was choking on this dark energy in the room. I placed my hands on my throat, as I looked at Yuji scared. He was staring at me with this dark look in his eyes, it kind of reminded me of Tsukasa from TBHK. That's how scary it was! Even Noroi felt it!

Yuji: "You will never leave me, right Angel?"

I looked at him shocked and a little scared. I shook the feeling off as I walked up to him. Noroi made a sound that mother lions call their cubs if they get too close to a predator, but I ignored him. Yuji is harmless...well not really, but he's a sweetheart, he wouldn't hurt somebody!

Tenshi: "I will always be there with you. Whenever you need me, call for me."

His mood did a 180 as he grinned. He suddenly grabbed my wrist, which caused me to wince at how tight he was holding it. I felt Noroi's blood lust pick up as he glared at Yuji.

Yuji: "Come on, we'll be late for school!"

I sighed and nodded, letting him pull me out of the bathroom. Noroi followed us as we got to the living room to find my mother sitting at the table sipping her tea, my father was already at work. It's been two years, can't she find a job already? My mother glanced over at us with a soft smile...she wasn't looking at me with that smile, no she was looking at Yuji. Ever since he came into our lives, she has treated him as if he were her child and not me. I'm not surprised by this in the slightest.

Raito: "Ah, where are you two off too?"

I looked at her annoyed as Yuji looked at her confused.

Yuji: "School Ms. Raito."

My mother laughed as she waved her hand as if Yuji said something funny.

Raito: "Come on, Yuji. We've known each other for two years. You can call me Mom."

I looked at my mother disgusted while Yuji grinned, he nodded his head.

Yuji: "Okay, Mom!"

This caused my mother to smile, seeming delighted that Yuji called her Mom. She then glanced over at me and her smile fell.

Raito: "Don't you have somewhere to be, brat?"

Yuji's smile slipped into a frown as he glanced at me. I rolled my eyes as I let go of Yuji's hand, walking over to the door, not bothering to talk back to my mother. Yuji ran after me as I heard Noroi hiss at my mother.

Yuji: "Um, Angel...what was that?"

I glanced at him confused. What is he talking about?

Tenshi: "What are you talking about?"

Yuji: "With your mother. Why did you brat?"

I saw the rage in his eyes and it warmed my heart that he cared.

Tenshi: "My mother wanted a boy and seeing as I'm a can guess how much she loves me."

He looked at me horrified.

Tenshi: "But I don't care, I have my father, and now I have you and your grandpa!"

I smiled at him and suddenly I was engulfed in a hug. I glanced up to see Yuji grinning as he hugged me tight...okay, I feel my bones cracking!

Tenshi: "Yu-chan, can't...breathe."

Yuji: "Oh, sorry."

He let go of me and grabbed my hand. We walked down the steps of the temple with Noroi following after us to make sure we made it down the steps safely. Once we stepped off the last step, that was as far as Noroi could go. Yuji and I walked to school, talking about normal things kids our age talk about.

------------Time skip------------

I was in the library as I loved to read books. Mostly books about Japanese lore, history, mythical creatures, and of course...manga! I was in the middle of reading when a boy from my class walked up to me.

Rin: "Ah, Tenshi."

I glanced up at the boy, he had dark blue hair and electric blue eyes. He kind of reminds me of Rin Okurauma from Blue Exorcist. He sits next to me in class and we're...friends I guess. We only talk in school.

Tenshi: "Hello, Rin. What brought you here today? Your brother making you study?"

He laughed at my joke. While he might not get the joke he still laughs.

Rin: "Jokes on you, Remy didn't make me come here!"

Tenshi: "Ah, you came to the library of your own will. That's the first."

Rin: "Ha ha, very funny. I am doing a project on seals and needed to research them."

I nodded as I looked back at the book I was reading. It was a book about kitsune and one name caught my eye...Yako. The same name that Noroi says out loud as if he was talking to someone who wasn't there. I wonder if he's speaking to a kitsune.

Rin: "Why do you always read these boring books?"

He took the book from my hands and I reached up to take it back.

Tenshi: "Idiot, I was reading that!"

Rin: "Oh come on, this book is boring!"

Tenshi: "Give it back you-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence as something flew past me, hitting Rin, and causing him to cry out in pain. I watched as he was thrown across the library and the book flew. I slowly turned my head to look down at Rin shocked and scared. There next to him...was a chair. Wait...did someone throw a f*cken chair at him!?

Yuji: "Angel!"

I glanced over to see Yuji running over to me, with a dark look in his eyes. He got over to me and slammed his hands on my shoulders, causing me to wince.

Yuji: "Did he hurt you!?"

H-Huh? I looked at Yuji confused. What is he talking about? I heard people shouting and I glanced behind me to see everyone crowded around Rin. Wait...I glanced back over at Yuji feeling fear course through my body.

Tenshi: "Y-Yuji...were you the one who threw that chair?"

The next thing that came out of Yuji's mouth, shattered my whole impression of the pink-haired boy, without hesation and remorse.

Yuji: "Yeah, he deserved it for talking to you."

I felt my heart shatter as I stared at Yuji horrified. What the f*ck happened to the sweet innocent boy I knew from the anime!? Where did he go!? Where did this imposter take him!?

Chapter 4: Terrible Parenting


Tenshi's mother's terrible parenting.

Chapter Text

Edited: 6/13/2024

I was sitting at a tree that provided shade, lying against it. The breeze was cool and refreshing, a welcome relief from the warmth of the sun. As I close my eyes to bask in the sensation of the wind, someone ruins it.

Yuji: "Angel~!"

I groaned as I sat up, not wanting to deal with Yuji. I know, most fans of Jujutsu Kaisen would DIE to meet Yuji Itadori, but now that I have met him and seen what he was capable of doing to someone else...he scares me. Even more so, that he keeps hurting people for getting too close to me. Hell, he almost attacked my FATHER for placing his hand on my shoulder! This kid is insane, but my mother CRAVES his attention. She must see him as the son she never had, so she spoils him at my expense!

Yuji: "Angel~! Are you hungry?"

I glanced over at Yuji to see him holding a bento box. I eyed it suspiciously not trusting this boy to not drug me. I opened my mouth to say no, but my body had other ideas. My stomach let out a long grumble and now I'm in a mental state on whether or not I should eat whatever Yuji made. Hey, maybe he didn't make it, perhaps it will be fine.Yuji chuckled as he plopped down next to me...VERY close to me. So much so, that our thighs were touching, I scooted a little bit away from him and he frowned.

Yuji: "Why did you move away from me, Angel!?"

Tenshi: "Personal space, Yuji."

Yuji: "What!? You don't get personal space, Mama said so!"

I cringed for two reasons. He shouldn't be calling my mother, mama, it's weird, especially since she's just using him for her fantasy of having a son. Two, for the fact he just said that I'm not ALLOWED to have personal space! Like, what the hell is that!?

Tenshi: "Yuji, I don't listen to what my mother says. Also, I'm allowed to have personal space, my papa said so."

His frown deepened and before I knew it...I felt my right cheek burning in pain. I gawked at Yuji as he had his left hand raised. Did he just...f*cken SLAP me!?

Tenshi: "D-Did you just..."

I trailed off as Yuji's eyes widened as he realized what he had just done. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him as he sobbed.


I groaned as I covered my ears from his shouting. He let go of me before shoving his bento box into my hands.

Yuji: "Here! Take this as, apology gift!"

I looked at him appalled and upset that he thought food was going to make me forgive him for slapping me in the face.

Tenshi: "Food isn't going to make me forgive you!"

I pushed the food back into his hands and stood up. He looked at me horrified and worried as I took off.

Yuji: "Angel wait! I said I was sorry!"

I ignored him as I ran back to the temple. I need to tell Papa what happened!

------------Time skip------------

I got back to the temple panting, out of breath. I threw open the doors to find Noroi lounging on the window sill in his fox form while my father was cooking dinner and my mother, once again, was lounging in her normal spot, sipping her tea. My parents looked at me and while my father looked concerned, my mother looked annoyed.

Raito: "Don't swing open the door like that, brat. It's unladylike."

I ignored her as I ran over to my father. I clung to his pants sobbing into his legs. He bent to my height.

Kishi: "Sweetheart what's wrong?"

I looked up at him and I saw his eyes widened in disbelief. He placed his hand on my left cheek and I cringed in pain.

Kishi: "Sweetheart...who did that?"

I sensed Noroi walk over to us and I could feel his bloodlust rise, he must have seen the red mark on my cheek as well.

Tenshi: "I-I was sitting at the cherry blossom tree near the park when Yuji showed up with a bento box."

At the mention of Yuji's name, my mother glanced at us. I ignored her as I kept telling my father what happened.

Tenshi: "He sat way too close to me and when I mentioned he was in my personal space, he told me that Mother told him I didn't have personal space!"

My father gasped as he sent a glare at my mother. I heard her scoff.

Tenshi: "T-Then when I told him that I DID have personal space...he SLAPPED me!"

I felt my father's and Noroi's blood lust rise as I heard my mother slam her cup on the table.

Raito: "You lair!"

I jumped as I looked at my mother surprised.

Tenshi: "W-What?"

Raito: "Yuji would NEVER do such a thing!"

My father looked at her annoyed at Noroi looked like he wanted to murder her.

Kishi: "Oh, like how he didn't throw a f*cken chair at someone last week!?"

Raito: "He already explained! He saw the boy picking on the brat! What, you want your precious daughter to be bullied!?"

Tenshi: "But Rin wasn't picking on me!"

Raito: "That sweet boy wouldn't dare lie to me!"

Kishi: "Can you hear yourself, woman!? That is the same boy who threw a f*cken CHAIR at another child, sending him to the hospital! You also told him that our daughter doesn't have personal space! What is wrong with you!?"

I tensed up at all the fighting that was happening. Noroi stepped closer to me as my mother slammed her hand on the table.

Raito: "Yuji is a sweet boy! He wouldn't do something like that! The brat probably slapped herself and is lying because she hates that I'm happy!"

I looked at her appalled and hurt that know what, I'm not surprised actually. My old mother from my old life was the same way. The only was my brother she favored, Yuji isn't this bitch's kid and she's letting him get away with everything.

Kishhi: "Raito, what the actual f*ck is wrong with you!?"

I felt someone place their hands on my shoulder and I glanced up at Noroi. He looked at my mother with a sneer as he started to push me towards my room. I let him do so and I heard my mother shout.

Raito: "Oh, there so goes! She's leaving because I called her out on her LIE!"

Kishi: "No, she's walking away because her mother just showed that she cares more about a boy who isn't her son than her child!"

I blocked out their screams as we got to my room. I closed and locked my room, ran over to my bed, and jumped onto it. I clung to the covers as I stuffed my face in them.

Noroi: "I swear, humans never change, right Yako?"

I turned my head to look at Noroi.

Tenshi: "You speak to this Yako person, but I never see them."

Noroi: "Because they are in here."

He pointed at his head and I just sighed. Of course, this Yako would be in his head. I got out of bed, and changed into some PJs, before slipping back into bed. Noroi walked over to the door and flipped off the lights.

Noroi: "Night, kid."

Tenshi: "Night, Noroi."

He hummed as he opened my door and stepped out. I closed my eyes slowly falling asleep.

------------Time skip------------

I shuffled under my blankets, there was this heavy feeling on me that made me groan and I slowly opened my eyes, blinking at the light that shone through the curtain, indicating that it was already morning. I suddenly felt something crawl on me and this snapped me wide awake. I lifted the covers to see what it was that was annoying. I felt my whole body freeze as I stared at honey-brown eyes staring back up at me as innocently as ever. As if he wasn't in my room, in my bed, lying on my chest, as if it was normal.

Yuji: "Good morning Angel~!"

I felt my movements come back to me as I threw Yuji off and onto the floor. He let out a yelp as his body hit the floor. I jumped on my bed, standing on it as I glared at the pink-haired boy. What the f*ck was he doing in my bed while I was sleeping!?


Yuji groaned as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head. Suddenly I heard footsteps run towards my room and before I knew it, my door flew open and my father ran into the room holding a baseball bat. My mother followed after him.

Kishi: "Where is he!? Where is the pervert!"

I pointed down at Yuji as the boy looked up at me shocked and betrayed. My parents looked down at Yuji and my mother let out a gasp before she flung herself at the pervert. She placed her hands on his face, checking him for any wounds.

Raito: "Oh my, Yuji, are you alright!?"

I sneered at my mother as suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder. I glanced over to see Noroi in fox form, draped across my shoulder. I looked back down at my mother checking on Yuji. He nervously laughed as he lightly pushed her away from him.

Yuji: "I'm fine, mom! I think I just started Angel!"

My mother let out another gasp before she whipped her head at me and glared at me. Noroi let out a low growl as he sneered at my mother.

Raito: "You attacked him, you brat!?"

Tenshi: "He was in my bed!"

Yuji placed his hands up, I think trying to defuse the situation, but my father joined into the fight, glaring at my mother.

Kishi: "Why was he in her bed, Raito!?"

Raito: "He wanted to hang out! That doesn't deserve him getting rudely attacked!"

Tenshi: "If he wanted to hang out, he should have woken me up, not get into my bed and lay on top of me while I was asleep!"

My father looked at me startled before he glared at my mother. She glared at me as she stood up.

Raito: "You know what! You're grounded!"

I looked at her irritated, but not surprised. My father, on the other hand, looked as if my mother told him she wanted a divorce.

Kishi: "You're grounding her because she had a natural reaction to finding a boy in her bed!?"

Raito: "No, I'm grounding her because she hurt Yuji! He didn't deserve that!"

Yuji stood up from the ground, nodding his head. mother is corputting him!

Raito: "So, for your have to go grocery shopping with Yuji!"

My eyes widened as I stared at my mother shocked and upset that she was going to force me to go out ALONE with the dangerous boy, especially after he crept into my f*cken bed! Noroi let out a low growl as he glared at my mother.

Noroi: "Can I kill her?"

Tenshi: "No."

I made sure to whisper that, but I guess my mother still heard me because she gasped as she looked at me aghast and pissed me.

Raito: "NO!? You don't talk back to me young lady!"

I sneered at her as I got off my bed. I stared up at my mother, standing up against her.

Tenshi: "I said no. I am not going to be alone with the boy who slapped me in the face!"

Yuji gasped as he looked at me shocked and hurt as my mother glared at me. She opened her mouth to say something, most likely to call me a liar.

Yuji: "I said I was sorry already! Can't you forgive me already!?"

My parents looked at Yuji shocked as Noroi growled at him. My mother looked like a deer caught in headlights while my father looked at my mother annoyed.

Kishi: "And you called your daughter a liar."

Raito: "Well I..."

She trailed off before she huffed and crossed her arms.

Raito: "Well, she should forgive Yuji! He probably didn't know what he was doing!"

My father and I looked at her appalled as Noroi let out a hissed laugh as he looked at my mother annoyed.

Noroi: "Don't know what he was doing, my ass! Yako, can you forget about your thing about killing kids for one moment and let me kill this kid!?"

I ignored Noroi's babbles as I slammed my foot into the ground. Everyone looked at me confused while my mother looked at me irritated.

Tenshi: "I will NOT forgive him! He slapped me in the face for stating I have boundaries! He also threw a f*cken chair at another kid!"

Yuji's eyes widened as he looked at me stunned and upset.

Yuji: "He was picking on you!"

Tenshi: "No he wasn't, Yuji! You also said it was because he was TALKING to me!"

Raito: "If Yuji doesn't want you talking to other boys, you shouldn't! That happened because of you!"

My eyes widened as I looked at my mother appalled and upset. My father dropped the bat he was holding as he looked at my mother upset.

Kishi: "Raito, what the f*ck!?

Raito: "I'm done talking about this! Get going brat!"

She slammed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to wince. I felt Noroi's fur brush against the back of my neck, his fur puffed out as he hissed at my mother. I shook my mother's hand off my shoulder causing her to scoff. I ignored her as I left my room with Yuji chasing after me. We left the house and headed towards the steps of the temple.

Tenshi: "You know that is not how normal people say good morning, Yuji!"

He whined as he grabbed my arm, digging his nails into my skin. I winced in pain as Noroi's fur brushed against the back of my neck as he growled at Yuji.

Yuji: "I thought I told you, Angel! Call me Yu-chan like you used to do!"

I wrinced in pain as I nodded my head, not wanting to upset him further than he already was. This calmed him down as he detached his nails from my arm. He then started to pull me down the steps of the temple and I felt Noroi jump off my neck, perching himself on one of the statues at the end of the steps. I felt scared not having Noroi to protect me. It used to be from curses, but it's from Yuji himself. I feel unsafe around the boy.

------------Time skip------------

Tenshi: "I said no! My father gave me a limited budget. He only wants us to grab the things we NEED. I would have to use MY money for the rest."

I shouted at the pink-haired boy.

Yuji: "But Mom said I could get whatever I wanted! Plus a wife should provide for her husband!"

My eyes widened as I stared at him shocked that he would say that in public. Now people were starting to stare!

Tenshi: "WIFE!? I'm not your wife, Yuji!"

He frowned as he got this dark look in his eyes as he grabbed my wrist and dug his nails into my skin. I wrinced in pain as I started to tremble in fear.

Yuji: "Yes you are! You are my wife, Angel! You have to, Mom said so!"

I looked at him shocked and terrified. I have never seen Yuji act like this before. Is this because of my presence in the anime...or is it because my mother encouraged this behavior?

Tenshi: "Yuji, we're too young to decide that, plus why would I marry somebody that hurts me!?"

His eyes widened as he looked at me shocked. Then he glanced at my wrist to see his nails digging into my skin. I looked down at my wrist to see a bit of blood. He...HE BROKE SKIN!?

Yuji: "Well if you weren't acting like a brat I wouldn't have to hurt you! Mother said it was okay for me to hurt you if you misbehave!"

Okay, that's f*cked up! I pulled my wrist out of his grasp, gasping from the pain of his nails ripping a little bit of skin. I sighed as I took what he was holding and slammed it into the cart, to appease him. His mood did a 180 as he grinned, happy that I was letting him have his stupid snack. He wrapped his arms around my arm, rubbing his face into my arm. I internally groaned as I looked at the list my father gave me. Mochi...mochi...why is he getting mochi? No one in the house eats that stuff.

Yuji: "Oh mochi? That sounds good! I saw some the other day with Mother and wanted to try some!"

I frowned as I figured out who added this to the list. Damn, that woman always spoiling this boy! We walked over to the confectionary side and searched for the damn snack, so we can be done with this and can head back to the temple. Once we found it, I reached for the snack...just as someone else reached for it. I glanced up to see a familiar pair of black glasses with crystal blue peaking from behind and familiar white hair. Holy sh*'s Satoru Gojo! We stared at each other not saying a single word as our hands were on the mochi. I felt Yuji's grip on my arm tighten and glanced at him to see him glaring HARD at Gojo. Ah...I better do something quick before Yuji tries to attack Gojo. Sure he won't be able to hurt the man-child, but I don't want the idiot to cause a scene.

Tenshi: "Um...are you not going to let go?"

Gojo: "Why should I?"

I heard Yuji growl under his breath and I knew, his anger was rising. I glanced at him worriedly before looking back at Gojo.

Tenshi: "We were here first, till you put your greasy hands on our mochi."

I watched as his eyes widened at my blatant rudeness. I don't WANT to be rude to him, he's my fourth favorite character of Jujutsu Kaisen, but I NEED to get him away before Yuji goes feral dog on him.

Gojo: "Now that was rude, missy. Aren't you supposed to respect your elders?"

Tenshi: "Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't know you were old. I got confused by the young face and white hair."

He gapped at me as he looked offended.

Gojo: "It's my natural hair color!"

His hand gripped the plastic container, holding the mochi tighter as if I were going to rip it away from him.

Tenshi: "Damn, you pulled the short stick when it comes to genetics, didn't you?"

I saw how his brow twitched as I tried to pull the mochi out of his hand. I could feel Yuji's anger rise as he glared at the Special Grade sorcerer. This isn't good.

Gojo: "You're the one to talk! Look at these cheeks, they could be mistaken for mochi!"

With his other free hand, he pinched my cheek teasing me. I squealed from the small pinch of pain and slapped his hand away. I think that was the tipping point for Yuji, because the next thing I knew, he had ripped me away from Gojo, taking the mochi with me, due to his inhuman strength. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he glared at Gojo.

Yuji: "Don't touch her you pervert!"

I looked at Yuji shocked and so did Gojo. He stood there frozen in shock as Yuji ran away from him, pulling me along. I glanced back at Gojo, to see people running over to him. I could see the worry in his eyes. I feel bad for getting him in trouble so I mouth a "sorry" to him before Yuji pulled me out of the store...with the mochi still in my hands.

Chapter 5: Runaway


Tenshi runs away, taking Noroi with her.

Chapter Text

Edited: 6/13/2024

I didn't know how long we were running for, but we didn't stop. My legs began to get tired and I sighed in relief when I saw the temple a few meters away. Yuji slowed to a stop, letting go of my arm. I grabbed onto my knees as I tried to catch my breath.

Yuji: "Damn, you are out of shape, maybe you should cut those second derivings at dinner."

I snapped my head to look at Yuji shocked and upset that he was calling me fat. When he was the one who liked that girl who was on the heavy side. He didn't CARE About that, but here he is body-shaming me! What the f*ck did my mother do to the sweet, kind, Yuji that I knew! Where did he go!? His eyes widened as he held up his hands. He nervously chuckled as he sweated.

Yuji: "I'm not saying it to be rude, Angel! I'm just looking out for my wife! Mother says a wife should always keep up a good image!"

I huffed as I looked at him annoyed. He should stop listening to what that woman says. She doesn't even look after herself!

Tenshi: "You should speak for yourself! I saw you down a whole packet of Oreos!"

Yuji: "Well that's because I'm the husband! I don't need to keep up my figure like a wife does!"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I ignored him. I walked the rest of the way to the house before I realized something...I never got to pay for the groceries! I started walking up the steps and the moment I stepped onto the property, Noroi appeared out of nowhere, hopping on my shoulder and lying across it like a cat. Well...he is a fox, so they're almost the same.

Noroi: "We have a guest."

I glanced at Noroi confused. A guest at the temple? Weird, people normally don't come to the temple. I wonder who it was. Yuji followed me as we walked up the steps and got up to the temple. We stopped outside of the door as we heard voices from inside. Ah, that must be the guest. I slid open the door and my father greeted us.

Kishi: "Oh, you're back! We have a guest and...why do you have a shopping basket?"

Yuji opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. He probably was going to tell him about Gojo and claim the poor man was some pervert who was harassing us.

Tenshi: "We saw that one lady that tried to seduce you last week and we ran."

My father looked at me shocked and hummed as he nodded his head. Yuji looked at me upset but because Noroi is with me now, I feel safe enough to ignore him.

Kishi: "Oh, well come in and greet the guest. I'll take the groceries."

I nodded my head as I handed my father the basket. We walked into the living room to find my mother sitting on the other side of the table, not in her normal spot, I glanced over to her normal spot, sitting in my mother's normal spot were some random mother and her daughter. My mother glanced at us with a warm smile, but I knew she wasn't looking at me with that smile.

Raito: "Ah! Here he is! My son, the one I was telling you about."

The lady looked at us with a soft and friendly smile as she introduced herself.

Lady: "Hi there!"

Her daughter glanced at us nervously before looking back at my mother confused.

Girl: "I thought you had a daughter?"

My mother frowned as the girl's mother looked at her confused. I sighed.

Tenshi: "I'm my mother's unwanted child."

They looked at me shocked as my mother glared at me. Yuji looked at me horrified as he dug his nails into my arm again, causing me to wince in pain.

Yuji: "That's not true Angel!"

Raito: "Yes, that's not true at all! She's not my child, she's my son's friend!"

I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. My father walked into the room, looking confused.

Kishi: "What are we talking about?"

Noroi: "Just that your wife is a bitch."

I internally snickered as I kept a stoic expression, not wanting everyone to think I was crazy.

Lady: "I thought you said you had a daughter?"

My father looked at her perplexed before glancing over at my mother with a look of annoyance.

Kishi: "I do."

My mother scoffed as she crossed her arms.

Noroi: "You know we never Yuji's grandfather. I wonder how he would feel if he found out this bitch was trying to steal his grandson."

Noroi is right. We never met Yuji's grandfather yet, it's not like he's in the hospital right now. Because if he was, my mother would let Yuji live with us. I wonder why Yuji hasn't introduced us to his grandfather.

Kishi: "I'm assuming my wife here, told you that girl over there is just a friend?"

The lady nodded her head, which caused my father to scoff.

Kishi: "No, Yuji is our daughter's friend."

My mother scoffed as she looked at my father irritated. The lady and her daughter looked stunned by this.

Raito: "I don't remember giving birth to her, Kishi!"

Kishi: "I have the photos that say otherwise! You never liked her from the day she was born!"

My parents started to fight in front of us and the family looked horrified.

Lady: " about the kids go play?"

My father stopped shouting at my mother with a sigh.

Kishi: "That sounds like a great idea. Sweetheart, how about you show Mizu your room."

I looked at him unsure, as Yuji looked at my father horrified and upset. He clung to my arm for dear life. Mizu looked nervous but I nodded my head. I pulled Yuji out of the living room and the girl followed us. Yuji was grumbling something under his breath as we made it to my room, which wasn't much since my mother doesn't allow me to decorate it. I glanced over at Mizu to see her standing there, not making a move to talk to us or even acknowledge us. I thought about something to say to her as Noroi jumped off my shoulders and perched himself on my nightstand.

Noroi: "Damn this kid is boring."

I thought of something to talk about with Mizu.

Tenshi: "Hey, I recognized your shirt. It's from Firy Tail, right!?"

She looked up at me surprised to me knowing that anime.

Mizu: "Y-You know it?"

I grinned and nodded my head. Yuji stood beside us as he frowned and grumbled something under his breath.

Tenshi: "Of course, it's my favorite anime!"

Yuji looked at me shocked and upset.

Yuji: "What!? But you never watched it with me!"

I ignored him as I engaged in more small talk with Mizu. His eyes widened as he looked at me shocked and upset. I showed Mizu my bookcase to present my collection of amines that my father bought me.

Tenshi: "Here is my lovely collection! The first row is my favorite amines, second row is amines that I found boring but can be redeemed. The final row is the amines that can never be redeemed."

Mizu stepped closer to me, to get a closer look at my movies. I felt a wave of blood lust behind me and glanced behind me to see Yuji glaring at us.

Mizu: "Hey, why is SAO in the third row? It should be in the first!"

I looked away from Yuji to look at Junpei with a blank expression.

Tenshi: "Just because I said I watched it, doesn't mean I liked it."

She looked at me shocked before she laughed and nodded her head. This caused me to giggle and I heard Yuji growl. I ignored him as we started talking about animes we liked and would recommend and I could feel Yuji's anger rise the more we ignored him. It wasn't like we were doing it purposely, he just sat on my bed, with his arms crossed, pouting.

Mizu: "And that is why the character Mist from Fairy Tail is the LEAST useful character!"

She pumped her fist into the air with an adorable grin. I clapped my hands causing her to look at me amazed.

Tenshi: "That was so impressive! You're so cool, Kami!"

Her face brightened as I called her cool, while Yuji gasped as he looked at me upset.

Mizu: "C-Cool!"

I giggled and nodded my head. Noroi lay on my nightstand watching us with this uninterested look.

Mizu: " can call me Mizu!"

She looked everywhere but me and this caused me to grin. This is the most normal interaction I've had with a kid my age, in a long while. I haven't been able to talk to kids my age, because Yuji would scare them away.

Tenshi: "Alright! You can call me by my first name too! It's Tenshi!"

I placed my hand on her head, ruffling her hair. Suddenly Yuji shouted in anger and jumped off the bed. We looked at him confused.

Yuji: "That's it! I had enough!"

We looked at him baffled as he ran out of the room. We glanced at each other.

Mizu: "What was that about?"

I shrugged my shoulders but I heard Noroi scoff.

Noroi: "You know full well, that brat is going to tell your mother you two ignored him."

I internally groaned, because I knew Noroi was right. He's going to go and tell on me to my mother, claiming I was ignoring him, which would piss my mother off.

Raito: "Brat, get out here now!"

And speak of the devil! Mizu jumped as she looked scared.

Mizu: "Um...she sounds upset."

Tenshi: "Yeah, because Yuji probably told her we were ignoring him."

She looked at me horrified and worried.

Tenshi: "It's okay! My father won't let her do anything!"

Raito: "BRAT! Did you not hear me!?"

I groaned as I swung open my door.

Tenshi: "We should get out there before she comes to get me."

She looked at me horrified and worried as she nodded her head. Noroi jumped off the nightstand and landed on my shoulders. We left my room and headed to the living room, to see my mother standing in the middle of the room, looking at me upset with her arms crossed. Mizu's mother looked disappointed.

Raito: "Why the hell were you two ignoring Yuji!?"

Mizu looked at her shocked and scared, but I glared at her.

Tenshi: "We weren't ignoring him."

Raito: "Don't lie to me, brat! Yuji said you two talked the whole time never letting him get a word in!"

I crossed my arms as Mizu started to tremble in fear.

Tenshi: "Well how were we supposed to know he wanted to say something? He was sitting on my bed, pouting the whole time."

Mizu's mother looked at me shocked while my mother glared at me.

Raito: "Well, you should have asked him if he wanted to speak!"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, not wanting to deal with my mother's bullsh*t. She huffed at this before looking at Mizu's mother with a tight smile.

Raito: "I'm sorry about her, she has behavioral issues."

Lady: "Um it's okay. It's um...getting late. Mizu and I should be heading home now."

Mizu seemed to deflat at that, as she walked over to his mother. She grabbed her hand and they soon left. My mother glared at me, pissed off.

Yuji: "Um, I need to head home as well. My grandpa must be worried about me."

My mother's mood did a 180, as she looked at Yuji with a soft smile.

Raito: "Of course, Yuji! See you tomorrow!"

Yuji grinned and nodded his head. He ran over to me, wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I frowned as I felt Noroi's fur brush against the back of my neck as he hissed at Yuji. Then to my horror...the brat f*cken KISSED me! I gasped as I pushed him away from me, causing him to fall on his ass.

Raito: "Yuji!"

She knelt, making sure he was okay. I wiped my lips as I looked at Yuji disgusted. Noroi started hissing at Yuji. My mother whipped her head around to glare at me.

Raito: "What is wrong with you, brat!?"

Tenshi: "ME!? He just kissed me without asking for consent!"

Raito: "I don't care! You don't push my son like that!"

Tenshi: "He's not your son you deranged woman!"

She gasped as she looked at me appalled and raged. The next thing I knew...I felt the side of my face burning. My eyes were wide as I reached up to lightly touch the left side of my face. Noroi was now full-on growling as I looked at my mo...egg donor shocked. She was glaring at me as Yuji looked at her outrage.

Raito: "You have something wrong with you, I swear!"

Tenshi: "Says, the lady that just smacked her daughter in the face because she didn't let a boy kiss her without her consent!"

Raito: "That's it! Go to your room! Your father can deal with you once he gets home!"

Tenshi: "I would rather not live here anymore with a mother like you!"

Raito: "Good, then f*cken leave! I never wanted you in the first place!"

I knew that should have hurt, but I'm not surprised in the slightest. It's the same thing my mother said to me in my old life, which caused me to take my life. I spun around and stormed to my room. Once inside I slammed the door shut and Noroi jumped onto my bed. I grabbed a bag from my closet and started packing it. Noroi looked at me perplexed.

Noroi: "You plan on running away?"

Tenshi: "Yes, Noroi. I can't stay here any longer."

Noroi: " do you even plan on protecting yourself from curses? You can't use cursed energy."

I stopped what I was doing as I realized that he was right. I can't use cursed energy, so I have no way of protecting myself from the cursed spirits. Once I leave this temple...I'm dead meat.

Tenshi: "Is there any way I can free you from this temple?"

Noroi: "Well...maybe? I mean, my brother did trap Yako and me to an object. It's hidden somewhere in this temple."

I looked at him dumbfounded. So there had been a way for him to leave this whole time!? I groaned as I left my room. I snuck around the house, trying to find anything suspicious-looking. Maybe something covered in... talisman. I stopped just outside a door that was covered in talismans. How did I not see this before?

Tenshi: "Do you think this is it, Noroi?"

Noroi: "'s covered in talisman. So it has to be in, I guess."

I looked at him irritated, before grasping the door handles. I pulled at the door with all my strength and it took a while to get the door to open. Once inside the room, I looked around creeped out. The room was covered in talismans and in the middle of the room was a pedestal that had a small wooden box on it. The box was covered in talisman. I slowly walked over to it and picked it up. I took a deep breath before ripping the box open to reveal...a small key. I took the key out of the box holding it in front of my face.

Tenshi: "This must be it."

Noroi: "Okay...what do you plan on doing with it?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but I got cut off.

Kishi: "Tenshi! What are you doing in here!?"

I jumped as I spun around to see my father and mother standing by the door of the room. My mother looked scared and my father looked worried.

Tenshi: "What is this room? And what is this key?"

My father slowly walked over to me with his hands up. He looked nervous.

Kishi: "Sweetheart, please put that back in it's box."

I glanced at the key in my hand. This is what's keeping Noroi trapped in the temple. Maybe my parents know about it and want to keep him trapped. I looked back up at my father.

Tenshi: "Why? What is this thing?"

My mother nervously scoffed, trying to act all brave, when she looked like she was about to sh*t herself.

Raito: "It's the key that keeps the protector of this temple trapped. Now put it back you brat before you do something stupid."

I glared at her as my father sighed.

Kishi: "Your mother is right about the first part. This temple has a protector and that key-"

Tenshi: "Keeps him trapped."

They looked at me horrified and before I knew it, my mother was shouting at me.

Raito: "How did you know the gender!? We never told you about him!"

Kishi: "H-Have you been speaking to him?"

I looked at them with a blank face as I nodded my head. My mother let out a gasp.

Raito: "That's why you act the way you do! It's why you bully poor Yuji! The protector must have claimed you as his and is grooming you!"

I felt Noroi's blood lust rise as he growled at my mother. I looked at her pissed off. How DARE she accuse Noroi of something as disgusting as that!

Tenshi: "Or MAYBE it's because Yuji is a pervert!"

Raito: "He is NOT you brat! Now put the key back in its box before you do something stupid!"

I glanced at the key in my hand thinking about what I was going to do with it. I WAS thinking of putting it in my pocket, but I knew my parents wouldn't let me leave the room with it. So I glanced up at my mother, blankly staring at her for several minutes...before shoving the key into my mouth and swallowing it. They all gasped as they looked at me horrified.

Kishi: "TENSHI!"

Raito: "What did you just do you brat!?"

Tenshi: "Easy! Now Noroi is forever trapped to me! He can leave the temple with me! Isn't that right, Noroi!?"

I glanced over at him to see him staring at me dumbfounded. Before he started laughing as smoke covered his body. In a puff of smoke, he changed back to his human form, standing beside me with a smug expression.

Noroi: "That is true, kid."

My parents gasped as they looked at Noroi shocked and scared. My father opened his mouth to say something before I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and the next thing I knew...I was outside of the temple, flying through the air.

Tenshi: "WHAT THE f*ck!?"

Noroi: "Hold on tight, kid!"

I glanced up at Noroi scared before looking down. Wait...we're out of the property! It worked! Noroi is freed from the temple! Wait...oh, now he's trapped to me. We jumped through trees and roofs, before coming to a stop by a park. Noroi lowered me to the ground as he stood in front of me with his arms crossed.

Noroi: "Now...what do we do?"

Huh? Oh...I didn't think about that. I looked through my bag to see the money I had stolen from my parents.

Tenshi: "I have enough money to survive for about...three months. Then after that...we will have to steal."

He sighed and nodded his head. Our priority...was finding shelter.

------------Time skip------------

Noroi and I have been living in this old abandoned shrine for about two weeks. I am still wearing the same clothes I had on when I ran away from home. I was cooking some ramen on the portal stove I bought while Noroi was lounging against the wall with his arms crossed. He was resting when suddenly I heard something hitting the glass of a window. I walked up to it slowly, to find a black shadowy cat. Oh, it looks cute! I opened the window and let the cat inside. It jumped into the shrine looking around before snapping it red to Noroi. It pounced on his lap and meowed at him. Noroi slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the cat in his lap.

Noroi: "Ah, it's you."

He placed a hand on the cat's head, petting it. It purred happily as it nuzzled its head in Noroi's hand.

Tenshi: "You know this cat?"

He looked up at me, still petting the cat.

Noroi: "It's a curse from the temple. The thing got attached to me when my brother first trapped me."

I looked at him shocked. That cute thing is a curse!?

Tenshi: "So...what gender is it? Or do curses have genders?"

Noroi: "No, curses normally don't have genders."

Ah, that makes sense. Suddenly I heard dogs barking off in the distance and the cat let out a low growl. I thought nothing of it, as I went back to making my ramen when all of a sudden two dogs came barging into the shrine. The cat let out a loud yowl, as it jumped off Noroi's lap and onto the window sill. The two dogs chased after it, barking like crazy.

Tenshi: "Um...should we stop them?"

Noroi: "It's not like the dogs can kill the thing."

I sighed as I nodded my head. I glanced at the dogs, to see they were a white and a black dog. I noticed these marks on their foreheads. Wait...oh sh*t!

Tenshi: "Noroi! Those are shikigami!"

His eyes widened as he jumped up from his spot on the floor. With a swish of his hand, the dogs were sliced in half. I sighed in relief as the cat leaped out the window, running away. I sighed in relief, only to jump when a boy with spiky black hair ran into the shrine. We looked at each other shocked. He looks like a sea urchin.

Sea urchin: "Um...what are you doing in this shrine?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked at him irritated.

Tenshi: "I can ask you the same thing! This is my shrine! Go find your own!"

The boy raised a brow at me as he glanced down at my pot of ramen that was still cooking. He then glanced back at me.

Sea urchin: "Are you homeless?"

I gasped as I placed a hand on my chest.

Tenshi: "I am NOT! As I told you, this is my shrine!"

Sea urchin: "Uh-huh. Anyway, have you seen two dogs? A white and black one?"

I opened my mouth to say something when someone walked into the shrine. sh*'s Gojo! Why do I keep running into this f*ckboy!?

Gojo: "Megumi~! Did you find the curse?"

My eyes widened as I looked at the boy in front of me shocked. Ah, that explains the dogs...and why he looks like a sea urchin.

Gojo: "Oh...who's this?"

I glanced up only to jump back to find the f*ck boy in front of me, staring into my soul. Noroi let out a low growl as he glared at Gojo.

Megumi: "I don't know, Gojo. They were here when I arrived. They are claiming they live here."

Gojo glanced at him before looking back at me.

Gojo: "Say...what's your name?"

I stared at him dumbfounded. Does he not recognize me from the store? I mean it wasn't THAT long ago! But I can use this to my advantage! I placed my hands on my hips as I puffed out my chest, laughing. Gojo, Megumi, and Noroi looked at me confused.

Tenshi: "I am the infernal monarch of trickery! The behemoth of endless greed! My name is...Noroi!"

Noroi raised a brow at me, looking at me perplexed. I don't think Gojo and Megumi can see him, which confuses me. They looked at me baffled.

Gojo: "Noroi? Never heard of that name before."

I gasped as I looked at him offended.

Noroi: "What in the world is she doing?"

Tenshi: "I have you know, I was quite famous...1,000 years ago! You sorcerers might not know of me, because I'm not a cursed spirit!"

Gojo raised a brow as it looked like he was getting intrigued, while Megumi looked at me shocked.

Megumi: "Wait...did you do something to my dogs!?"

I stared at him as I nodded my head. Noroi still looked perplexed.

Tenshi: "They were chasing this adorable cat! Trying to kill it!"

Megumi: "It was a curse!"

Tenshi: "So what! I don't care! You sorcerers always think a curse is bad! What the f*ck would a CAT do!?"

Megumi opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself. Ha!

Gojo: "Hmm..if you're not a curse, what are you?"

Tenshi: "I'm a kitsune!"

They looked at me shocked as Noroi walked over to me. He bent to whisper in my ear as if they could hear him.

Noroi: "What are you doing?"

I ignored him as I puffed out my chest.

Tenshi: "You heard me right! I'm a kitsune! A fox spirit!"

Megumi: "I-I thought those went existed!"

Gojo: "They did. How can we believe you?"

I looked at him annoyed before glancing over at Noroi. He sighed as he slowly lifted his arm, pointing his hand to a pile of trash. I got the message and copied his movement. The next thing I knew he snapped his fingers and the trash combusted in blue flames. Megumi gasped as he looked at the garbage horrified. Gojo looked intrigued.

Gojo: "Well, I be damned. You weren't lying."

I grinned as I nodded my head.

Tenshi: "Amazing, right! I'm powerful and-"

The next thing I knew, I felt someone flick my forehead and everything went black.

Chapter 6: Deal


Tenshi makes a deal with the sorcerers.

Chapter Text

I groan as I slowly woke up. I looked up and around the room I was in. The room was filled with talisman and it looked creepy as f*ck! Wait...I recognize this room!

Gojo: "Are good you're awake~!"

I snapped my head over at the white-haired man sitting in front of me. He was sitting in a chair with it facing back, his long ass legs spread apart. I faked a confused expression, acting as if I didn't know him.

Tenshi: "Aren't you-"

Gojo: "Gojo Satoru. I'm in charge of the first years of Jujutsu Tech. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me."

Tenshi: "Well, I don't leave the shrine every day, and people don't visit a lot."

I tried to get out of the chair, but I couldn't. I glanced down to see that my arms were tied behind my back, to the floor.

Tenshi: "What is this?"

Gojo: "Don't worry about that. It's been decided that you will be secretly executed~!"

I looked at him irritated as he sang the last part.

Gojo: "Hey, don't look at me like that! I did my best! The execution is still going on, but I got your sentence suspended!"

Tenshi: "I wasn't looking at you annoyed because of that. It's because you SUNG the last part as if this was some...JOKE!"

Gojo: " kind of is."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I knew this was going to happen if I pretended to be Noroi, so I was not surprised or even scared. Knowing how both Yuta and Yuji were saved by Gojo from being executed so quickly, I trusted him to do the same with me.

Tenshi: "Also, what do you mean suspended?"

Gojo: "Well, you see, some of the elders wanted to keep you locked up and use you as a puppet, while the others wanted to kill you out of fear of your power and what you could do. But that would be a waste, wouldn't you say?"

Tenshi: "Waste?"

Gojo: "Well, you see, it's as the sea urchin boy and I said at the shrine. Kistunes have been extinct for a long time, they were all killed off by Sukuna, only leaving one alive, but we never knew their name...well no, we knew nothing about them. Sukuna kept the kistune trapped in his temple, keeping them to himself."

I stared at Gojo shocked by this. So wait...Noroi said his BROTHER trapped him and Yako in the temple...but if Sukuna killed off all the other kitsunes, leaving one alive wouldn't that make it that Noroi was the only kitsune? But then who the f*ck is Yako!? Maybe they got the story wrong?

Gojo: "So here is what I proposed to them. Since they couldn't decide what to do with you, and you are the last living Kistune, that MIGHT be the one that Sukuna trapped...I offered to adopt you and teach you to become a Jujutsu sorcerer!"

I stared at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Gojo: "Most agreed because again, they wanted you as a puppet, while the others didn't like the idea, but with a little of...threatening on my part, I managed to convince them! So now you have two options before you. Die here and now, or become a Jujustu sorcerer."

I opened my mouth to say something, but there was a puff of smoke around me. I glanced at my neck to see Noroi lying on my shoulders, sneering at Gojo.

Noroi: "A damn sorcerer, god, that was the LAST thing I wanted. But seeing as you have no choice, kid...If I were you, I would pick the second option."

I sighed and nodded my head. I looked back at Gojo, who was grinning.

Tenshi: "Fine, I'll do it."

He cheered as he clapped his hands.

Gojo: "Good! Now, we should get you new clothes. Those look filthy!"

He untied me from the ropes and helped me out of the room. Noroi looked around the hall and snuggled closer, almost protecting me. We got outside and I covered my eyes, protecting them from the sunlight. Once my eyes adjusted I opened them to realize it was morning now. How long was I in there?!

Gojo: "This way, Noroi."

I looked over at Gojo to see him walking off. I raced to catch up with him and walk beside him. We get to this black car and Gojo hops right in. I get into the passenger seat or the back?

Gojo: "Why are you just standing there? Get in?"

Tenshi: " I allowed in the front?"

Gojo: "Eh? Allowed? Oh, right, yes you wouldn't know what a car is."

I know what a car is! He gets out of the car, walks to the passenger side, and opens the door for me. Okay, so I'm allowed in the front. I was about to buckle myself, but Gojo did that for me, I guess because he believes I don't know a thing about cars.

Tenshi: "Hey, do you think your students will love me?"

He chuckled as he placed his hands on the steering wheel. Right, stupid question.

Gojo: "I'm sure they will love you! I mean, everyone loves me!"

I stared at him blankly, knowing the truth. No, no they don't love you.

Gojo: "Alright, hope you're ready to go!"

He started the car and pulled it into the road. Then to my horror, he slammed his foot on the brake and my back slammed into the seat behind me. I heard Noroi scream as he dug his nails into the seat.

Noroi: "What the f*ck!? Is this supposed to happen!?"

No! He sucks at driving! I glanced out the window and I could barely see anything. I was only able to catch glimpses of blurry movements.

Gojo: "Isn't this fun, Noroi!?"

Noroi: "No, no this is not! Yako don't laugh at my misery!"

I forced a smile on my face, not wanting to upset Gojo since he looked like he was having fun, on top of the fact he's my third favorite character, bumping Yuji out of his place.

Tenshi: "Y-Yeah, this is fun!"

He grinned as he sped through the streets, surprisingly never running over some random civilian. He let out a snort and I looked at him confused. Before I knew it, we made it to Tokyo in less than an hour. Once we reached the city, Gojo's driving slowed to a socially acceptable speed limit. This allowed me to stare out the window and marvel at the city before me. I've never been to the city before, even in my old life. My father was always working and my mother never took me on trips to the city she would take with my brother. So I was always stuck in our hometown. I glanced back at Noroi to see him marveling at the city. Ah, right, I'm not the only one seeing a city for the first time. Noroi has been trapped in that temple for years, never getting to witness the world around him change. I am going to have to act like Noroi if I want to keep this lie up.

Tenshi: "Amazing, it's all so big!"

Gojo: "That's what she said!"

I looked at him, about to laugh at his joke, but when I looked at Noroi, he looked at him baffled.

Noroi: "Who said what? What is he talking about?"

Oh, right, I shouldn't know about a joke like that! I faked a baffled expression as I looked at Gojo.

Tenshi: "Who said what? What are you talking about?"

He sighed as he looked saddened that I couldn't get his joke.

Noroi: "What? Why did she...ah, you're right, Yako! She would have to act as if she's a 1,000-year-old fox trapped in a dirty old shrine, or these sorcerers will figure out she lied and send her back home!"

I internally groaned, because I knew Noroi was right. If the sorcerers figure out that I lied, they will send me back home to that stupid temple. I don't know what my parents or even Yuji are doing. My father and Yuji are probably out looking for me, but knowing my egg donor, she's sitting in her spot in the living room, sipping her tea, satisfied that she finally got rid of me. I glanced out the window and spotted a bakery.

Tenshi: "Oh, Gojo-san...what is that building with the tasty-looking sweets!?"

I pointed at it and his head snapped in the direction I was pointing. The next thing I knew, he abruptly swerved the car to the side, causing me to cling to my fear, hearing Noroi slam against the door. Gojo parked the car and looked at me with a grin.

Gojo: "Say, Noroi? Have you ever eaten at a bakery before?"

Noroi: "I have no idea what a bakery is, but I have eaten sweets that people leave as offerings at the temple."

Tenshi: "I have no idea what this bakery is, but people used to leave sweets at the shrine."

Gojo grinned, seeming delighted to hear that I had eaten sweets before.

Gojo: "Then how about we stop by the bakery? My treat."

Not wanting to pass up free food, I grinned and nodded my head. I tried to jump out of the car, forgetting I still had the seatbelt on. Gojo chuckled at this.

Gojo: "Here, let me."

I looked at him confused as he leaned over to click the button to set me free. I heard Noroi let out a low growl as he glared at Gojo.

Gojo: "Now let's go! I want some mochi!"

Yeah, I know you love mochi. You tried to fight two kids for it. we got out of the car and Noroi jumped on my shoulders. We headed into the cafe and got a table. Before I knew it, our table ended up stacked with sweets. People were staring at scratch that, they were staring at Gojo since this skinny-ass man was eating most of the sweets. I'm surprised he's not fat! Noroi ate some as well and before I knew it, most of the sweets were gone, and Gojo patted his stomach as he sighed in bliss.

Gojo: "That was a fulfilling lunch."

I glanced over at Noroi to see he had crumbs on his fur and looked quite content, which isn't an expression I normally see on his face. I giggled as I nodded my head.

Gojo: "Oh, there is one thing I should mention before we enroll you in the school."

Enroll me into the school? But I'm only five, shouldn't I wait ten more years?

Tenshi: "What is it?"

He grinned as he slid a pen and paper to my side of the table.

Gojo: "School uniforms are highly customizable. So have at it, Nori-chan~!"

I let out a squeal and Gojo chuckled at that. I took the pen and started sketching my uniform. Noroi and Gojo would give their input, but this is MY uniform, so I am going to make it the way that I like it!

Gojo: "Oh, Nori-chan, you should make the belt brown instead of black, the school uniform's going to be dark already."

I nodded my head, remembering the awful outfit that Gojo had on when I first met him at the store. Once I had drawn my uniform I handed it to Gojo so he could send it to the school. After that, we left the bakery. We got into the car and Gojo helped me buckle before starting the car.

Tenshi: "So...are we finally going to school now?"

Gojo: "You're far too young to enroll in Jujutsu Tech, so you will have to enroll in my adopted son's middle school. I'm sure he's going to love you! You are just a year younger than he is!"

I grinned and nodded my head. I know Megumi might not like me, after all, he thinks I did defeat his dogs to save a small little cat curse.

------------Time skip------------

We pulled up to this mansion and my eyes widened in amazement. Gojo chuckled as he helped unbuckle me from the seat. I jumped out of the car with Noroi perching himself on my shoulders. We got inside the mansion and I looked around amazed.

Tenshi: " rich are you!?"

Gojo chuckled as we walked over to the kitchen. He sets the takeout bag of snacks on the counter before spinning around and gently clapping his hands.

Gojo: "Look, it's going to be a while until your new adopted brother gets back from school. So how about I make us something to eat?"

I grinned and nodded my head, which appeared to make him happy. He skipped over to the stove and started making something. I walked out of the kitchen and into what seemed to be a living room. Noroi glanced around the room baffled.

Noroi: "So...this is what modern-day houses look like?"

Tenshi: "Yeah, architecture has changed over the years."

I made sure to whisper so Gojo didn't hear me. I don't need him questioning me on who I was talking to. I glanced around the living room and I noticed that there weren't many photos of Gojo's family, but I'm not surprised by that. There were a few photos of Gojo with other people. Like him with Nanami, he didn't look happy with Gojo taking the picture with him, not surprised in the slightest.Then there was another photo of Gojo, standing between two people. Shoko and Geto. Then there were a few more photos of Gojo with Megumi and Megumi's sister. Suddenly a bowl was placed in front of me and I looked up to see Gojo with a huge grin.

Gojo: "Here, I didn't have much, so I made you some Mac & Cheese!"

I gasped and I started to dig into the food. Hey, don't judge me, I have been eating nothing but ramen for the past week!

Gojo: " long have you eaten?"

I stopped eating as I looked up at Gojo confused. I took the spoon out of my mouth, so I could speak.

Tenshi: "As I said, it's rare for someone to visit the shrine and give me offerings. Before you and that sea urchin boy showed up, some teens offered me a packet of noodles!"

He sighed and sat at the table across from me. I went back to eating and saw from the corner of my eye, that Gojo placed his elbows on the table as he watched me eat. I looked at him perplexed. This is awkward...what do we talk about!?

Noroi: "Why is this human wearing a blindfold if he can see?"

Ah, right! I swallowed the food as I pointed the spoon at Gojo's face.

Tenshi: "Why are you wearing that if you can see?"

His lips formed into an "O" as he lifted his hand to point at the blindfold wrapped around his head.

Gojo: "You mean this?"

I hummed and nodded my head, as I shoved more food into my mouth.

Gojo: "It's a limit to the power that I have. My senses are extremely sensitive."

He grabbed a napkin and reached across the table to clean my face.

Gojo: "It's okay if you don't understand it now, you're still little so none of this makes sense to you."

I frowned as I looked at him annoyed.

Tenshi: "I understand. Your power is too high so it makes your other senses high and sensitive. Kinda like Superman when he first got his powers!"

Noroi looked at me bewildered. Of course, he wouldn't know who Superman was. I finished my food and yawned.

Tenshi: "Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night."

Noroi laughed and I wanted to look at him irritated. He's the reason I didn't get much sleep last night! He had me f*cken training to use cursed energy until the crack ass of dawn!

Gojo: "Go ahead and sleep then."

I sighed and nodded my head. I lowered my body on the couch and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

------------Noroi's POV------------

The kid fell asleep as if she wasn't in the house of a Jujtsu sorcerer. Damn, I need to work with her on her social awareness. Gojo stood up, walked over to this other small ass room, pulled a blanket out of it, and then walked back over to the couch, putting the blanket on the kid. The next thing I knew what happened, the door opened and another child walked inside.Gojo glanced at the child and stared at each other for several minutes.

"Are they having a staring contest?"

Noroi: "Looks like it Yako."

The child frowned as he whipped out this weird box thing, that the kid called a phone. She said humans use them to call people. What happened to using letters?

Sea Urchin: "I'm calling the cops."

I burst out laughing as the white-haired sorcerer starts to freak out.

Gojo: "Wait! Wait! This is a misunderstanding, I promise!"

Sea Urchin: "Then explain why you have a child here, that I don't know. Did you kidnap her?"

Gojo: "Hey! For your information, this is the kistune we met at that shrine! She's also my new adopted daughter and student! Which makes her your new adopted sister and classmate!"

The boy looked at him stunned but then frowned.

Sea Urchin: "One, you are not my father, so that doesn't make her my sister. Two, why did you take her in as a student?"

Gojo: "Because some of the higher-ups wanted to kill her, while the others wanted to lock her up and use her as a puppet! I thought that would be a waste, don't you think?"

The sea urchin put his phone away as he nodded his head. This caused the white-haired idiot to calm down.

Gojo: "Anyway, can you help me move her to the guest room?"

The sea urchin sighed before dropping his bag and walking to the white-haired idiot. He wrapped his arms under the kid's back and legs. He picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him in her sleep. The boy's eyes widened as he blushed.

Gojo: "Aw, why don't I ever get a hug from you!? Come on, hug daddy!"

He held out his arms and the boy scoffed as he sneered at him. He then backed away from the weirdo, keeping the kid secured in his arms so he didn't drop her.

"He better not drop our sister!"

Noroi: "When did we agree she was our sister?"

" daughter?"

I groaned out in annoyance, not wanting to argue with her.

Sea Urchin: "Don't touch me! I told you to stop calling yourself that! You're not my dad!"

Gojo gasped as he slammed his hand on his chest, grasping at his shirt, acting as if he was in pain. The sea urchin scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Gojo: "In the morning, we're starting your training!"

He clapped his hands before getting off the couch, causing the sea urchin to groan. They then proceed to walk up the stairs. I jumped off the couch, turning back to human form as I followed after them. We got to another room and the sea urchin walked over to the bed and placed the kid down...but she wouldn't let go of him. He groaned, trying to pry her arms off of him, but she had a strong grip on him. She grumbled something under her breath as she snugled her face into his neck, causing him to blush.

Gojo: "Seeing as she won't let you go, just sleep in the same bed."

I looked at him surprised as the boy looked at him embarrassed.

Gojo: "Oh, don't be weird about it, Gumi! Don't think of it as something dirty. You're both clothed and close to the same age."

The kid looked at him annoyed before crawling in the bed with the kid. Gojo smiled as he turned off the lights.

Gojo: "Good night, see you two in the morning!"

With that, he closed the door. I heard him walk down the hall and into what I assumed was his room. I glanced over at the bed before walking over to it. I looked down at the kid, she looked so peaceful.

"She also looks happy."

Noroi: "You're right Yako. I guess leaving the temple was a good thing for her."

"Yeah, but now she has people out for her head. What do we do?"

Noroi: "Easy idiot...protect her the best we can without exposing her lie. If she wants to play pretend, we'll help her."

Yako hummed and I walked over to the window sill. I sat on it as I looked out the window. This world has changed in the years and I can see it. I hope...this is going to be fun.

Chapter 7: Meeting a Sea Urchin


Tenshi wakes up to meet a sea Urchin.

Chapter Text

I yawn as I open my eyes, I don't know how long I was sleeping for until my vision cleared and I came face to face with a sleeping boy next to me. I got a flash of pink hair and freaked out, causing me to push the boy off of me. This caused the boy to fall off the bed with a groan. I panted as I clung to the bedsheet.

Noroi: "Wha! I'm up!"

I looked over at Noroi who had been sleeping on the window sill of the room. He looked back at me confused before looking down at the boy. I peeked my head down at the boy, to see he had black hair instead of pink. Oh, sh*t! I thought he was Yuji! Suddenly the door swung open and I looked to see Gojo standing there in his boxers, looking worried, but he paused as he stared at us, before he started laughing. The boy looked at him annoyed as he stood up.

Tenshi: "I'm sorry! I thought you were someone else!"

The boy glanced at me and I noticed how his glare had softened.

Noroi; "Let me thought he was that Itadori, brat."

I sighed, and he got the message.

Sea Urchin: "No you did nothing wrong. I too would have reacted the same if I woke up to a stranger in my bed."

I sighed in relief that he wasn't upset with me. I heard laughing and looked to see Gojo, who was now crouched on the ground laughing his ass off. The boy glared at him.

Sea Urchin: "Can you stop laughing now!?"

Gojo grabbed hold of the doorway, trying to calm himself down. Once he got his baring straight, he stood up and clapped his hands with a grin.

Gojo: "Nori-chan, this is Megumi, your new adopted brother and classmate! Megumi this is-"

Megumi: "You already told me her name yesterday, idiot."

Gojo pouted as I got off the bed. I walked over to Megumi, hoping he was not upset about his dogs. I stuck out my hand with a small smile.

Tenshi: "It's nice to meet you again, Megumi."

He looked at my hand for a moment before taking it and shaking it.

Megumi: "It's nice to meet you as well."

Tenshi: "I was worried you would have been upset about your dogs."

Megumi: "I'm not upset. You were protecting a curse, which you were right, the thing wasn't doing anything. I was walking those dogs and they caught sight of it."

Noroi: " even if they are shinigami, they still act like dogs."

Megumi: "So, Gojo-san, what are we doing today?"

Gojo grinned as he clapped his hands.

Gojo: "Today we will...go shopping! Nori-chan here needs new clothes seeing as the only ones she has, are the ones she is wearing."

I sweated a bit as I looked down at the clothes I was wearing. They were dirty from all the running martial arts training Noroi had me doing.

Tenshi: "Can't we do that after we train?"

Gojo: "Don't worry, we will! You and Megumi need to get to know each other, before going out and hunting curses!"

Noroi: "He makes a point, kid."

I sighed and nodded my head. So off we went.

------------Time skip------------

We got to the mall and I looked around nervously. I have never been to a mall before, in this life and my past life. It's not like I have social anxiety...yeah, I don't. I looked around nervously, as I felt Noroi's fur on the back of my neck.

Noroi: "Calm down, kid. Your safe with us."

Us, does he mean, Yako as well? How can someone in your head help me!?

Megumi: "You okay?"

I glanced over at Megumi to see him looking at me worried. I nervously chuckled.

Tenshi: "This is my first time in a place like this. Back in my time, the market wasn't so...crowded."

Megumi: "I guess you're right. Here."

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and I looked at him shocked, but he didn't look at me. We walked into a shop and the worker smiled at us.

Worker: "Hello there! Welcome to the kid's boutique! Are you here for these little angles?"

Megumi stared at her blankly as I looked around amazed.

Gojo: "Yeah, I'm going to be honest. I'm not sure what to get this one."

He pointed at me and the worker laughed.

Worker: "Oh, don't worry! I can help!"

We followed the worker around the store, looking at different outfits. I was in a different section than Megumi and Gojo. I found a plain white shirt and thought of a great idea. I showed the shirt to Noroi.

Tenshi: "Hey, do you think this shirt would look cute if we painted that black cat curse on it?"

Noroi glanced at the shirt in my hands and hummed.

Noroi: "I don't know how paint works now, but sure go ahead. The cat might apprentice that."

He went back to looking at the clothes and I sighed. I placed the shirt on my arm as I went back to looking.

Tenshi: "How would you feel if I matched the color of my clothes to you?"

He looked at me perplexed.

Noroi: "To me?"

Tenshi: "Yeah, you know. Pink for your hair. Volcanic red for your eyes. And black for your markings."

Noroi: "You do you, kid."

I sighed as I found clothes with colors that matched Noroi, in the end, I ended up getting a bunch of dresses shirts, pants, a pair of shoes, and some accessories. Once we were done, we got up to the cashier.

Worker: "Okay, that will be $200."

She said that with a smile as I gasped and faked a horrified and nervous expression.

Gojo: "Wow...that's cheap."

The worker looked at him dumbfounded as he pulled out a card to pay for everything. We left the store and passed by a pastry shop. I stopped walking to look through the glass of the shop to look at all the pastries. This caused Megumi to stop as well. Gojo walked over to us with a smile.

Gojo: "Do you want something from in there?"

I looked at him with a fake shocked expression.

Tenshi: "N-No! You already spent $200 on me, Gojo-san!"

Megumi: "That didn't put a dent in his bank account, Noroi. This man is rich."

Gojo chuckled as he nodded his head. He placed his hands on our backs and pushed us into the store. We bought some pastries and ate them while we shopped some more. Suddenly I started to hear some people speaking and glanced at a group of older women who were watching us.

Woman 1: "A, young love~!"

Woman 2: "I remember when Kevin and I were that age!"

Woman 3: "Won't those two look adorable married~!"

Woman 4: "Doesn't that little girl look like the girl on the missing person report?"

I tensed up at what the last woman said. I suddenly felt Gojo start to push Megumi and me faster, and I got worried that he might have overheard what the previous lady said.

Gojo: "Sorry, just needed to get you two away from those women. They were being weird."

I internally sighed in relief as he had not heard what the last woman said. I faked a bewildered expression.

Tenshi: "How?"

He patted my head with a smile.

Gojo: "I'll tell you when you're older. Kitsunes age?"

Noroi: "We age like humans do, but the more we grow, the more power we get. I stopped aging because Yako and I were trapped."

Tenshi: "We age as humans do, but I stopped aging due to being trapped."

Gojo: "Ah, that's good to know! So now that you're not trapped in that shrine, you're going to age?"

I nodded my head and he seemed happy about that. Wait...Noroi isn't trapped in the temple anymore, does this mean he's going to age as well?

------------Time skip------------

We were back at the mansion, Megumi was asleep in his room and I was in the guest room, which Gojo said he would turn to my room. I was lying on my bed, thinking about what Noroi said today. He stopped aging, due to his brother trapping him to the shrine, but now that he's not trapped, he's going to start aging. Is it going to be slow, or fast? Will I lose him before I can master the use of cursed energy? Would the sorcerers find out about my lie and send me back home? Suddenly I felt something land on my stomach and I glanced down to see Noroi in fox form, standing on my stomach.

Noroi: "You have been staring at the ceiling for the past hour. What is wrong with you?"

Tenshi: " said you stopped aging due to your brother trapping you in the temple."

Noroi; "That I did."

Tenshi: "But now that you aren't trapped anymore...are you going to start aging?"

Noroi: "Yes."

I tensed up knowing now my fear was true. He's going to start aging and I might lose him.

Noroi: "But you have trapped Yako and I to you, so we're going to age at the same rate you age."

I looked down at him dumbfounded. Wait...oh, right! Since I swallowed the key, I trapped Noroi to me! Is this why he hasn't left my side since we left the temple? Because he can't?

Tenshi: "Is this why you haven't left my side since we left the temple? Because you can't?"

Noroi: "Well, yes and no."

Huh!? What is that supposed to mean!?

Noroi; "Even if we weren't trapped to you, kid. Yako and I wouldn't have left you on your own. We were waiting until you were in a stable environment before we left. But you put yourself in harm's way, and so we can't leave you."

I looked at him shocked. I didn't know him and the voice in his head cared about me so much. It made me happy to know that he cares.

Noroi: "Anyway, what are you going to do about the missing report? Someone is going to figure it out."

Oh, sh*t! He's right! I need to do something about that!

Tenshi: "I can...always dye my hair."

He looked at me confused. Oh, right...he doesn't know what that is.

Noroi: "Why would you put fabric dye in your hair? Is that what you humans use it for now?"

Tenshi: "No, Noroi. We made more types of dye for all different things. Hair dye changes the color of one's hair."

Noroi: " it permant?"

I sighed and shook my head.

Noroi: "Well...oh, Yako has an idea."

Oh, cool, the voice inside his head, as an idea.

Tenshi: "Oh, cool, the voice inside your head has an idea."

Noroi: "Hey! For your information Yako is real!"

Yep, I believe that. Suddenly the next thing I knew...Noroi's eyes changed from volcanic red to electric gold. His pupils turned to slits as well. Wait...I sat up and I looked at him shocked.

Tenshi: "'re a vessel!?"

Yako: "I wouldn't call him a vessel. But yes. You see, girl, 1,000 years ago, a group of humans tried to seal me away in this POT! Can you believe that!? A f*cken POT!"

I sweated as I stared down at the fox. So all this time, he would speak out loud to the person in his head...he was speaking to someone.

Yako: "Anyway, Noroi jumped into the ritual and kicked the damn pot away, but he was an idiot and stood in the spot where the pot once was. The ritual was complete and next thing I knew-"

Tenshi: "You were trapped inside his body."

He sighed and nodded his head.

Yako: "Yes, but Noroi is a kind soul. He sacrificed his humanity to keep me safe from humans."

Damn...that's so sweet! It's a better relationship than Sukuna and Yuji!

Tenshi: "So do you plan on changing my hair color?"

Yako: "Oh easy. I'll use some of my powers to change your hair color into mine."

Tenshi: " offense, but I don't want my hair to"

Yako: "Oh no, don't worry. My hair color isn't pink. Here let me show you."

I looked at him confused as he leaped off the bed. With a puff of smoke, he was back in human form, but instead of pink hair, it was white, and his eyes were still electric gold. The black markings were still on his skin.

Yako: "As you can see, my hair is white. So you would look more like your new guardian."

I looked at him surprised as I realized he was right. If we did this...I would look like Gojo! So then no one would question if I was his daughter or not! No one would suspect a thing!

Tenshi: "That's a smart idea."

He giggled and nodded his head. I closed my eyes and felt him tap my forehead. I waited for a moment, thinking this was going to hurt. I felt a wave of energy course through my body, but it didn't hurt. It just...tickled.

Yako: "Okay, open your eyes~!"

I opened my eyes to see myself staring back at me. Yako was holding a mirror in front of me. I stared at myself shocked. I had snow-white hair, like Gojo, and my eyes were the same color.

Yako: "Don't you look amazing~!"

I grinned as I nodded my head.

Yako: "You would need to do something about the bird's nest that you call hair, but you can deal with it in the morning."

I laughed and nodded my head. I lay down smiling, delighted that I didn't have to worry about getting found by police and forced to go back home. I was never safe there, the moment I met Yuji...I was worried that something might have happened to me. I felt something heavy on my side and glanced up to see Yako back in fox form, sleeping on my hip. This caused me to smile as I slowly fell asleep.

Chapter 8: A Trip


Tenshi takes a trip to Jujtsu Tech

Chapter Text

The next day, I woke up to Noroi shaking me awake. I groaned as I smacked his hands off of me.

Tenshi: "Ten more minutes, Noroi."

Noroi: "No, you brat! I smell food and remember, I can't leave your side!"

Tenshi: "It's not like you can eat the food in front of Gojo and Megumi!"

Noroi: "Feed me under the table!"

Tenshi: "What are you, a dog!?"

He made a face at me in disgust. Ah, right, he doesn't like to be compared to dogs. I groaned as I got out of bed. I yawned as I left the room and headed downstairs with Noroi walking behind me. We got downstairs to find Gojo cooking breakfast. Megumi was sitting at the table eating some cereal. They both looked over at me and their eyes widened.

Gojo: "Eh? Who are you?"

I looked at him annoyed as Noroi started laughing.

Tenshi: "It's Noroi, you dumbass."

They looked at me stunned.

Megumi: "What? But your was blonde yesterday."

Tenshi: "Yes, I decided out of respect, I used my powers to change my hair color to match this idiot's."

I pointed at Gojo and he let out a squeal as he dropped the pan he was holding. He raced over to me, pulling me into a hug. I groaned as he rubbed his face against mine, while he sobbed.

Gojo: "Aw~! You're so sweet~!"

Noroi: "Gross, he's getting his fluids on you."

I cringed in disgust as I started pushing him off of me.

Tenshi: "Let me go, human! I want food!"

He laughed as he set me on the floor and ran back to the stove. I walked over to the table, just as Noroi turned into a fox and hid under the table.

Megumi: "I would be careful if I were you. Gojo-san isn't a great cook."

I looked at him confused as a plate was placed in front of me. I looked down at the food, a little worried, but my eyes widened as I stared at the waffles in front of me. They looked so good. I quickly grabbed one and shoved it into my mouth, humming in bliss at the good flavor.

Megumi: "What the!? When did you learn how to cook!?"

Gojo: "They aren't homemade, Gumi! I bought them from the store the other day and cooked them on the stove."

Megumi: "Why the stove?"

Gojo: "Namami took my toaster away when it exploded."

Megumi and I stared at him dumbfounded as I secretly gave one of the waffles to Noroi under the table.

Gojo: "Well, I think what we should do today something about that bird's nest."

I glanced up at him to see him looking at me. Ah, he must be talking about my hair.

Tenshi: "You can cut it. I don't like my hair this long, but I didn't have any sears to cut it."

Gojo: "Oh, I don't know how to do a girl's hair, but I know somebody who does!"

We looked at him confused, but he didn't bother to tell us, who the person was. So we ate breakfast in peace, with me slipping some pieces of waffle to Noroi without them noticing. Once we were done, Megumi headed to school while Gojo took me somewhere else.

------------Time skip------------

After parking the car, we got out and I looked up at the mountain with a fake astonished expression. Gojo laughed as Noroi lay on my shoulders.

Gojo: "The entrance of the school rests at the foothills of Mount Mushiro. Deep into the forest is a long set of stairs that will lead to the school grounds. Lucky for you, you have me here so I can easily teleport us!"

I giggled and nodded my head. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, causing Noroi to hiss and jump off. The next thing I knew, I had blinked and everything changed. I blinked several times as I tried not to throw up.

Gojo: "Tada~! Welcome to Tokyo Jujustu High School~!"

I looked around amazed at the scenery around me. Suddenly I heard somebody shouting and glanced over at the steps of the school to see poor Noroi flying through the air. Oh, right, he and Yako are trapped to me! The next thing I knew, Noroi slammed into my face and it was hard for me to pretend nothing happened. Noroi dropped to the floor groaning in pain.

Noroi: "Never again. That was NOT fun!"

You tell me.

Gojo: "If you ask me, the Tokyo campus is much better than the Kyoto one. Aren't you glad you will be coming here once you reach high school?"

I looked at him with a smile as I nodded my head, trying to act as if a fox hadn't just slammed into my face.

Gojo: "We've got spacious dorms, multiple training grounds, and me!"

He pointed at himself and Noroi got off the floor and draped himself across my shoulders, looking at him irritated.

Noroi: "Damn, he talks like his ancestor from my time."

???: "Bragging already, Gojo?"

I looked over at the sound of the tired voice. Ah, the principal!

Gojo: "Ah, Nori-chan! That old man over there is Principal Yaga."

Yaga looked down at me before looking back at Gojo, perplexed.

Yaga: "I didn't know you had a daughter, Satoru."

Gojo: "Eh? Oh, no, this is that Kitsune the higher-ups ordered me to keep an eye on. She used her powers to change her hair color to mine, to look like me! Isn't she adorable~!"

Yaga: "Ah, that makes sense, since I didn't take you to get a woman pregnant."

I internally snickered as Noroi laughed.

Yaga: "What are you two doing here?"

Gojo: "Oh right! Have you seen Shoko anywhere?"

I looked at him shocked that he was taking me to see Shoko.

Yaga: "She's in her office. Why?"

Gojo placed his hands on my shoulders as he started to push me down the hall.

Gojo; "I need her to do something about Nori-chan's hair since I know nothing about doing a girl's hair."

Yaga hummed and nodded his head. We soon got to what I assume is Shoko's office. She looked up at us confused.

Shoko: "Ah, is that the Kitsune?"

Gojo laughed as he nodded his head. I looked at her amazed as Noroi looked around the room confused.

Shoko: "Are you taking her here for a check-up?"

Gojo: " can do that if you want. But I mainly brought her here because I don't know how to do a girl's hair."

She sighed and nodded her head. She had me sit on the check-up table as she pulled out a pair of scissors. Noroi jumped off my shoulder and sat at the end of the table. Shoko started doing my hair as Gojo sat in the corner watching.

Shoko: "Where did you find her again? Her hair is way too tangled."

Gojo: "In this old abandoned shrine. Megumi's shikigami dogs chased a cat curse in there, and get this...she was in the middle of cooking ramen."

Shoko paused as she turned to look at him baffled.

Tenshi: "Some humans left it as an offering and I don't like to waste good food."

Noroi: "But we didn't get to eat though."

Eh? Oh sh*t! He's right! My food!

Shoko: "Well, how short do you want your hair?"

Tenshi: "Shoulder length would be fine, thank you."

She nodded her head as she started cutting my hair. I glanced as the strands fell to the floor, feeling a weight lift off my shoulder. It had been what...two years since I had my hair this short. Two long years of having Yuji grab and pull my hair when he was upset or didn't want me to run off.

Shoko: "There, all done."

She pulled out a mirror and showed me my hair. I grinned once I saw my hair. The shoulder length makes it look like what it did two years ago, minus the hair color.

Tenshi: "It's perfect, thank you!"

She smiled and nodded her head. She then started checking on my health and once she deemed me healthy she walked out of the room to talk to Gojo. I glanced around the room and found a black ribbon. I got off the table and Noroi looked at me perplexed.

Noroi: "Where are you going?"

I ignored him as I grabbed the black ribbon and tied it to my hair. I looked back at myself in the mirror to see I now perfectly matched Gojo. I looked over at Noroi.

Tenshi: "Now I look like Gojo!"

He looked at me dumbfounded before groaning.

Noroi: "Great, now you're turning into the idiot."

I looked at him upset that he called me an idiot!

Tenshi: "Hey!"

The door opened and I spun around to see Shoko and Gojo come back into the room. I grinned as I did a pose, hoping they didn't just hear me. Can't have them questioning me about who I was talking to.

Tenshi: "Look!"

They looked at me confused.

Tenshi: "Now I match with Gojo!"

They looked at me surprised before Gojo started bawling, dropping to his knees as his hand clung to his shirt. Shoko looked down at him confused.

Gojo: "S-So precious!"

She looked at him annoyed before looking back at me with a smile.

Shoko: "You're all good when it comes to health. I'm surprised with the diet you lived off on, but you are free to go home."

I nodded my head as Noroi jumped off the table and sat on my shoulder. Gojo quickly recovered as he took my hand and we left.

------------Time skip------------

We got back home, just as Megumi was leaving. He looked at us shocked.

Megumi: "Oh, you're back. I was about to go out so-"

Gojo: "No actually, you're watching Nori-chan while I got run some errands, bye~!"

We looked at him dumbfounded as he left.

Tenshi: "Does that human think I need a babysitter!?"

Megumi: "No, he probably knows that someone will try to kill you."

I looked at him shocked as Noroi nodded his head.

Noroi: "He's right, idiot. Someone from that old person club would most likely hire someone to kill you."

Ah, they're right. That's what they did to Yuji!

Tenshi: "I guess you're right. What do you want to do to pass the time?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he dropped his back by the front door. We walked into the living room.

Megumi: "I guess we can always watch a movie."

I was about to nod my head when I remembered that I was pretending to be a 1,000-year-old fox spirit that was trapped in an abandoned shrine. I shouldn't know what a movie was. So I faked a baffled expression as I tilted my head.

Tenshi: "A what?"

He looked at me shocked before groaning and slapping himself in the face.

Megumi: "I forgot, you wouldn't know what a movie was."

Tenshi: "I heard the humans that visit the shrine say it's like a book."

Megumi: "Yeah, it is. But they have pictures instead of words. Here, go sit on the couch I'll put a movie on."

I nodded my head, walked over to the couch, and sat down. Megumi looked through different DVDS that Gojo had before he picked one.

Megumi: "I'm sure you would like this one."

I looked at him confused before I saw the case of the DVD. Inari The Great. I haven't heard of that movie before.

Tenshi: "What is that?"

Megumi: "Oh, it's about the fox spirit, Inari."

I looked at him amazed that they made a movie for a fox spirit. I heard Noroi scoff and I glanced at him confused. He looked upset.

Noroi: "Eh? That bitch got a whole ass movie, but all we got is...nothing!"

I sweated as I nervously chuckled. Megumi put the movie in and we sat on the couch as the movie began to play. As it played, I faked a stunned, astonished, and bewildered expression, so he would think this was the first time I was watching a movie.

------------Noroi's POV------------

As the movie played, the kid was busy watching it, as I looked at the other brat. I saw he wasn't looking at the TV but at the kid. What worried me, was that he had the same look in his eyes that Itadori brat did whenever he would look at her. But it was less dark. It concerned me that he would turn into that Itadori brat and hurt her.

"If he does end up hurting her, that Gojo would protect her."

Noroi: "You don't know that Yako."

I saw how the kid glanced at me before looking back at the TV. Soon I got hungry and smacked my paw on the kid's face.

Noroi: "Human, food!"

She made fake grumble nosies and the human Sea Urchin chuckled at that.

Megumi: "You're hungry?"

She laughed and nodded her head. He paused the movie and they got off the couch. I leaped off of the couch and onto the counter. I watched as the human Sea Urchin made us something to eat. While eating what the kid would manage to sneak me under the table, I would take a peak at the Sea Urchin, to see him not eating. He was watching the kid eat.

"Yeah...we should keep an eye on this brat."

Noroi: "That's what I was saying, Yako."

I crawled out from under the table and jumped onto it. I stood in front of the Sea Urchin brat, and the kid nearly choked on her food. This caused the brat to chuckle.

Megumi: "This is why you should slow down. It's not like the food is going anywhere."

I looked down at his food to see he hadn't touched it. How dare that human! That's a waste! I started eating his food which caused the kid to chuckle.

Tenshi: "Speak for yourself, human. It looks like your food is vanishing!"

Megumi: "Huh? What are you-"

I continued to eat his food and I heard him gasp.

Megumi: "What the!? How is this happening?"

Tenshi: "You Jujutsu sorcerers can't normally see Yokai. There is one here and it's eating your food."

I stopped eating the food so I could laugh. The brat sighed as he stopped freaking out.

Megumi: "Well, it wasn't like I was hungry anyway."

Tenshi: "Don't worry human! I'll share my food with you!"

I finished the brat's food and looked up to see them sharing. This time the brat looked happy and in peace. Huh...I guess Yako and I were wrong about him. Suddenly I heard the door open and that stupid sorcerer's voice.

Gojo: "Kids, I'm home~!"

Tenshi: "We're in the kitchen."

The sorcerer walked into the kitchen, only to drop to the floor as he clung to his shirt. He started sobbing and we looked at him confused.

Gojo: "Ah! So precious! I'm so glad you two are getting along!"

We looked at him annoyed. Damn...this is our life now, Yako!

Chapter 9: The Cursed Boy


Tenshi shadows her father's class and meets a cursed boy.

Chapter Text

I was sitting at a table in the common room of the school with Noroi and my father. It's been seven years since I ran away from my house, ended up being found by Gojo and living with him. It's also been seven years of me pretending to be a kitsune, whose name is Noroi. Noroi and Yako call me kid, so it's been seven years since I used my old name, and I forgot what it was. Now I only respond to Noroi.

Gojo: "Say, Nori-chan?"

I hummed as I looked up at my father, Noroi glanced at him as well.

Gojo: "I got great news!"

I got excited by this and Noroi started eating my father's food because he wasn't paying attention.

Tenshi: "Oh, what is it!?"

Gojo: "How would you like to join me on your first mission?"

My eyes widened as I stared at him shocked but also excited. A mission!?

Tenshi: "A mission!?"

Gojo: "You will be accompanying me on a little mission. It's nothing dangerous. If things go well, we won't be fighting any curses at all."

Noroi paused as we looked at him confused. How would that be considered a mission if we wouldn't be fighting curses?

Tenshi: "Then how is that called a mission?"

Noroi: "He probably plans on using you."

Gojo: "We will be picking up a potential new student. Okkotsu Yuta! A cursed human!"

I tilted my head as I looked at him perplexed. A what?

Noroi: "HUH!? A cursed human!? Why is he bringing a cursed human here!?"

I glanced at Noroi confused. Is a cursed human bad? From the way he was freaking out, wait...oh sh*t! It's Yuta! I looked back at my father with a fake perplexed expression. Trying not to give away that I knew what he was talking about.

Tenshi: "A cursed human. Ah, isn't that where someone has a curse attached to them?"

My father did finger guns at me and he laughed.

Gojo: "Ding! Ding! Ding! Okkotsu-kun's one of them, and this particular curse of his is quite strong, and ATTACHED! A few days ago, it stuffed a group of students into a locker because they were bullying Okkotsu."

I sweated at the mention of what Rika did. Seriously how did she fit four people into one locker? She's amazing!

Gojo: "I have seen his records, and it seems like this is a common occurrence. Anyone who bothers him is immediately attacked by this curse."

I frowned, feeling bad for Yuta. He went five years of people thinking he was some...delinquent!

Tenshi: "What grade is the curse?"

Gojo: "Potentially a Special Grade."

Noroi choked on my father's food as he looked at him dumbfounded. I'm not worried if I stay away from Yuta or make it look like I am bullying him, Rika won't attack me. Plus, I have Noroi to protect me in case something goes wrong!

Noroi: "A Speical Grade!? That poor kid!"

Tenshi: "A Special Grade...hum...poor kid."

My father chuckled as he nodded his head. He looked down at his food and paused.

Tenshi: "Yes, a Yokai had been eating your food the whole we were talking. I didn't say anything because it looked hungry."

My father looked at me surprised before he snickered.

Gojo: "Well, anyways. As I said, if things go well, we won't need to fight him or the curse. And if things go south, then I will take care of it! We need to visit his home and convince his parents to let him attend the school."

Tenshi: "Oh, and how would you do that?"

Gojo: "Well, because of the brutality of the incident, Okkotsu-kun has been expelled from his school. So we will be going to his house tomorrow morning, so make sure to be ready, Nori-chan!"

I looked at him irritated that he didn't answer my question.

Tenshi: "You didn't answer my question, human!"

Gojo: "Just follow my lead and help me persuade his parents. Since these guys are just regular humans, we can't tell them about curses, I came up with a cover story!"

I frowned, not trusting him at all.

Tenshi: "What did you tell them?"

Gojo: "Jujutsu High is a school for troubled youths and you, my dear daughter, are one of the troubled kids!"

Noroi and I looked at him horrified. I don't know how to play the role of a delinquent!

Tenshi: "WHAT!? I don't know how to play the role of a delinquent!"

Gojo: "Oh, it's easy, Nori-chan! Just act like yourself! They will buy it if you keep calling them humans and demand respect."

Noroi laughed as he ate the rest of my father's food. I mean...he does have a point. I sighed.

Tenshi: "I guess you have a point, Dad."

He cheered as he clapped his hands.

Gojo: "Great!"

Tenshi: "Oh, you might want to clean your plate."

He looked at me perplexed before looking down at his plate to see all the food gone. He groaned as he picked his plate up and left.

Noroi: "I'm surprised they aren't upset about me eating their food."

Tenshi: "All I have to do is claim you are a starving yokai and they listen to me. But still...why don't you let them see you in your fox form?"

Noroi: "Because Jujutsu sorcerers disgust me and I don't want them touching my fur!"

Tenshi: "But I'm training to become one."

Noroi: "Not by choice."

I mean...he does have a point. I wonder though...what is his deal with Jujutsu sorcerers? Did something happen between him and them?

Tenshi; "You never told me, but what made you hate Jujutsu sorcerers?"

He looked over at me and closed his eyes. I think he was speaking to Yako. He sighed as he opened his eyes.

Noroi: "Remember what Yako told you, kid?"

I nodded my head, knowing he was talking about what Yako told me about how he became his vessel.

Noroi: "The humans trying to seal Yako away...were Jujutsu sorcerers."

My eyes widened as I looked at him horrified. I didn't know.

Noroi: "Then once I became the vessel, the sorcerers tried killing me, but my brother killed them in time. Yako had done nothing to deserve that. Kept inside an old dirty shrine to keep away from humans. It's not Yako's fault that my brother found the shrine and became f*cken obsessed!" his brother became obsessed with Yako and when the humans found out, they tried to seal him away, but Noroi got in the way and became the vessel instead. That's probably why his brother became obsessed with him.

Noroi: "Anyway, you should get ready for your mission today."

I sighed and nodded my head. I got up, grabbed my plate, and put it away. I then went to my room to get ready.

------------Time skip------------

I put on my school uniform because Yuta's parents would raise questions about why my father brought me without my uniform. We left the school and drove to the destination. I looked around where we were and I recognized the roads. Wait...this is...Sendai City. We were in my hometown...where Yuji lives. I clung to my seat belt, shaking with fear. What if we run into Yuji? No, he doesn't show up in Jujutsu Kaisen 0...but everything has changed since I was Isekaied into this world, so who knows what will happen!?

Gojo: "Wow, you seem excited. Remember, we're only here for the mission. So don't get TOO excited."

I glanced over at my father baffled. Ah, he probably thought my shaking was from excitement. I can't let him know I used to live here. When Megumi and Gojo found me in that shrine, I wasn't in Sendai, so he would be confused and ask me why and how I ended up in that shrine! I did say I haven't left it in years!

Noroi: "Why are you so scared, kid?"

I ignored him as I looked back at my father with a tight smile.

Tenshi: "I-Isn't this Sendai City?"

Noroi gasped as he looked at me stunned and worried. Now he finally understood why I was so scared. My father hummed and nodded his head.

Gojo: "Yep. Okkotsu lives here."

I nodded my head as I looked out my window. I felt a small paw on my arm and glanced down at Noroi. He gave me this reassuring look and this calmed me down. I don't know why I'm so scared. I look nothing like I used to seven years ago, plus it's been seven years, Yuji probably moved on and forgot about me! We soon pulled up to a plain-looking apartment complex and we got out of the car. Noroi jumped onto my shoulders and laid on them. We walked to the right apartment and my father knocked on the door. We waited for several minutes before the door opened. There stood a girl about my age staring up at my dad.

Gojo: "Hi there!"

He bent his knees to reach her height and I smiled and waved at her.

Gojo: "I'm Gojo Satoru, and this here is my lovely daughter, Noroi. Your parents were expecting us."

The little girl looked at my father suspiciously but nodded her head. She glanced over her shoulder, back into the house.

Girl: "Mom!"

???: "Honey, what have I told you about opening the door for strangers!?"

A woman came to view and offered us a strained smile.

Woman: "You must be the representative coming over."

My dad grinned and nodded his head. The woman glanced over at me and her eyes widened.

Woman: "Oh, who's this?"

My father straightened himself so he wasn't bending anymore. He grinned as he placed his hands on my shoulders, and pushed me in front of him. Noroi hissed at him as he jumped off my shoulders. I noticed how the woman's eyes glanced down at my father's hands and frowned. What is her deal?

Gojo: "This here is my lovely daughter, Gojo Noroi! She has a little...what do I say...god complex."

That caused me to laugh as this hypoic was talking.

Tenshi: "Say the guy that boosts about being the strongest."

He laughed as he nodded his head. The woman seemed to relax at this and sighed.

Gojo: "She gets it from me. Anyway, is Okkotsu-kun here?"

The mother sighed as her face fell.

Woman: "Ah, just missed him. He got very nervous when we told him that you would be coming over, so he-"

Kid: "He ran away."

Noroi let out a laugh as the mother sighed and nodded her head.

Woman: "I am sorry, but yes, he ran away. I have no idea where he is, but he still has his phone so-"

Tenshi; "It's okay! I can go look for him!"

Everyone looked at me shocked while Noroi looked at me worried.

Woman: "What no, I can't possibly make you-"

Tenshi: "It's okay, human! For fear not, I'll find him!"

I placed my hands on my hips and puffed out my chest. My father chuckled as the mother and daughter looked at me dumbfounded.

Woman: "Um...well, I will get the tea ready then."

She pushed her daughter away from us and my father looked at me confused.

Gojo: "Do you know your way around?"

Noroi: "I got the boy's scent and can track him."

Tenshi: "I managed to get the boy's scent. I can track him. I highly doubt he will come back just because his mother said so."

My dad sighed and nodded his head.

Gojo: "Well, if that's the case. I drew a picture of him for you in case something like this happened."

He pulled out a folded paper and handed it to me.

Gojo: "It's very detailed so it shouldn't be hard for you to find him. PLEASE promise me you will approach him cautiously. We don't need you getting into a fight with a Special Grade. From our history, Kitsunes are stronger than cursed spirits, but we don't know this cursed spirit's powers yet."

I grinned and I saluted to him.

Tenshi: "You can count on me, Dad! I won't fail you!"

He chuckled as he ruffled my hair, causing me to whine. I smacked his hands away before running off with Noroi following me. He jumped onto my shoulders and I unfolded the paper to look at the drawing my father made of Yuta. We looked down at the stick figure drawing dumbfounded.

Noroi: "How can anyone tell what this cursed boy looks like from THAT!? It's horrible!"

I sighed and nodded my head. It's not like I need this anyway. I know what Yuta looks like. I put the paper back into my pocket.

Tenshi: "It's not like we need it. You can sniff him out."

Noroi looked at me annoyed, before groaning. He jumped off my shoulder and started sniffing the ground as he walked. I followed him. Let's hope he didn't go too far. I've never been to Sendai City, so I don't want to get lost, on top of that, I don't want to run into Yuji or my egg donor. Fortunately for me, we didn't have to go that far. Suddenly I felt a strong sense of cursed energy, a lot bigger than my father's. Noroi looked up and then jumped onto my shoulders.

Noroi: "He's over there."

I nodded my head and quickly followed the source, and soon came up to a Yuta. He was sitting at the back of an abandoned building with his knees pressed to his chest. His face was buried in his arms. Damn, he looks...depressing.

Tenshi: "Excuse me?"

I tried to speak to him softly, trying not to scare him. His head whipped up as he looked at me horrified and worried.

Tenshi: "Are you Yuta Okkotsu?"

I took a step closer to him and this freaked him out.

Yuta: "Wait! Stay back! Don't come near me!"

I stopped, knowing what was about to happen. Suddenly I felt a massive wave of blood lust come out of nowhere, so big that Noroi started growling as his fur puffed. He glared at behind Yuta as Rika started to emerge from the world. She was massive with long arms and a shadowy-looking tail. Her one eye glared venomously at me. The tendrils on her head quivered in anger as she barred her sharp teeth at me.


She screeched at me as she swiped her large and sharp hand at me. Yuta spun around trying to calm her down.

Yuta: "Rika-chan no!"

He looked back at me and I managed to dodge the attack. I took a couple of steps back from Yuta with a soft smile.

Tenshi: "Is this better?"

Rika paused as she looked at me shocked. Yuta also looked shocked. Rika slowly backed down and nodded her head.

Tenshi: "Great! Oh, and by the way...Rika was it?"

Rika slowly nodded her head and Noroi looked at me baffled.

Tenshi: "I think you look amazing!"

Rika looked at me shocked as she lowered herself so she could speak to Yuta, who looked at me stunned.

Rika: "Amazing? Yuta she called Rika...amazing."

Yuta nodded his head, still looking at me shocked.

Tenshi: "Anyways, are you by any chance, Yuta Okkotsu? I have been looking everywhere for him and followed his scent here!"

Yuta: "My...scent?"

I opened my mouth to tell him about me being a kitsune as I did with the rest but paused. Huh...maybe he would agree to join the school more easily if he knew that he and I were almost the same. He has a cursed spirit attached to him, I have a fox spirit.

Tenshi: "Yeah! Noroi tracked your scent and we followed."

Noroi looked at me dumbfounded.

Noroi: "What are you doing?"

Yuta: "Noroi?"

Tenshi: "Yeah! He's the fox spirit that attached himself to me. Go on, yourself, please."

I glanced at Noroi and he sighed. The next thing I knew, Yuta gasped in shock. I looked at him to see him looking at Noroi.

Noroi: "Yes, we followed your scent. Are you Okkotsu or not?"

Damn, don't be rude!

Yuta: "Um, yes! I am Yuta Okkotsu!"

I cheered as I threw my arms up into the air. Noroi looked at me annoyed while Yuta looked at me astonished but hid his face.

Tenshi: "Great! I'm...oh...I don't remember my name."

He looked at me stunned and worried.

Yuta: "You...don't remember?"

Noroi: "Yeah, she's been pretending to be me for seven years to hide from this boy named Yuji Itadori. He was abusing her and so was her mother. So the people she lives with now, believe she's a fox spirit named Noroi."

Yuta looked at him horrified before looking over at me. I sighed and nodded my head.

Tenshi: "Everything that he said was true. You see...I used to live in this temple, it's how I met Noroi here. He was trapped and couldn't leave. My mother...she always wanted a boy, so when Itadori came into our lives, she started spoiling him as if he were her son. She let him get away with a lot."

Noroi: "The brat threw a chair at someone for talking to her."

I sighed and nodded my head as Yuta looked at us horrified.

Tenshi: "What made me run away...Yuji forcibly kissed me and when I pushed him off of mother slapped me in the face."

Yuta looked at me horrified as Rika bristled.

Noroi: "Then she couldn't leave without taking me, so she swallowed this key that kept me trapped in the temple. So I'm trapped in her. Then we met those sorcerers and she's been posing as a fox spirit for seven years. She decided to go by my name for that long."

I sighed and nodded my head.

Yuta: "Ah...that would make sense why you forget your name. Wait...wouldn't Noroi remember it?"

Noroi: "I didn't bother to learn her name, neither did Yako."

Yuta: "Yako?"

Tenshi: "Noroi's a vessel for a fox spirit named Yako."

Yuta: "Ah."

Tenshi: "Anyway, my new name is Noroi Gojo! I come from Jujutsu High. I came with my father. We stopped by your house but your mother said you left, so I went looking for you! Come on, we should go now."

He looked at me shocked and took a step back from me. Rika bristled at this.

Yuta: "No. I...I'm sorry, but I really can't."

Noroi: "Are you scared of what the curse might do?"

Yuta looked at Noroi confused.

Yuta: "Curse?"

Tenshi: "Yep! Why don't we take a sit and we can explain everything to you, so you're not overwhelmed anymore."

He sighed as he nodded his head. We sat on the ground, across from each other as I explained everything to Yuta. From cursed spirits, cursed humans, and kitsunes.

------------Time skip------------

Yuta sat there looking at me shocked as I petted Rika. Once she figured out I wasn't there to harm Yuta, she calmed down and started letting me pet her.

Yuta: "Okay, let me get this straight. There are these things called cursed spirits that people like you two, Jujutsu sorcerers exorcise."

Noroi looked at Yuta irritated as he sat in my lap.

Noroi: "Oi! Don't call me a Jujutsu sorcerer!"

Yuta jumped as he looked down at Noroi shocked and worried.

Yuta: "O-Oh, sorry."

Tenshi: "Yeah, he doesn't like them because they were trying to seal Yako in a pot and instead sealed him inside of him."

Noroi: "Eh? Him?"

I ignored him as I continued to pet Rika. She hummed in delight as Yuta pointed at her.

Yuta: "And Rika here is a cursed spirit that attached herself to me, and now these higher-ups...want to kill me?"

Tenshi: "Yes, but my Father managed to get it suspended with the condition that you come to Jujutsu High!"

Yuta: "It's okay. They can kill me."

We looked at him shocked.

Tenshi: "What no!"

Rika: "Yuta no!"

Noroi: "Damn...that's depressing."

I looked down at Noroi irritated, before pushing him off of me. He let out a yelp as I scooted closer to Yuta and grabbed his hands. He looked up at me astonished and I saw a bit of red on his face.

Tenshi: "Look, Okkotsu-san. Give this a chance. I know you might feel hopeless, but this can be good for both of you."

He looked at me astounded before looking back at our hands. He started playing with my fingers.

Yuta: "But I don't want to hurt anyone."

I tilted my head down so I could look him in the eyes. He yelped a bit as he looked at me shocked, but I swear I saw a bit of a red on his face.

Tenshi: "Trust me, Okkotsu-san. The people at this school are tough. I mean it!"

Noroi groaned as he sat up and looked at me aggravated.

Noroi: "Oh yeah. Saw one of them get thrown into a tree before and live! Scary fellow."

I shuddered at the memory of Todo. He's a weird person, who asks people about their types in women!

Yuta: "Um...what about you?"

Tenshi: "Huh? Oh, I'm strong...only with Noroi. Even after seven years, I still can't use cursed energy. I'm only using Noroi's cursed energy. Plus...we won't be in the same grade."

He looked at me shocked and confused.

Yuta: "What? Why?"

Tenshi: "I'm not old enough for high school yet, that's why."

He looked at me stunned.

Yuta: "What? How...old are you?"

Tenshi: "I'm twelve!"

He looked at me shocked.

Noroi: "Enough of that. We should head back before your families worry about you and call the cops...or that blasted sorcerer appears out of nowhere and sees you two holding hands."

I sighed and nodded my head. I helped Yuta off the ground and Rika purred as she rubbed her body against mine before disappearing.

Yuta: "It's weird."

Noroi jumped on my shoulder and we looked at him confused.

Tenshi: "What's weird?"

Yuta: "Rika doesn't normally act like that with anyone but me."

Noroi: "Dude, that's because she loves you."

Yuta looked at him stunned and flustered. I snickered as I nodded my head. We started walking down the street back to his place.

Tenshi: "I can't wait until you join the school, Okkotsu-san! You are going to love it! The dorms are nice and the first years are cool too! There is even a talking panda!"

Yuta looked at me shocked and baffled.

Yuta: "I'm sorry...a what?"

Noroi: "Yeah, I had the same reaction to seeing that thing."

Tenshi: "Hey, Panda is NOT a thing!"

Noroi: "You keep telling yourself that. Until he's allowed out in public without having animal control called on him, I will keep calling him a thing."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I then looked back at Yuta.

Tenshi: "Say, how old are you, Okkotsu-sn?"

Yuta: "Oh, I'm 15."

I looked at him excitedly. He's only three years older than me!

Tenshi: "Ah cool! We're only three years apart! This means you are going to be a first year! I'm shadowing your class for a few months so we get to see each other more!"

He looked at me shocked before he suddenly stopped walking. I looked at him confused.

Yuta: "Gojo-san?"

Tenshi: "Yes?"

He looked up at me with a frown.

Yuta: "Why...aren't you scared of me? You got close to me and Rika-san nearly killed you. That didn't scare you, all it did was amaze you."

His and were trembling as he shut his eyes. Noroi and I looked at him dumbfounded. Didn't we tell him about Yuji and my mother? On top of that, I got a fox spirit attached to me. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. This caused him to snap his eyes open as he looked at me shocked.

Tenshi: "Look, Okkotsu-san. I don't judge someone by how they look or who they are. Or even where they come from. On top of that, I have a fox spirit attached to me that can easily kill someone with a flick of his wrist. Rika doesn't scare me."

He looked at me astonished but he soon calmed down. But there was still a frown on his face.

Noroi: "How do people normally treat you, Okkotsu?"

Yuta: "With hate, fear, anger, and disgust. Sometimes people stay away from me or want to hurt me. But you two are nice to me, even to Rika-san. Why?"

Tenshi: "Because you two haven't done anything to me. Also...Noroi is strong, he can protect himself."

Noroi huffed and nodded his head. Suddenly, Yuta broke down crying, burying his face in his hands as he hunched over. His shoulders were shaking as he sobbed. I felt bad for him. Why the f*ck is Gege such a demon!? I placed my hand on his back, rubbing it, trying to comfort him the best I could.

Tenshi: "Okkotsu-san, I am sorry that you went through so much pain that you believe you don't deserve kindness. But for now on...consider Noroi and I friends."

Noroi: "EH!? I did not agree to that!"

I ignored him as Yuta stopped crying and he looked at me shocked.

Yuta: "F-Friends?"

I smiled and nodded my head.

Noroi: "Again, Yako and I did not agree to this!"

Yuta: "Do you really...want to be friends...with someone like me?"

I nodded my head and Yuta took a deep breath. Noroi growled as he looked at us irritated.

Yuta: "You might regret this."

Tenshi: "I won't, I promise."

Noroi: "I already do."

Tenshi: "So, what would it be...Yuta?"

I internally cheered as I said his first name. He looked at me astonished as his face got red, I guess from fluster. From my knowledge, it's been years since another girl talked to him, let alone called him by his first name. I held my hand for him to take and he slowly reached for it. When his hand landed in mine, he slowly relaxed and smiled. He looked up at me with a small smile, which made me grin wider.

Yuta: "I guess...I'm coming with you...Noroi."

I grinned even wider as I cheered, happy he agreed to be my friend.

Yuta: "Oh wait...wouldn't it get confusing on who I was talking to?"

I looked at him confused before I realized what he was talking about. sh*t...he's right!

Noroi: "Just call me fox. I don't like it when Jujutsu sorcerers say my name."

We looked at him shocked before Yuta nodded his head.

------------Time skip------------

I yawn as I woke up. I got out of bed, to find my uniform neatly folded at the end of my bed, and everything for today neatly packed. I glanced at the window to find Noroi glancing out of it.

Tenshi: "Thanks, Yako."

Noroi: "Yako says, you're welcome. Now let's go."

In a puff of smoke, he was back in fox form and I quickly changed. I swung open my door and Noroi jumped on my shoulders. I left my room and started walking down the hall when suddenly someone crashed into me, clinging to my arm. This caused Noroi to fall off my shoulders and onto the floor.

Noroio: "Whatever human did that, punch them for me!"

I swung around, throwing my fist out, but stopped myself once I saw it was Yuta. He looked at me horrified and apologetic as Noroi growled as he jumped back on my shoulders and glared at Yuta.

Noroi: "Punch him!"

Tenshi: "I can't punch him, Noroi! He's our friend!"

Noroi: "I never agreed to that!"

Yuta nervously chuckled as I lowered my fist.

Yuta: "I can assume I knocked Fox off your shoulders just now if he wants you to punch me?"

Tenshi: "Yeah, you did."

Just then my Father walked over to us with a tight smile. Oh no...he's going to go Dad mode!

Gojo: "Ah. I see you two are...close."

I smiled and nodded my head. I then decided to annoy my father even further by wrapping my arms around Yuta. This made the boy look at me astonished and flustered. My father saw this and frowned.

Tenshi: "We talked a lot yesterday! We're friends now, right Yuta!?"

Yuta smiled and nodded his head. My father frowned at this.

Gojo: "Ah...Okkotsu."

Yuta jumped at the dark tone my Father used and slowly looked at him scared,

Yuta: "Y-Yes sir?"

Gojo: "I got errands to run, so my sweet daughter here is going to show you around the school. If I find out you did something to her... you're dead. Got it?"

Yuta looked at my Father scared as he frantically nodded his head. My Father's mood then did a 180 when he looked at me.

Gojo: "I wouldn't want to leave you with this...playboy but I got things to do. Remember to call me if anything happens!"

I nodded my head as Yuta looked at my Father horrified. He teleported away and Yuta cried out in shock, squeezing my hand in shock.

Yuta: "What the!? How did he!?"

Tenshi: "Oh yeah, my Father can teleport!"

Noroi: "Now, apologize for making me fall human!"

Yuta looked at him shocked and nervously chuckled.

Yuta: "I'm sorry, Fox, for causing you to fall. I didn't see you."

Tenshi: "Yeah, Noroi can choose who can see him, and since we didn't know you were coming, he didn't make himself visible."

Noroi; "You should get this tour on the road."

Tenshi: "Oh, you're right!"

I started dragging Yuta down the hall and he followed after me.

------------Time skip------------

The tour was amazing in my opinion. I made sure to show Yuta where the bathrooms and cafeteria were, so he didn't get lost looking for them. During the tour, we didn't run into the other students, I guess they were still asleep.

Tenshi: "You are going to love your new classmates. They are all nice, and Panda-san is super cute!"

He looked at me a bit skeptical, but I should have expected that. I smiled softly at him as I grabbed his hand.

Tenshi: "Hey, it's going to be fine. Trust me, your new classmates will be nice."

Noroi: "Unless you call Maki by her last name."

Tenshi: "Oh, right, don't do that. She hates it."

Yuta looked at us shocked but nodded his head.

Tenshi: "I'll take you to the dorms now. Your uniform should be there."

He nodded his head and followed after me towards the dorms.

Tenshi; "What's cool is that you get to customize your uniforms however you like! Doesn't mine look amazing, my father helped me with it!"

I felt his eyes scan my body as I showed off my uniform. It's not much, but it looks like Kugisaki's!

Yuta: "Your uniform looks great."

I giggled as I nodded my head. Kugisaki has great taste in fashion! When she gets here, I am going to have her take me to the store so we can go shopping!

Tenshi: "Thanks! Oh, we're here!"

We stood in front of Yuta's dorm room and I looked down the hall to see that we were neighbors.

Tenshi: "Oh cool! Our dorms are next to each other! We're going to be neighbors!"

Yuta's eyes widened as his face heated up.

Tenshi: "Well, here's the key to your dorm. I hope you enjoy your time at this school. I know I have!"

I held out the key to him and he took it. He began to unlock his door and I started walking away.

Yuta: "Wait!"

Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and I looked at him confused.

Tenshi: "Yes?"

Yuta: "Wh-where are you going?"

I looked at him perplexed as Noroi let out a small growl. This caused Yuta to let go of my wrist and Noroi calmed down.

Tenshi: "I'm going back to my dorm. Don't you have to unpack?"

Yuta: "I will be quick! So um...wit for me out here?"

Noroi: "You can't unpack that fast. Why don't we help you?"

Yuta looked at him stunned but nodded his head frantically. He opened his door and we walked into the bare room. There were a few boxes and luckily he was given a bed. On the bed was a small box.

Tenshi: "Oh, that must be the uniform I was telling you about!"

Yuta looked at the box confused before he slowly walked over to it. He removed the lid to reveal an all-white uniform. Yuta looked down at it confused.

Yuta: "Why is mine...white?"

Noroi: "It means problematic student."

We looked at him shocked, but he was right. It's been confirmed that's what the outfit meant. I'm surprised that my Father let the higher-ups do that when he didn't do that for Yuji.

Yuta: "P-Problematic!?"

Tenshi: "The higher-ups think you're dangerous, but don't worry, you can always request a different uniform."

He sighed as he put it back in the box. We got to unpacking and once we were done, I left the room so he could change. Noroi lay on my shoulders.

Megumi: "Noroi?"

I looked down the hall to see Megumi and grinned. I waved him over excitedly so he could meet Yuta.

Tenshi: "Gumi! Come meet the new student!"

He walked over and I swear I saw his face was red. he sick or something?

Megumi: "I take it that since you are alive, your mission went well."

Oh, how did he know about that?

Tenshi: "How did you know about the mission?"

Megumi: "Gojo-san wouldn't shut up about it. He was praising you for doing such a good job."

I grinned as I puffed out my chest with my hands on my hips.

Tenshi: "I think I did a great job! I managed to calm down a Special Grade all by myself!"

Megumi looked at me horrified. Oh...did he not know about that part of the mission?

Megumi: "A Special Grade!? He had you go up against a Special Grade!?"

Tenshi: "Well, not against it. The job was to talk to the new student and convince him and his family to let him enroll here. The Special Grade tried attacking me, but I calmed her down! Aren't I amazing, human!?"

I co*ckly laughed as Megumi looked at me dumbfounded but also impressed.

Megumi: "How did you even manage something like that? No one's been able to calm down a cursed spirit before, let alone a Special Grade."

I grinned as I shrugged my shoulders, feeling prideful of being the first person to calm down a Special Grade.

Tenshi: "I guess I'm just that special."

He frowned as he looked at me irritated.

Megumi: "You need to stop hanging out with Gojo."

Noroi: "How do you expect her to do that, brat? They live together."

Tenshi: "Gumi, he's my father, how do I ignore him?"

He opened his mouth to say something when suddenly Yuta's door swung open and we looked over to see Yuta standing in his new uniform. He instantly looked at Megumi and I saw how his hand tightened around the door handle. Is he okay?

Megumi: "You're-"

Yuta: "Sorry it took so long, Noroi!"

He smiled innocently at me and Megumi looked at me appalled and upset.

Yuta; "So, Noroi...who's this?"

He pointed at Megumi and suddenly Noroi started fake gagging. I glanced at him confused.

Noroi: "God, can you calm your jealousy down, brat!? You're suffocating me here!"

Huh? Jealously? Why would Yuta be jealous? I looked back at him, surprised to see him and Megumi glaring at each other. I gasped as I grabbed Megumi's arm, trying to defuse the situation.

Tenshi: "This here is Gumi! Well, his real name is Fushiguro Megumi, but I call him Gumi! Gumi, this is Okkotsu Yuta, the new student I was telling you about!"

Megumi and Yuta stared at each other and Noroi faked gagged again. I looked down at Megumi's wrist to look at his watch to see the time. Oh, sh*t! Yuta's going to be late for class!

Tenshi: "Yuta, you're going to be late for class! Let's go!"

Yuta chuckled and nodded his head. He grabbed my hand and Megumi glared at him. I waved at Megumi as we started walking away.

Tenshi: "I'll see you later, Gumi!"

He waved back at me as we walked down the hall. was more like Yuta was pulling me.

Megumi: "Yeah see you later, Noroi!"

I giggled as Yuta pulled us away. Noroi scoffed and I looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Sometimes, you're way too obvious, idiot."

Tenshi: "Huh, what do you mean by that?"

Yuta: "Just ignore him, Noroi. Fox does not know what he's talking about."

Noroi: "Oi, you brat! I know what I am talking about! I know an obsessive person when I see one! My brother was the same way!"

I looked at Noroi shocked and worried. I don't want to end up in the same situation as I did with Yuji.

Yuta: "That's not what is happening here, Fox."

Noroi: "Oh? So why did you get upset when she was hugging the sea urchin."

Sea...can't he call Megumi by his name? It's been seven years now!

Tenshi: "Can't you call him by his name, Noroi!? It's been seven years!"

Noroi: "Until the brat fixes his hair, I'll keep calling him sea urchin!"

I sighed as we walked to Yuta's classroom, forgetting what we were talking about.

------------Time skip------------

Yuta and I were standing outside the classroom. Yuta was fidgeting with his hands, nervously. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

Tenshi: "You're going to be okay."

He sighed and nodded his head. My father walked over to us and pushed Yuta away from me. I looked at him annoyed as he placed his hands on my back and pushed me into the room. Everyone in the room looked over at us.

Gojo: "Time to introduce the new transfer student! Everyone, get fired up!"

He looked at his three students, who stayed in their seats, not moving an inch or cheering. The only sound my Father got was Maki grunting. Noroi barked out a laugh as my Father looked at them disappointed.

Gojo: "Come on now!"

Maki: "He seems pretty moody, doesn't he? Sorry, but no way am I getting fired up for a guy like that."

Inumaki: "Salmon." (Affirmitve)

I sweatdropped, a little worried that Yuta could hear them from outside the classroom, but I don't think he did in Jujutsu Kaisen 0.

Gojo: "Ah, well...whatever. Come on in!"

The door slowly opened and Yuta timidly stepped into the room. I smiled at him as he smiled back at me. He got to the front of the classroom and stood there nervously.

Yuta: "I'm Okkotsu Yuta. Pleased to meet you-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as the three jumped from their seats and lunged at him. I jumped as Noroi laughed. Yuta looked at them scared as Maki glared at him.

Maki: "Is this some kind of test? Hey you. You've been CURSED. This is a place to study curses. It's no place for cursed people like you."

I looked at her with a fake shocked expression before turning to my father.

Tenshi: "You didn't tell me that, Dad!"

The three looked at me dumbfounded.

Maki: "Hold on, you knew!?"

Inumaki: "Mustard Leaf!?" (Concern or worry)

I looked back at them a little worried because I knew what was about to happen.

Tenshi: "I told Yuta about curses and cursed people...but my Father never told me that cursed humans weren't allowed here!"

We looked at him as he held his hand with an "oopsie" expression.

Gojo: "My bad!"

We looked at him annoyed before Noroi jumped off my shoulders, landing on the desk behind me. He then grabbed the back of my shirt with his teeth and started tugging on it I glanced at him confused, before I realized what was about to happen, so I jumped back.

Gojo: "Ah, I guess you could sense it Nori-chan~! You should follow my daughter's example and get away from him."

They looked at him baffled before sensing Rika coming out. They looked back at the blackboard to see a claw-like hand come out of it and grab Maki's naginata while the other hand reached out for the other two. Yuta looked up at her shocked and worried.

Yuta: "Rika-chan, don't!"

Rika: "Don't you bully, Yuta!"

She screamed as she was about to attack the others. I skipped over to her and placed my hand on her arm. Everyone looked at me horrified and worried.

Tenshi: "Rika, it's okay! I won't let anyone bully Yuta, so don't worry!"

Rika stopped attacking and calmed down. She looked down at me and started purring as she rubbed her head against me.

Rika; "Thank you."

I giggled and nodded my head before she disappeared. Everyone looked at me surprised before Yuta sighed in relief and pulled me into a hug. He stuffed his face into my hair and I giggled at this.

Yuta: "I wish you showed up in my life sooner!"

I giggled as I rubbed his back. My father frowned at this.

Maki: "What the f*ck was THAT!?"

We pulled away from each other and looked over at the three. My Father clapped his hands and pushed himself between Yuta and me. I looked at him irritated as Noroi jumped on my shoulders.

Gojo: "That ladies and gentlemen, was Orimoto Rika! Okkotsu-kun's old childhood LOVER!"

He glanced at Yuta and I saw the smirk. Oh...he did that purposely! Yuta's face turned red as he looked at my Father shocked and embarrassed.

Panda; "Damn, you're into that!?"

Yuta looked at him shocked and shook his head frantically.

Yuta: "It's not like that!"

He glanced at me and I just smiled at him. He sighed in relief.

Gojo: "Let me explain."

Yuta frowned as he looked at him aggravated.

Noroi: "Please go on!"

Yuta: "No, please don't!"

My father ignored him as he continued.

Gojo: "Six years ago in Sendau City, Yuta and Rika got engaged!"

I faked a shocked expression as I looked at my Father. I then looked at Yuta who looked at me scared.

Tenshi: "That would have made Yuta nine years old! Damn, Yuta, that's impressive!"

He looked at me horrified and my Father and Noroi laughed.

Yuta: "It's not like that!"

He then looked at my Father, confused and suspicious.

Yuta: "How do you even know all of this!?"

Gojo: "Unfortunately, just after their engagement, Rika became a victim of a car accident that Yuta had the misfortune to witness. And get the idea! He was then cursed by his beloved Rika-chan! Okkotsu Yuta, everyone! Please make him feel welcome!"

Everyone stared at him in disbelief.

Gojo: "If you attack Yuta, Rika's curse may or may not be active. So anyways...everyone be careful, okay?"

The three students looked at Yuta a little wary and he looked at the floor.

Gojo: "These guys are still in a bit of a rebellious phase. I will give you a quick rundown of your new classmates!"

He pointed over at Maki, who was sitting at her desk, without a care in the world.

Gojo: "Cursed weapons user, Zenin Maki."

I gasped as I kicked him in the shin...or at least tried to. Curse his stupid limitless!

Maki: "You show him, Noroi!"

Gojo; "Right, right, sorry, sweetheart. Maki doesn't like it when people call her by her last name, and my daughter is her bodyguard when she catches anyone using it."

Yuta looked at him shocked as he nodded his head.

Gojo: "Spell caster, Inumaki Toge. His vocabulary only consists of onigiri ingredients, so good luck having conversations with him."

Toge: "Kelp." (Greeting)

Yuta looked at him confused as my Father moved on to the last classmate.

Gojo: "Panda!"

Panda smiled as he waved at Yuta.

Panda: "I'm Panda. Pleased to meet you."

Gojo: "And last is our shadow!"

He turned to me and started pinching my cheeks, which caused me to whine in pain. I tried to pull his hands off my face.

Gojo: "This little cutie here, is Noroi Gojo! My sweet and innocent daughter! She's the last of her kind, the remaining Kitsune! She's shadowing the class for a few months, so don't get TOO attached. I want my daughter to start dating at the age I think."

I looked at him dumbfounded and upset as I smacked his hands off my face.

Tenshi: "COLLEGE!?"

He laughed as he rested his hands on my shoulders.

Gojo: "So from here on out, we will have four people in the first years! For this afternoon's sorcery training, you will pair up. Toge and Panda, you're one pair. Maki and Yuta, you will be the other. Nori-chan, since there is an odd number of people, you have to sit this one out, I'm sorry."

I shrugged my shoulders not caring.

Tenshi: "It's okay."

He chuckled at that, but I noticed how Yuta was glaring at him. I wonder why.

------------Time skip------------

I was standing off the side of the practice with my Father standing close to me, leaning over to see what I was looking at on my phone. Seven years ago, I had to act as if I didn't know what a phone was. It was so hard to do that because all I wanted to do was go on YouTube!

Gojo: "Oh...who's that?"

He pointed at the person I was messaging on a website I found for movie nerds. I figured out it was Junpei and I felt bad for leaving him when we became friends. I hate having to lie to him, acting like somebody else, but I highly doubt he remembers me.

Tenshi: "Oh, that's Junpei. He's this human I met online."

My father looked at me concerned, before looking back at Yuta and Maki.

Gojo: "Okay kids. In here!"

I looked at him confused as he led us to the car. Maki got in first and Yuta went in after her. He looked back at me but I ignored him as I got in the passenger seat with Noroi in my lap.

Gojo: "Hope you guys buckled up!"

I grinned and nodded my head as I clung to my seatbelt. Noroi dug his nails into my f*cken LEGS and I had to act as if I wasn't in pain. My father slammed his foot on the accelerator and my back slammed into the seat as Noroi dug his nails deeper into my leg. I tightly smiled as I gripped my seatbelt tighter, trying not to scream out in pain.


Gojo: "Sorry, can't hear you!"

He increased the volume of the radio, so he could drown out Maki's shouting.

Yuta: "Can we change the song or turn it down?"

My father didn't listen to him and instead turned sharply to the left. I let out a scream of pain as I felt Noroi dig his f*cken nails deeper into my leg. Damn, he needs his nails trimmed! I heard something hit something and I glanced in the back to see Yuta's head on the window. Ah, his head must have slammed into the door. After an hour of driving, we finally reached our destination. Once the far came to a stop, Maki didn't wait to swing open the door and LEAP out of it. I opened my door, letting Noroi detach his f*cken claws from my legs, and jumped out of the car. I stumbled out of the car, almost falling. I felt someone catch me before I fell and I clung to their arm.

Yuta: "Are you alright?"

I looked up at him and smiled.

Tenshi: "I'm fine."

He frowned as he looked at me unsure. Suddenly we heard Maki shouting.

Maki: "Someone needs to take your license away!"

We made our way over to her and my Father as he got out of the car. He looked innocent as if he hadn't just driven like a madman.

Gojo: "I don't know what you are talking about. My driving is perfectly fine. Right, sweetheart?"

I let go of Yuta's arm as I laughed and nodded my head.

Tenshi: "My father's driving is amazing, human!"

This caused him to sob as he clung to his shirt.

Gojo: "So sweet!"

Yuta and MAki looked at him annoyed and grossed out as Noroi jumped on my shoulders.

Gojo: "Well, here we are!"

He led us into a large building and Noroi healed my legs so I could walk normally.

Yuta: "Here? It's just a normal elementary school."

Gojo: "Just an ordinary school...where children go missing inside."

Yuta nearly tripped over a pebble and I caught him before he could hit the ground. Noroi laughed at this.

Yuta: "Go missing!?"

Gojo: "A school is just a school. So most likely the disappearances are due to a naturally formed curse."

Yuta: "So, you're saying that the kids were abducted by a curse?"

Tenshi: "Places that a lot of you humans have memories of tend to be hotbeds for curses."

Maki: "She's right. Schools and hospitals are frequently thought of. Every time that happens, they become receptive to negative emotions. As those emotions pile up, curses form like what happened here."

He fell silent before grabbing my hand.

Yuta: "Would that mean...that I've brought forth a lot of curses in my old school? Since I was um..."

he trailed off and I smiled at him, feeling his nervousness.

Tenshi: "Don't worry, Yuta. Rika scared all the curses off with her immense cursed energy. But I still find it weird that you haven't seen a single curse other than Rika."

Maki: "Well, he's not a sorcerer, remember? He's just stuck with a curse. Once that is dealt with, he will be a regular non-sorcer?"

This caused Yut to look down at the ground as he entered the gate. Suddenly I was pulled from Yuta I looked up to see my father.

Gojo: "Exorcise the curse and save the children. If they are dead, recover the bodies."

Yuta looked at him horrified as my father started putting up a veil.

Gojo: "This is a screen. It makes you invisible from the outside and causes curses to appear. Then it should be easy to solve the problem from the inside."

Tenshi: "Father."

I tugged on his sleeve and pointed up at the veil that was closing. He chuckled and nodded his head. We started walking back to the gate. My father glanced back at them with a smirk.

Gojo: "Alright then. I sincerely hope you don't die~!"

I looked at my father annoyed as we got outside the veil before it closed. I stood next to him as we waited for the others to be done exorcising the curse.

Tenshi: "Did you have to say that, Father?"

He looked at me with that innocent smile as if he had done nothing wrong.

Gojo: "Whatever do you mean, my precious daughter?"

I looked at him irritated.

Tenshi: "I know why you're doing this, father. Please stop, Yuta is just a friend."

Gojo: "Hum...a friend that is already calling you by your first name, and who by the way if you haven't noticed, has been glaring at me this whole time."

I looked at him dumbfounded and I glanced at Noroi.

Noroi: "He has. It was so weird to watch. Every time your father put his hands on your shoulders, Okkotsu would glare at him. Then in the car, the boy looked at you as if you were bleeding out."

Eh!? I looked back at my father surprised.

Tenshi: "R-Really!?"

He hummed and nodded his head. Suddenly the veil started to go down and this meant that Yuta and Maki had succeeded in exorcising the curse. There was a roar and we looked up to see Rika ripping up a curse. My father chuckled at this, finding it amusing.

Gojo: "So this is the Special Grade cursed spirit...Orimoto Rika, in full ger. Women sure are scary."

I looked at my father annoyed.

Noroi: "Yako wants to eat him."

I glanced at him disgusted.

Noroi: "Not like that, you pervert!"

Yuta: "Noroi!"

We looked over at the gate of the school to see Yuta walking to us, carrying an unconscious Maki and two kids under his arms. I gasped as I ran over to them with my father following me. I took one of the kids and naturally, my father didn't help. He smiled and clapped his hands.

Gojo: "Welcome back! You gave it your all, huh?"

Yuta looked at him annoyed as I helped him get Maki and the kids in the car. This time, since we had kids in the car, my father drove at the right speed limit. We got the kids to the hospital and Maki to Shoko. I went back to my room because Yuta needed to talk to my father about something involving Rika.

Chapter 10: Beach Day


Tenshi goes to the beach with her friends after a day of defeating curses.

Chapter Text

I was walking down the hall with Noroi on my shoulders as we read the case file I was given to me by Ijichi. Me, Megumi, and Nanami were called onto a mission because of some curses. I smiled brightly at this because it's always fun to team up with Megumi.

Yuta: "Noroi!"

I stopped walking and turned to see Yuta jogging up to us, holding a sword in his hands. We looked at him confused. Where did he get that and why does he have it? He has Rika.

Tenshi: "Ah, good moring Yuta!"

Noroi: "What's with the sword?"

Yuta: "Oh! Gojo-sensei gave it to me. It's pretty cool! He says that I will start training with Zenin-san today!"

I narrowed my eyes at him and he looked at me horrified and worried.

Noroi: "Human, did you learn nothing from the introduction!? The girls don't like it when you call Maki by her last name."

I huffed and nodded my head. He looked at us shocked before he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

Yuta: "Oh, sorry, guys. I forgot."

I sighed as I dropped my frown. I can't fault Yuta for that, he hasn't known Maki for that long.

Tenshi: "It's fine, as long as you don't do it again."

He frantically nodded his head as we entered the common room. We grabbed some food and sat at a table. Noroi started eating both mine and Yuta's food.

Yuta: "You look a lot happier than you did yesterday. Did something happen?"

Noroi and I looked at him perplexed. What the hell does he mean by that? I was happy yesterday!

Tenshi: "I got a mission with Gumi and my uncle Nanami!"

Noroi: "She normally gets this excited when she teams up with that Sea Urhin brat."

I looked at him annoyed at what he called Megumi, but nodded my head. For some reason, this caused Yuta to drop his chopsticks as he looked at me horrified and worried. Noroi and I looked at him confused.

Yuta: " that so?"

Tenshi: "I am so excited! Gumi has this amazing cursed technique and I always love to see him use it! Unlike Noroi's, his is boring."

Noroi: "Hey! It's MY cursed technique that you use for your stupid lie!"

I sighed because I knew he was right. If it wasn't for Noroi and Yako's powers, I would have been found out years ago. I glanced up at Yuta to see him frowning. Is he okay?

Yuta: "Megumi?"

Tenshi: "Yes, he's, Noroi what was the word again?"

Noroi: "Kohai."

I giggled and nodded my head as Yuta looked at us dumbfounded.

Yuta: "Wait, he's in middle school?"

Tenshi: "Yeah, he's a year older than me."

He looked at me shocked. Why is he so shocked?

Yuta: "Why is there a middle schooler on campus?"

Noroi and I looked at him baffled because I'm a middle schooler and am here on campus. So what's the big deal about Megumi being here? Also, didn't my father tell him what this school is used for?

Tenshi: "Didn't my father tell you? Jujutsu sorcerers use this school as a base, even after graduation. So it's only natural that Gumi would use it as a training ground even in middle school. It's not like he lives here. He lives with me and my father."

Suddenly Yuta started to choke on his food and I began to panic as Noroi just sat there and stared at Yuta blankly.

Tenshi: "Yuta! Are you okay!?"

I grabbed a glass of water and gave it to him. He took it, our fingers brushing against each other. He drank the water before clearing his throat and looking at me horrified and anxious.

Yuta: "W-Why does he live with you?"

Noroi: "Why do you care?"

Yuta sent at Noroi and I know that look. My egg donor used to give it to me all the time, even in my past life. It was the look of "Shut the f*ck up!" Why would he look at Noroi like that!?

Tenshi: "My father adopted Gumi before me, so technically he's my adopted brother, but he doesn't like it when people call us that."

Yuta looked at me stunned but relaxed.

Yuta: "Oh, your father adopted him?"

Tenshi: "Yeah, he adopted Megumi and his older sister."

He let out a sigh of relief before reaching across the table and taking my hand in his. Noroi started growling as he glared at Yuta, and this bothered me greatly. There were only a few times he would act like this, and that was...around Yuji.

Yuta: "Noroi, there is something I want you to know."

Tenshi: "U-Um, yeah?"

Yuta: "If you ever feel uncomfortable and can say no, remember?"

Noroi and I looked at him baffled. What in the world is he talking about?

Tenshi: "What are you talking about?"

Yuta: "Next time he makes you uncomfortable, remember what I told you and hold your ground. Don't give in, even if he begs."

Noroi and I looked at him so lost as he smiled at me. What in the world is he talking about?

Noroi: "What are you talking about, human!?"

Yuta ignored Noroi as he kept on smiling at me as he held my hand. I started getting this eerily feeling, the same one I used to get with Yuji and I didn't like it. I always told myself I would never get into the same situation.

Tenshi: "So are you doing so far? Are you settling in well?"

He didn't remove his hand from mine as he smiled and nodded his head. That made me happy to hear. I was worried that Yuta was going to have trouble settling in.

Yuta: "It's a lot better than my old schools."

Tenshi: "That's good to hear! I was concerned that you were having trouble settling in."

He looked at me astonished and Noroi let out a low growl at him. But Yuta ignored him as he smiled.

Yuta: "Though, I'm going to miss you when you leave."

Tenshi: "Oh, don't worry! You can have my number!"

He looked at me shocked but grinned as he pulled out his phone. We exchange numbers.

Tenshi: "When I leave, I'll miss everyone."

Yuta: "Including me?"

Noroi and I looked at him surprised as his face became red from embarrassment.

Tenshi: "Did you even need to ask!? Of course, I will miss you! Probably the most out of everyone here, because we're the same. You are the only one who understands me."

Yuta looked at me astounded as his grip on my hand tightened. I cringed in pain and I tried to pull my hand out of his grasp, but he wouldn't let go.

Tenshi: "'re kind of hurting my hand here."

He didn't listen to him as his grip tightened. I cringed in pain some more.

Noroi: "HUMAN! Let go!"

He bit down on Yuta's arm and this caused him to shout in pain. He let go of my hand and I held it to my chest. Yuta cradled his wrist as he looked at Noroi aghast.

Yuta: "What was that for Fox!?"

Noroi: "You were hurting the kid!"

Yuta looked at him baffled before looking at me. His eyes widened in horror as he started to freak out.

Yuta: "I am SO sorry, Noroi! I didn't mean-"

I nervously giggled as I waved my uninjured hand, cutting him off. Knowing anything from dealing with Yuji, they will hurt you, apologize, but never change their ways. It's better not to upset them until you are far away.

Tenshi: "It's okay Yuta. I know you didn't mean it. I know you would never intentionally hurt me."

He sighed in relief before I looked at the time. Please tell me it's time for Noroi and me to leave.

Tenshi: "Oh, I should get going now. See you later, Yuta!"

I got up and threw my leftovers away. Noroi jumped on my shoulders as he glared at Yuta.

Tenshi: "Stop glaring, you might piss him off."

Noroi: "I knew there was something I didn't like about that brat."

Yuta: "Good luck Noroi and please be careful!"

I heard him shout down the hall and nervously giggled as I nodded my head. I hurried to the parking lot to see everyone already at the car.

Tenshi: "Uncle Nanami!"

I ran over to them and they looked back at me with smiles.

Nanami: "Noroi, it's good to see you again."

I giggled and nodded my head. I move to get into the car but Megumi stops me by grabbing my arm. I looked at him confused to see him looking down at my hand.

Megumi: "Noroi...what happened to your hand?"

I looked at him perplexed before looking down at my hand to see a red bruise around it. Damn, how hard was Yuta holding my hand!?

Noroi: "I'm going to kill that brat!"

Nanami: "Noroi, did you hurt yourself?"

Noroi: "If you don't tell them the truth right now. I will reveal myself and tell them myself!"

I glanced at Noroi horrified and worried because that would expose our lie of seven years! He narrowed his eyes at me, and this made me realize he wasn't joking. So I sighed as I looked back at the others.

Tenshi: "No, this was um...Yuta. He grabbed my hand too hard."

They looked at me aghast and Megumi started to clench his fists.

Megumi: "Wait, Okkotsu did that!?"

Tenshi: "Yes...but he didn't mean to!"

Nanami: "Why did he hold your hand too tight?"

Tenshi: "I have no idea why, but he was being weird."

They looked at me worried.

Nanami: "Weird, how?"

Tenshi: "He started telling me if someone makes me uncomfortable, I can say so and I could always talk to him. I think...I think he assumes my father is doing something nasty to me because he has been glaring at him since he started here."

They looked at me appalled and upset.

Megumi: "Gojo might be an idiot...but he's not...what Okkotsu is accusing him of."

Nanami: "I will make sure to have a conversation with Okkotsu once we get back from the mission."

I sighed and nodded my head. I feel bad for getting Yuta in trouble but this is for my safety. I am NOT going to get myself into the situation I once was, in with Yuji! Megumi gently pushed me into the car and we sat in the back while Uncle Nanami sat up front with Ijichi driving.

Nanami: "As the case file stated, we will be going over to Roppongi, Minato. There is an abandoned orphanage that was shut down for child abuse and neglect. So there will be a large amount of curses inside. Proceed with caution when you go in."

We looked at him shocked and confused. Wait, is he not coming in with us?

Tenshi: "Are you not coming in with us?"

Nanami: "I will, but more curses have been reported in the surrounding area outside of the building. I will stay outside and handle them while you two take on the curses on the inside. I will come and assist once I am done."

We nodded our heads as we pulled up to the destination.

Ijichi: "We have evaluated everyone from the surrounding areas. We told them it was a gas leak."

We nodded our heads and Ijichi brought a veil down. Megumi and I walked inside the building while Uncle Nanami stayed out. It didn't take long to spot a group of curses waiting for us at the entrance.

Noroi: "Whoa...nice to see they were waiting for you?"

Tenshi: "Whoa...nice to see we're getting a warm welcome."

Megumi looked at me annoyed and it caused me to laugh.

Megumi: "Please stop hanging out with Gojo."

Tenshi; "Gumi, he's my father, and we live together, how am I supposed to avoid him? Plus, you of all people should know it's not easy to avoid that man."

He sighed and nodded his head. He then looked back at the curses.

Megumi: "Do you want to take this one? I kind of need to let off some...steam."

I looked at him perplexed but waved my hand, letting him take the lead. He held out his hands and summonsed his Demon Dogs. The two fluffballs immediately launched at the group of curses and started devouring them. Noroi groaned as he looked at the dogs annoyed.

Tenshi: "Gumi, I can never get over how cool your cursed technique is!"

Megumi hid his face from me and I looked at him confused. The next thing I knew he started chasing after another curse, taking out his sword.

Megumi: "I will handle this."

I nodded my head and Noroi jumped off my shoulder and in a puff of smoke, he was back in human form. We followed Megumi around the building as he killed curses left from right. We saw a curse about to attack Megumi with his back turned.

Tenshi: "Noroi!"

Noroi: "On it."

We both swung our arms out, pointing our fingers at the curse.

Noroi; "Dismantle!"

The curse was cut in half and Megumi was coated with its blood. He frowned as he looked at me irritated.

Tenshi: "Remember, idiot. Don't leave your back open."

Megumi: "I'm not annoyed you saved me, Noroi. I got curse blood all over me now."

Noroi: "Damn, ungrateful brat."

I crossed my arms and I looked at him irritated.

Tenshi: "Should have paid attention, human!"

He sighed and nodded his head. The amount of curses on the second floor was a lot more than on the first floor, so it took us a lot longer to get rid of them. Noroi and I made sure to sit back and let Megumi get most of the kills because he was upset about something and needed to take it out on the curses. We only stepped in when he needed our help. By the time we were done, we were panting and tired...while beside Noroi.

Tenshi: " you want to tell me what made you so upset?"

He frowned as he walked over to me, grabbed my hand, the one that Yuta hurt, and held it with all the care in the world.

Megumi: "Okkotsu hurt you, then he accused Gojo of being a groomer. I know I can't take him down, because of the Special Grade, so I took my anger out on these curses."

I sighed and nodded my head. I should have known it was about that. Gojo is like a father to Megumi, so hearing someone accusing your father of something so...terrible would upset anyone.

-------------Time skip------------

After the mission was a success, we headed back to the school. My father hadn't returned from his mission yet, so I used this as my chance to pack my things since it wouldn't be long before I left. I was in the middle of putting away my clothes when suddenly my father appeared in my room. I yelped as I threw a pillow at him, but of course, it didn't hit him thanks to his limitless technique. Noroi sat on my bed, laughing his ass off as my father stood there with his mouth page.

Tenshi: "God, don't do that, Dad! You scared the sh*t out of me!"

My father snickered as he held out his arms.

Gojo: "Did you miss me, sweetheart?"

Tenshi: "No, actually, it's been so peaceful without you around."

I had a smile on my face and my father laughed at that.

Tenshi: "So, how was your mission, Dad?"

Gojo: "It was boring as ever, but most of my missions are. What about you? I heard you went on a mission with Megumi and Nanami."

Tenshi: "Oh, it went fine. The curses weren't that strong. But Gumi...he used them punching bags."

My father tilted his head as he looked at me confused.

Gojo: "Punching bags?"

I sighed as I held up my hand to show my father. He stared at the man and I felt a wave of blood lust engulf the room. Noroi's fur puffed up as he looked at my father annoyed.

Noroi: "Damn, you humans and your blood lust!"

Gojo: "Noroi."

I flinched as I looked at my father nervously. This is the first time he has used my name...well you know what I mean. There was this dark tone in his voice as he walked over to me, taking off his blindfold. Now normally, Jujutsu Kaisen fans would have gone crazy for that, but right now...god it looks terrifying! His crystal blue eyes almost f*cken GLOWED as he stared into my soul! He grabbed my hand gently as he rubbed his thumb gently over the red bruise. He was frowning, clearly upset. I noticed this dark look in his eyes.

Gojo: "Who did this?"

I looked at him unsure to tell him because Yuta had already been talked to by Nanami and knowing my father...he's the reason why Yuta's execution was suspended, I don't want to be the reason why the higher-ups killed him off early. I already changed a lot of the plot, I don't need to change anything else.

Tenshi: "The person has already gotten in trouble, Dad. You don't need to worry."

He frowned as he looked at me suspiciously. Noroi looked at me annoyed.

Gojo: "Sweetheart, as your father, I need to know."

Tenshi: "I know that Dad, but remember, I, the great Kitsune, Noroi, can protect myself!"

I nervously laughed trying to make him believe I was fine. Noroi stared at me blankly as my father sighed.

Gojo: "Fine...when you are ready to tell me, you know where to find me."

I sighed and nodded my head. He patted my head as he stood up.

Gojo; "I got to run some errands. We're running out of food in the house. I hope you get better."

I smiled and nodded my head. He soon left and Noroi looked at me annoyed.

Noroi: "Why didn't you tell him?"

Tenshi: "Because Yuta has already been punished, and knowing my father...he would revoke his protection on Yuta. This would allow the higher-ups to kill him. I don't want to be the cause of him getting killed.'

Noroi sighed and nodded his head.

Noroi: "Fine, I'll drop it for now. You should do your laundry."

I sighed and nodded my head. Suddenly I heard someone run from my room and I snapped my head at the door. sh*t! Did somebody hear me talk to Noroi!?

Tenshi: "N-Noroi, someone was at the door!"

Noroi: "Don't worry, it was just Okkotsu."

I sighed in relief but then I realized something. Why...why was Yuta just standing outside my door, and why did he run away? Did he hear what I said?

------------Time skip------------

I was carrying a basket of my dirty clothes to the laundry room when I froze. Because standing there by the drier was none other than...Yuta. He turned around and his eyes widened once he saw me, but he didn't look all surprised to see me. We stood there staring at each other, not moving an inch or saying anything. Noroi pokes his head from my laundry.

Noroi: "Can you get going with your laundry, kid? You still need to pack!"

I sighed and nodded my head. I walked over to the waster and Yuta finally spoke.

Yuta: "Oh, um, Noroi! I didn't think I would see you here!"

I tightly smiled at him as I placed my laundry basket down. I opened the washer and started putting my clothes into it as Noroi jumped out of the basket, so I didn't end up putting him inside the washer. After I put all my clothes in the washer, I realized I had left my laundry soap in my room.

Tenshi: "Oh sh*t! I forgot my laundry soap! Can you watch over my things as I get it?"

He looked at me stunned but then smiled and nodded his head.

Tenshi: "Thanks!"

I picked up Noroi and raced out of the room to head back to my room to grab the laundry soap.

Noroi: "I don't feel okay leaving him in there with your clothes, kid."

Tenshi; "Oh, what's the worst that could happen?"

Noroi: "Yako says he can steal your panties.'

Tenshi: "Well, tell Yako, that won't happen."

Noroi: "She says that Yuta reminds her of my brother and he used to do that a lot. I mean...she's not wrong."

I ignored them both as I went to my room. I ran inside to find the laundry soap on the bed. I grabbed it and then ran out of the room. I headed back to the laundry room to see Yuta very fast put something into his pile of clothes. I looked at him perplexed as I walked over to the washer. Noroi jumped out of my arms as he walked over to Yuta and started sniffing him.

Yuta: "Um...Fox, what are you doing?"

Noroi looked up at Yuta and started growling slightly. I ignored this and put the laundry soap into the washer.

Tenshi: "Hey, ignore him. Thank you for watching over my clothes."

He smiled at me as he nodded his head.

Yuta: "N-No problem, Noroi!"

Noroi growled at him some more.

Yuta: "Okay...what is your deal?"

Noroi: "Why do you smell like the kid?"

We looked at him shocked and confused. Yuta nervously laughed as he started to sweat.

Yuta: "Um...I think it's because I'm in a small room by her clothes. You're probably smelling that."

Tenshi: "He's right, Noroi. It is a small room."

I closed the lid of the washer and started the machine.

Tenshi: "Come on, let's go."

I picked Noroi up and he hissed at Yuta which caused Yuta to jump.

Noroi: "I'm keeping my eyes on you, brat."

I groaned as I walked out of the laundry room. Once we were far away, I glanced down at Noroi.

Tenshi; "Did you smell me on him?"

Noroi: "Not him...his f*cken clothes. So either the pervert rubbed his clothes against yours, or..."

Tenshi: "Or he stole something of mine."

He sighed and nodded his head. We headed back to my room to continue packing.

------------Time skip------------

It was morning and Maki decided to go to the beach. They had invited Gumi to tag along, but he's a vampire and hates the sunlight, but I was happy to join them! We had gotten our things ready but needed to head to Yuta's room to wake him up. I skipped over to his room with Noroi resting on my shoulders. I got up to his room and was about to knock on the door.

Noroi: "Wait, don't."

I paused as I glanced at him confused. I opened my mouth to say something when I suddenly heard a muffled whine from Yuta's room. I looked back at the door dumbfounded.

Tenshi: "What is happening in there?"

Noroi: "You don't want to know, kid."

I looked at him perplexed as I saw him glaring at the door. He looks almost...disgusted.

Noroi: "Human males never change, right Yako? They creep on the females, then wonder why those same females don't want anything to do with them."

Huh? What in the world is he talking about? I looked back at Yuta's door, wondering what he was doing in there, that grossed Noroi out.

-------------Narrator's POV and NSFW------------

Yuta let out a muffled whine as one hand had one of Tenshi's panties shoved over his nose and his other hand was palming himself through his boxers. He couldn't believe he was doing this, that he had been reduced to this pathetic mess, but he couldn't find it to stop what he was doing. He was just glad that Noroi didn't expose him to Tenshi. He didn't know what he would have done if the fox spirit told the girl he liked that he stole one of her clothes while they were gone.He was never like this before. Sure he had small crushes on a few girls in his old schools, but he simply found their appearances attractive and never did anything beyond admiring them. It wasn't as if he could do anything, Rika would get jealous and try to attack the girls. At one of his old schools, there was a rumor going around that Yuta was physically abusive to girls because one girl who got too close to him for Rika's taste ended up down the stairs after Rika had pushed her.

But Tenshi was different. She wasn't just SOME girl with an appealing face, she had a kind personality that matched her exterior. On top of that, she managed to get on Rika's good side! He didn't need to admire her from afar, because he had the privilege of being her FRIEND and not having to worry about Rika attacking her. Even if she didn't get on Rika's good side, he knew the fox spirit attached to her, would protect her. But that's where his issues lines. The fox spirit...doesn't like him. He could tell from all the growling and glaring. The fox doesn't like him and he doesn't understand why. Sure he had hurt her by accident, but that was an accident! Sure he stole something of hers, but he doesn't understand why the fox cares! Tenshi was always within an arm's reach. She was so close yet so far away. Friends, but not lovers, and he wouldn't dare to attempt going any further. One, he knew his place. She was WAY above his league, he was just some scrawny, pathetic kid who was lucky enough to be her friend. And two...the fox spirit wouldn't let him get that far. He also knew no matter what, she wouldn't see him as a lover, which is why he's sniffing her stolen panties while touching himself. It was the closest he could get to being with disgustingly shameful as it was.

Yuta: "Haah...nngh~!"

he moaned as he bit the inside of his cheeks in a poor effort to keep quiet. He palmed the growing tent in his pants, feeling the spot grow wet from his leaking cum coming out of his co*ck. He had already came a few minutes ago, but one more whiff of her panties got him hard all over again. His trembling hand stopped what it was doing before traveling up to the waistline of his pants. Just when he was about to sneak his hands into his boxers to stimulate himself some more, there was a knock at his door. He nearly jumped off his bed and his heart started to race as he recoiled his hand back.

------------Tenshi's POV------------

Tenshi: "Yuta!"

I had just knocked on the door after Noroi had cringed in disgust and begged for us to walk away. Now I want to know what he was doing in there.

Tenshi: "Are you still sleeping?"

I suddenly heard something fall and slide across his room, before hearing shuffling around. I then heard something slam shut and I looked at Maki confused. She frowned as she banged on Yuta's door.

Maki: "Okkotsu! What are you doing in there? Get your ass up, we have a beach to get to, remember?"

Yuta: "C-Coming!"

I heard the crack in his voice.

Noroi: "He was doing something nasty in there."

I glanced at Nooi confused, before it hit me. Ah, so that's why he was cringing in disgust!

Yuta: "Just, uh...give me a second!"

Maki groaned as she crossed her arms, looking rather annoyed.

Maki: "What in the world was he doing in there?"

Tenshi: "I heard nasty noises, so you can guess what he was doing in there, Maki."

She looked at me appalled and disgusted. We heard more shuffling in the room before the door swung open. Yuta was sweating so it was obvious what he had been doing in there. Maki scowled at him as I smiled.

Tenshi: "Good morning! Did you sleep well? Sorry if we woke you up."

Yuta: "I-It's fine."

His voice cracked as he swallowed some spit. Noroi's nose twitched as he looked at Yuta disgusted.

Noroi: "He smells of hormones. Yako and I don't like it."

I watched as Yuta flinched at that. Oh right...Yuta can see and hear Noroi!

Yuta: "I was already awake when you guys knocked."

Noroi: "Oh yeah. I heard you."

Yuta tensed up as he looked at Noroi horrified.

Maki: "Get dressed in thirty minutes. We'll be waiting for you in the common room, and don't bother with breakfast, well be eating on the go."

He nodded his head frantically.

Yuta: "Right. I'll be quick!"

Once that was done, we walked back to the common room where Panda and Inumaki were waiting for us.

Tenshi: "I can't wait until we get there! What's the name of the beach we're going to?"

Panda: "Atami Sun Beach. It's only about two hours away, but we'll be stopping at McDonalds for breakfast.'

I nodded my head as Maki looked at me.

Maki: "Noroi, has Gojo-san taken you to McDonalds?"

Tenshi: "Yeah. It was the first fast food place he took me to!"

They sighed in relief and soon Yuta entered the common room.

Yuta: "Hi guys. Sorry for taking so long."

Inumaki: "Bonito flakes." (In disagreement)

He shook his head, telling Yuta it was fine since he still couldn't understand what Inumaki was saying.

Panda: "Let's get going guys! I can't wait to see the look on people's faces when they see a panda on the beach!"

Inumaki: "Salmon!" (Affritimave)

He then pulled out his phone and typed something then he showed us.

"I'll make sure to post it on TikTok too!"

They laughed at this as Noroi looked confused.

Noroi: "What is Tiktok?"

Tenshi: "Um...what is Tiktok?"

They looked at me shocked and Maki groaned.

Maki: "I was sure that idiot would have shown you by now!"

Panda: "Don't worry, we'll show you later, Noroi."

I nodded my head as we headed out.

------------Time skip------------

The drive, as Panda said, only took about two hours. It was the best two hours. I enjoyed watching Noroi's reactions to seeing the different types of cars, the people walking along the streets, and the large bridges, on top of that, he was amazed at how much Japan has changed over the years. For 1,000 years, he spent his whole life stuck in that temple, with only a limited portion of the forest to explore. Now he could see all of Tokyo, the large school campus, and now the beach. The city of Atami was a sight to behold. Unlike Tokyo, it was a seaside city, full of tall buildings and busy streets with volcanic hills in the background. Atami Sun Beach was just as gorgeous to witness, it was a sandy strip lined with palm trees and resort hotels. According to Panda, it was also "Instagram worthy" and it was funny watching Noroi's confused face. Soon the driver stopped as they parked the car in a good parking spot.

Driver: "I hope you kids enjoy yourselves Make sure to call me once you're ready to come back."

We nodded our heads and I picked up Noroi as we climbed out of the vehicle.

Maki: "You guys find us a spot to relax."

She grabbed my arm and Noroi jumped on my shoulders.

Maki: "Come on, Noroi, let's find somewhere to change into our swimsuits!"

I giggled as I nodded my head. We left the boys and headed to the changing rooms to change into swimsuits. Noroi made sure to look away from us as we changed. My swimsuit was a dark red bikini with a flowing black skirt wrapped around me which showed off the side of my leg. I had the swimsuit customized with Noroi's black markings. I put on a floppy sun hat with a black bow on the side.

Tenshi: "Okay, I'm done!"

Maki: "Damn girl! Don't you look hot!"

I giggled thinking she was joking and then I wrapped my arm around hers. Noroi jumped on my shoulder as we left the changing room. We headed back over to the boys.

Tenshi: "We're back! Sorry, we took so long!"

They looked at us and I noticed how Yuta's and Inumaki's eyes widened. Yuta shoved his hands into his pockets and yanked his jacket down. I looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Filthy men are looking."

I glanced at Noroi baffled before I glanced around the beach to see that he was right. Suddenly I felt Maki's arm tighten around mine and I looked at her, to see her glaring at Yuta.

Maki: "Eyes up, Okkotsu!"

I looked over at Yuta to see him looking at Maki shocked as his face was red.

Yuta;: "I...No I wasn't-"

Panda: "Yuta's a perve!"

Yuta looked at Panda horrified.

Yuta: "No! I-I'm not!"

He looked back at me and I quickly looked away from him and started rummaging through my bag. Acting as if I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about.

Tenshi: "Hey, Maki-san! Can you help me out here, please?"

I pulled out a bottle of sunscreen and she cheered.

Maki; "Sure thing, hot stuff!"

I laughed as I lay on the sand. I handed her the bottle of sunscreen as Noroi sat on the sand in front of me. Maki got on her knees beside me.

Maki: "It's going to be cold."

Tenshi: "I've dealt with worse."

She barked out a laugh as she put some sunscreen on her hands and then slowly placed them on my back. As she rubbed the sunscreen all over my back and shoulders, I could see people on the beach shooting her stares of envy. It caused me to snicker.

Maki: "What got you laughing, hot stuff?"

Tenshi: "Oh nothing, but those pathic humans are watching in envy. We should give them a show, don't you think, sweetheart~?"

I heard a small gasp from Maki before she snickered. The next thing I knew, Maki's hands slowly started to go lower on my back, near my ass, and I heard someone gasp. I turned my head to look at the boys to see Yuta and Inumaki looking horrified and slightly upset. The other people watching, some grown-ass men, looking like they were turned on by this. f*cken gross. Maki's hands traveled back up my back before she started massing my shoulders. I hummed in bliss as I closed my eyes. She then leaned close to my ear.

Maki; "I'm done, hot stuff."

I laughed as she capped the sunscreen and placed it back into my bag. I sat up and I smiled at her.

Tenshi: "Thank you, Maki-san! Do you want help putting sunscreen on yourself too?"

Her face became red but she shook her head.

Maki: "Nah, the pervs got enough of a show."

I laughed and nodded my head. We soon started playing in the water or the sand, trying to bury Panda.

------------Time skip------------

Soon the sun was starting to set and Noroi and I were walking back to the group. We had gone to use the restroom...well I went to use the restroom, seeing as Noroi couldn't leave my side, he was forced to tag along. We were walking back when suddenly someone ran into my back. I almost fell if the person hadn't caught me.

???: "Oh, sh*t! I'm so sorry miss!"

I felt my whole body freeze as I heard that familiar voice behind me. Noroi's fur puffed out as he started to growl at the person behind me.

???: "Miss, are you okay?"

I slowly turned around to come face to face with honey-brown eyes and cherry blossom pink hair. I thought I would never see HIM again until later in the plot! What is he doing here!? It's been seven years!

Yuji: "Um...did I hit you that hard? Are you okay?"

I quickly snapped out of it as I nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck, trying not to show that I was scared. He might get suspicious of that.

Tenshi: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little...dazed. That's all."

Noroi wouldn't stop growling at Yuji as he jumped on my shoulders. Yuji chuckled as he seemed relieved to hear that.

Yuji: "That's good to hear!"

???: "Itadori! Come on, the game is about to start!"

Yuji looked back at his friend surprised before looking back at me.

Yuji: "Sorry but I have to-"

Tenshi: "It's okay."

He looked unsure but nodded his head. With that, he turned around and ran after his friend. I let out a sigh of relief, but Noroi was still tense.

Yuta: "Noroi!"

I jumped as I turned around to look at my friends running over to me. They looked worried.

Maki: "Girl, are you okay?"

I let out a sigh as I nodded my head.

Tenshi: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Inumaki: "Mustard Leaf?' (Concern)

Panda: "Inumaki is right. That boy ran into you better hard."

Maki: "Then you froze up. What did he say to you? Do I need to hurt him?"

I looked at them panicked as I held my hands.

Tenshi: "No, I swear, I'm fine! he apologized for bumping into me, I swear!"

They looked at me unsure but nodded their heads. We started walking over to a picnic bench and Yuta walked beside me.

Yuta: "Are you sure you're okay? Fox hasn't stopped glaring at the boy and growling."

I glanced at Noroi to see that Yuta was right. He was still glaring at where Yuji ran off and growled. I sighed as I glanced at Yuta.

Tenshi: "That boy...was Yuji."

He let out a small gasp as his eyes widened.

Yuta; "Are you okay? Did he...did he recognize you?"

Tenshi: "No, my appearance changed from seven years ago. Plus it's been seven years. I highly doubt he remembers me. I was just...caught off guard. I never expected to run into him again."

I knew I was going to see Yuji again, but I didn't think it was going to be so soon. Let's hope...he didn't recognize me.

------------Yuji's POV------------

I stood in my spot on the beach as I looked at the group of teens walking away. That one girl, the one with shoulder-length white hair and blue eyes. They called her...Noroi. That was the same name of the fox spirit back at the temple, I used to visit as a kid. The couple living there had a daughter named Tenshi...she was my...everything. But I had driven her away and deeply regretted it. According to the wife, Tenshi had swallowed a cursed object keeping the fox spirit trapped in the temple, then the fox spirit took off with her. If that girl was the fox spirit...maybe she knows where Tenshi is. I need to get that fox spirit and get her to tell me where my Angel is. I need her!It's been seven years without her! I'm sure she has cooled down by now and is trying to get back to me, but she probably got lost after seven years, or that fox spirit has her trapped. Wait...maybe that girl WAS Tenshi but the fox spirit took over her body! I need to...I need to save my Angel!

Chapter 11: Cursed Boy Caught


Yuta gets caught being weird towards Tenshi.

Chapter Text

It's been a few days since I left back home, Megumi and I had returned to campus for training and we ran into Maki and Panda. Panda looked excited to see us while Maki wasn't as rowdy which is rare for her.

Tenshi; "Oh, do you guys want to try some cookies I made?"

Thankfully this seemed to lighten Maki's mood as she grabbed two cookies for herself. Panda grabbed one and they ate them. I stood there, waiting for their reactions to my cookies. They both gasped in shock as they grinned. I grinned, so pleased that they loved them.

Tenshi: "I'm glad you guys like them!"

Maki frantically nodded her head as Megumi walked off to his spare room. We were given spare rooms for when we had to spend the night. I skipped down the hall to my room when Noroi started growling. I glanced at him confused.

Tenshi: "What's gotten into you? You were fine just this second ago."

Noroi: "There is a pervert in front of your dorm room."

Huh? I glanced at my dorm to see Yuta standing in front of my room. Huh? What is he doing there? He knows I'm not here. I walked over to him.

Tenshi: "Yuta?"

He jumped as he looked at me stunned and scared.

Yuta: "Ah! Noroi-san! Y-You're back...and so early too!"

His eyes were wide as if he was caught red-handed. Sometimes, I wish the plot didn't change, so I could know what most people were doing.

Tenshi: "It's good to see you again, but um..."

I trailed off trying to come up with the right words to say. Noroi scoffed as he narrowed his eyes at Yuta.

Noroi: "What were you doing in front of her room, when you knew she wasn't here?"

Yuta: "I um...I heard you were returning and I thought you were already here."

Noroi and I glanced at each other, knowing he was lying. No one knew Megumi and I were coming back, father made sure not to tell anyone, saying it would be a fun surprise. We looked back at him.

Tenshi: "Yeah, well..."

I trailed off, thinking of something to say to him. If there is a chance that he is becoming Yuji...I need to nip his feelings in the bud before they get bad, unlike my mother, and how she enourged Yuji.

Tenshi: "Gumi-chan was coming back and he asked no BEGGED me to come with him!"

I put on a fake sunny smile and I noticed how Yuta's hand curled into a fist. Despite that, he kept a smile plastered on his face.

Yuta: "Oh, that sounds...sweet."

I nodded my head and Noroi groaned. We looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Can you move now, human? We got to get into the room."

Yuta looked at him shocked and upset while I internally sighed in relief. Yuta stiffly nodded his head as he gave me a wave. He walked off letting me enter my room. Once inside, Noroi jumped off my shoulders and started sniffing the room. I closed the door and took the box of cookies out of my jacket. I had hidden it from Yuta, not wanting to give him some. Not to be rude, but again, I need to nip his feelings in the bud before he turns into Yuji and giving him cookies that I made...wouldn't help. I looked around my room to see that everything was just the way I left it. I hummed a song as I began to take things out of my bag and just as I was about to bend over to plug my phone charge in the outlet next to my nightstand Noroi let out a sneeze. I looked at him confused.

Tenshi: "What's up?"

Noroi: "Agh, your room REEKS of that Okkotsu brat. Did you not lock your door before you left?"

I looked at him horrified, but I tried to think. Did I lock my door before we left? Hum...oh sh*t! I looked at Noroi with wide eyes.

Tenshi: "No, I didn't!"

Noroi groaned as he went back to sniffing the room. I looked around my room, trying to see if anything was out of place, and sure enough...something was missing.

Tenshi: "Eh, Noroi?"

Noroi: "Yeah?"

Tenshi: "You remember that black ribbon I tied to my hair when Yako first changed my appearance, seven years ago, right?"

Noroi: "Yes, why?"

I turned to look at him with a look of horror.

Tenshi: "It's gone.'

He looked at me appalled and worried. He was about to open his mouth when suddenly my door swung open. We both spun around to see my Father standing there with a grin, only for the grin to disappear as he looked at me worried.

Gojo: "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

I took in a deep breath as he walked over to me. Noroi jumped on the bed to look at us.

Tenshi; "S-Someone was in my room while I was gone, I can smell it. And the ribbon I had when you first took him in is...gone."

He looked at me startled before getting worried.

Gojo: "Can you smell who it was?"

I shook my head and Noroi looked at me irritated.

Noroi: "I understand, you don't want to be the cause of the brat's death, but he can't get away with this for long."

I glanced at him, knowing he was right. I can't let Yuta get away with this. I opened my mouth to say something when I felt someone messing with my hair. I looked up to see that my father wasn't wearing his blindfold anymore. I stared at him shocked as he smiled at me.

Gojo: "There, all better."

I nodded my head as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back as he rubbed my back.

"What's going on?"

We looked over to see Megumi standing at the doorway.

Gojo: "Someone snuck into your adopted sister's room while you two were gone! They ended up stealing her ribbon!"

Megumi frowned as he looked at my father annoyed.

Megumi: "I told you to-"

He paused as his eyes widened in horror.

Megumi: "Wait...did you just say someone snuck into her room while we were gone!?"

We nodded our heads as Megumi looked like he was going to hunt the person down and kill them. Now I don't want to tell them even more, knowing how Megumi can get, he will go after Yuta and piss off Rika!

Megumi: "I can only guess one person who would do such a thing. The same person who hurt your hand."

My father looked at him surprised before looking down at me. I tried not looking at him, knowing I would end up telling him everything. He sighed before looking over at Megumi.

Gojo: "And who might that be, Megumi?"

Megumi looked at him surprised before looking at me upset.

Megumi: "You never told Gojo-san about what Okkotsu did to your hand!?"

My father looked at Megumi surprised before looking back at me. Noroi sighed at this.

Noroi: "He would have found out sooner or later.'

He has a point. I sighed as I looked up at my father.

Tenshi: "I-I didn't want you to take back your help. I didn't want to be the reason why Yuta was killed."

They looked at me dumbfounded before Dad's eyes softened.

Gojo: "Sweetheart, don't you worry about that. I won't do anything...TOO bad."

I looked at him unsure as he looked over at Megumi.

Gojo: "Megumi...can you go TALK to Okkotsu about his behavior towards my daughter for me?"

He nodded his head before turning around and running out of the room. My father then looked back at me with a beaming smile.

Gojo: "Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about when I came in here, you have a mission, so get ready for that!"

I looked at him surprised that I got a mission so soon of returning.

Tenshi: "Really!?"

He chuckled as he nodded his head. I cheered as I threw my arms up into the air.

Gojo: "I had wanted to tag along with you on this, but the higher-ups didn't trust it. Saying that I wasn't your babysitter and that it would be dangerous. And seeing as there was a scare amount of female sorcerers, there is a good chance you would be stuck with some snot-nosed, hormonal boy."

Tenshi: "Anyone better than Okkotsu."

My father sighed and nodded his head.

Tenshi: "Do you know when the mission is?"

Gojo: "In two days. Unfortunately, that is all I was allowed to know. The higher-ups didn't trust me with more."

I laughed, knowing they had a good reason. I have picked up most of my father's attitude, on top of that, the old farts believe I'm as dangerous as him. So they wouldn't want the two strongest immature people to work together.

Tenshi: "Not surprised. I've picked up on your attitude and the old farts wouldn't want the two strongest immature people to work together."

He laughed as he nodded his head. He then gasped as he looked at the box of cookies on my bed.

Gojo: "Aren't those the cookies you made!?"

I giggled and nodded my head. I removed the lip and held it out to my father. His eyes shined as he grabbed a cookie, but then Noroi jumped on his shoulders and ate the cookie. I stared at him shocked as my father sighed.

Gojo: "Why does the yokai like to eat my food, Nori-chan!?"

Noroi: "It's fun to see you cry like a baby."

Tenshi: "It's a hungry Yokai and he likes you."

Noroi snapped his head at me, hissing as my father started sobbing at that. He picked up another cookie and held it out to Noroi. He sniffed it before eating it. My father cheered in happiness, which made me laugh.

------------Megumi's POV------------

I stormed over to Okkotsu's room and banged on the door. I heard some shuffling around before the door opened to reveal Okkotsu, who looked as if someone just caught him red-handed. Oh, I wonder why!?

Yuta; "Ah, Fushiguro. What is it that you need?"

I glared at him trying to act brave, but the huge amount of cursed energy he was giving off was suffocating and terrifying. I'm surprised Noroi can handle this, but she is a kitsune, so naturally strong.

Megumi: "The ribbon you stole from Noroi's room, give it back."

He looked at me shocked, before frowning. I noticed how he would clench his fist as he looked at me upset.

Yuta: "I have no idea what you are talking about, Fushiguro.'

Megumi: "Cut the crap. You do remember Noroi is a fox spirit, she could smell you all over her room."

His eyes widened as he looked at me horrified. Yeah, he didn't think about that when he decided to be a perv and sneak into her room while we were gone and steal her sh*t!

Yuta: "Look um...the reason I was in there, was because...I missed her and slept in her bed!"

I stared at him disgusted that he thought that would make it any better.

Yuta: "So, I haven't seen a black ribbon so..."

I smirked, knowing I caught him. I never said what color the ribbon was. He tried to close his door but I slammed my hand on it, preventing him. He looked at me shocked and upset.

Megumi: "I never said what color the ribbon was, Okkotsu. So how would you know it was a black ribbon?"

He looked at me surprised before groaning. He walked away from the door and rummaged through his room before coming back with the ribbon. I snatched it out of his hands as I glared at him.

Megumi: "You try something like that again, Okkotsu. Gojo-san won't heastie to tell the higher-ups that he revokes his help and lets you get killed."

He gasped as he looked at me shocked. I turned around and stormed away from his room.

------------Time skip and Tenshi's POV------------

the day of my mission finally came and it was safe to say that I was nervous. I'm not used to going on missions without Megumi, so this would be my first mission without him. Soon my partner arrived and I was a lot more nervous than before because I never fought with Ino before. I have seen how he fights, but it's different when it's in real life now!

Ino: "Hey!"

He greeted me with a cheery wave.

Ino: "Takuma Ino! Nice to meet ya, you're real cute!"

I looked at him surprised as Noroi growled at him on my shoulders. The lady next to me, Nitta Akari, made furious slashing motions against her throat as she hissed at the dude.

Nitta; "She's a student!"

The man blanched as he took a huge step back away from me.

Ino: "Did I say cute? I meant...un, mute! You're mute! You should speak up more!"

I looked at him perplexed as Noroi calmed down.

Noroi: "Ah, not a pervert, good."

I glanced at Noroi confused before it hit me. Ah, he called me cute because he thought I was his age!

Tenshi: "Well, thanks for the compliment, human! I know I'm cute!"

I flipped my hair and Noroi looked at me irritated as Ino looked confused.

Ino: "Human? Wait...ah! You're that Kitsune everyone talks about!"

I laughed as I placed my hands on my hips.

Tenshi: "I see I'm quite famous!"

Ino grinned and nodded his head.

Tenshi: "Well human! you are lucky to work with the amazing Gojo Noroi! The fearsome kitsune!"

Ino looked at me even more amazed as Nitta and Noroi groaned.

Nitta: "We should get going now. Come on, get in the car. I'll debrief you with more details about the mission on the way there."

We nodded our heads as we climbed into the car. Ino was practically bouncing with excitement, and it sadly reminded me of canon Yuji. I miss that Yuji!

Nitta: "We'll be going to Bunkyo City. there has been an increase in kidnappings going on in one of the neighborhoods. All parents said the same thing, the kids went to play at this one park, but never came back."

Eh? Are we being sent out on a kidnapping case? That sounds...human.

Noroi: "A kidnapping case? Do they think it was a curse?"

Ino: "Did this all happen on the same day? The kidnappings, I mean?"

Tenshi: "Also, do we believe it's a curse? Kidnapping doesn't always mean curse, right?"

Nitta: "Yes, and yes. Around ten kids from the same neighborhood all went to the park just four days ago and have gone missing since then. We suspect that it was the act of a curse or more."

Noroi: 'Wait, suspect? So they don't know."

He has a point. How do they know it was a curse and not human trafficking?

Tenshi: "So we need to exorcise them and save the kids. Unless... they're either already dead, or we were wrong and it's not a curse and just sick f*cks."

They grimaced as they nodded their heads.

Nitta: "Let's hope they're not dead."

into: "And let's hope it's not the last part. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if it was."

We nodded our heads and it was around eight o'clock when we reached our destination. Bunkyo City, is one of Tokyo's special wards. It had looked so lively...until we reached the park. We got out of the car and Noroi sat on my shoulders. I could see a curse swimming around in the ground before disappearing from view.

Ino; "You saw that too, right?"

I nodded as I kept my eyes open for the curse, in case it tried attacking us.

Nitta: "I'll put up a curtain."

She murmured the incantation and the inky black veil fell over us as Nitta stepped out.

Ino: "That thing looked huge. I saw spikes."

He slides his mask over his face. Noroi looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Does he need that thing covering his face so his cursed technique could work?"

Tenshi: "I did too."

He hummed and nodded his head. He started walking only to stop and turn to me.

Ino: "By the way, what grade are you?"

Tenshi: "I'm a fourth-grade sorcerer."

He looked at me surprised.

Ino: "Whoa! I thought you would be a Special Grade."

Tenshi: "I requested to be a fourth grade."

He looked at me dumbfounded.

Ino: "What, why?"

Tenshi: "I wanted to EARN it, not have it handed to me."

He looked at me surprised but then grinned.

Ino: "Oh, I like you!"

I looked at him baffled and he started to freak out.

Ino: "Not like that, I swear! Your father would MURDER me if it was that way, but it's not I swear!"

I looked at him shocked but then started laughing. I opened my mouth to calm him down, but then the curse chose that time to finally reappear, emerging from the ground. It was a giant bony spike jutting out of its hunched back. It had a bulging belly and a diamond-shaped mouth that split open. Its tongue was long and thin like a spear, slithered out, ready to piece through Ino's unsuspecting back.

Tenshi: "SENPAI!"

Noroi turned into his human form and was about to slice the curse in half, but to our surprise, Ino, who didn't move an inch, grabbed the curse by its tongue. We stared at him surprised as he smirked at me.

Ino: "Let's work together, but you gotta impress me!"

He yanked the curse forward and delivered a powerful punch that caused it to fly to the side. It slammed into the swingset and I stared at him in shock.

Noroi; "Impressive for a human."

Ino: "Come on, Gojo-san! Don't let me do all the work!"

This caused me to snap out of it and nod my head. Noroi and I swung out our arms at the same time and snapped our fingers. This caused the curse to burst into blue flames, screaming in pain. Ino jumped back as he stared at the curse amazed.

Ino: "Dude, that was awesome!"

The curse screamed in pain as it managed to pierce its tongue through the flames, right at me.

Ino: "I got it!"

He sped into the air and grabbed the pointy thing before it could reach me. As if knowing he would do that, the curse retracted its tongue back and Ino suddenly shot towards the deadly flames. I gasped in fear and Noroi and I slam our hands down, causing the flames to die out, so Ino wasn't hurt. Ino kicked the curse and released its tongue. If flew back, sustained a lot of damage.

Tenshi: "Senpai! Are you okay!?"

Ino: "Yeah, I'm good! Good job canceling the technique!"

I grinned and nodded my head. We turned back to the curse to see it lying on its back and crushing a colorful climbing dome. As it tried to turn over Noroi snickered. I glanced at him confused, seeing him sneer at the curse as he covered his mouth with his sleeve.

Noroi; "Damn, look at it! Like a f*cken bug tried to flip itself over!"

I looked back at the curse and spotted something weird. It looked almost like...something was trying to break out of its massive stomach. Wait...oh sh*t!

Tenshi: "The kids are still alive!"

Noroi and Ino looked at me horrified.

Ino: "Huh!?"

Tenshi: "I saw its stomach moving like something was trying to break free! I think that's where the kidnapped kids its stomach!"

Ino: "Gross! So they're just sitting in there!?"

I nodded my head as Ino faked gagged.

Ino: "They are going to smell so bad when we get them out!"

Noroi and I looked at him baffled and irritated as he clapped his hands.

Ino: "Alright. So what's the plan? I was going to suggest we cut them out, but I'm worried we might accidentally injure them."

I nodded in agreement. We have to do something. Suddenly I felt someone place their hand on me and I glanced at Noroi as he smirked at me.

Noroi: "We can make the curse regurgitate the brats out."

I looked at him shocked. How in the world can we do that?! I looked back at Ino a little nervous.

Tenshi: "Maybe I can force it to regurgitate them out."

Ino: "And how would you do that?"

Noroi: "Choke it with my cursed energy!"

Tenshi: "Choke it with my cursed energy!"

He looked at me surprised before slapping my back lightly with a grin.

Ino: "We'll see. Try it out. I'll make sure to catch the kids."

I nodded before looking back at the curse, to see it get back on its feet only to nearly stumble to the side from the unbalanced weight. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, letting Noroi do his thing.

------------Noroi's POV-------------

I smirked as I held out my hand, letting my cursed energy flow through me. I then pushed my cursed energy onto the curse, allowing the disgusting thing to glow. The curse started to gurgle as I choked it with my cursed energy. I grinned, feeling delighted at this horrendous thing's misery as its stomach started to inflate before it began to gag in protest.

Ino: "It's working!"

The kid kept her eyes closed, letting this human believe she was the one doing all of this. I laughed as I forced more of my cursed energy into to curse until finally, the pressure was too much for it. It spewed everything out and created a blast of cursed energy. I could see about ten kids being shot up into the air, screaming in terror. The human hastily caught the gremlins before they could hit the ground.

Ino: "Finish it off!"

The kid snapped her eyes open as we both pointed our fingers at the curse. I grinned maliciously as I stared at the curse with glee. It stared at me terrified.

Noroi; "Dismantle!"

An invisible blade sliced through the curse like it was made out of mere paper. The human made sure to shield the gremlins from the frisly sight. Once the exorcism was done, he let out a loud whoop.

Ino: "HAH! You did it!"

The human brought his hand up in the air and I looked at it perplexed. What is he doing with his hand? Yako, do you know?

"I have no idea."

Noroi: "Kid, what is he doing with his hand?"

--------------Tenshi's POV------------

I looked at his hand with fake confusion.

Tenshi: "What...What are you doing?"

Ino: "Oh, did your father not teach you this?"

I shook my head and he grinned.

Ino: "It's called a high five. You slap my hand back."

Noroi: "Slap his hand...what is he a masoch*st?"

I internally laughed as I slapped his hand. He grinned seeming happy about that.

-------------Time skip-------------

I was sitting in my father's class waiting for him to show up. I was between Maki and Toge as Yuta sat on the other side of Panda. He seemed upset about this, but the glare Noroi would send him, made him leave me alone. Just then the door swung open and my father skipped into the room with a grin.

Gojo: "I have great news!"

Inumaki: "Tuna mayo?" (hey)

Maki: "We're getting a better teacher?"

Panda: "You finally got a girlfriend!"

Yuta: "Class is canceled!"

Tenshi: "You stopped bullying Aunt Utahime!"

My father sighed in disappointment as Noroi laughed.

Noroi; "You know full well, kid, he wouldn't stop teasing that lady!"

I internally sighed, knowing he was right.

Gojo: "You guys are terrible at guessing. No! You're all wrong! Especially you, missy! I will NEVER stop teasing Utahime, and when did she become your aunt!?"

I huffed as I crossed my arms, not answering him. He sighed as he looked back at the others.

Gojo: "Next month is the 29th Annual Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event!"

The classroom became so quiet I could hear Noroi purring!

Gojo: "Seriously? You kids are lame!"

Panda: "Oh! I heard of that!"

Maki: "I haven't. What is it?"

Panda: "It's this competition between our school and the Kyoto school. It's pretty cool from what I heard. There are team battles and one-on-one battles. But it's only for second and third years, so I have no idea what this has to do with us."

Gojo: "Actually!"

We looked at him stunned.

Gojo: "It's usually for second and third years BUUT! First years can be permitted as long as they get an upperclassman's permission."

We looked at him astonished as Maki's jaw dropped.

Maki: 'Are you saying we were permitted to participate!?"

Gojo: "No!"

Eh? Then why the hell is he telling us?

Noroi: "Then why bother telling us about the stupid event, you damn human!?"

Maki slammed her fist into her desk and I looked at her worried that she would break it. She glared at my father pissed off.

Maki: "Then why the hell are you telling us this!?"

Gojo: "Because one of you can join!"

We looked at him dumbfounded. Wait, only one? Suddenly Noroi started laughing and I looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Oh, I think I know who it is! Just by the way the damn idiot is grinning!"

Eh? Wait...oh sh*t! It's the time Yuta went to the Exchange Event by himself! Wait...DID MY DAD DO THAT ON PURPOSE!?

Maki: "Who is it?"

Gojo: "Due to the uneven numbers, I've been tasked with selecting one of my first-year students to join the Kyoto Event next month. And that person is...the person who decided to be a pervert to my daughter and sneak into her room while she was gone and steal her things as he slept in her bed."

Suddenly Yuta shrieked as he looked at my father horrified. Noroi and I stared at him with blank stares. My father didn't outright call him out, but he sure enough did. Everyone was now looking at him as my father tightly grinned.

Gojo: "That's right! It's you, Yuta!"

I watched the color on Yuta's face drain as he stared at my father horrified.

Yuta: "What?"


She snapped her head to Yuta and glared at him as she held her blade. Yuta shrieked as he hid under his desk. My father clapped his hands, getting the attention back on him.

Gojo: "Since the Kyoto school won the last event, Yuta will be joining the second and third years over to the Kyoto campus so make sure to bring lots of souvenirs for your classmates! And good luck!"

He gave Yuta a weak thumbs up as the boy stared at him with terror. I looked at him to see him wilting and sinking haphazardly under his desk. It looked like his soul was leaving his body.

Tenshi: "I'm sure you'll do fine, Yuta."

Maki: "Don't try to cheer up the creep, Noroi!"

She wrapped her arms around me, shielding me away from Yuta. Noroi barked out a laugh as Yuta looked like he wanted to pull out his hair.

Toge: "Salmon!" (Affitmanve)

Panda: "You still get beaten up by Maki a lot, but yeah, you've gotten better. Plus, the event is still about a month away, so you've got some time to prepare."

Yuta let out a dying voice in the back of his throat but managed to plaster on a nervous smile.

Gojo: "Now that's been settled. Who here can tell me how Reverse Cursed techniques work!?"

-------------Time skip-------------

My father and I were in our normal training room, sparring against each other. Noroi was sitting near my bag, munching on some snacks my father brought for him, even though he doesn't exactly know he's the REAL Noroi. Training with him was always f*cken RUTHLESS! But it still paid off. While I might not be able to use cursed energy, I can throw a good decent punch. Not as strong as Yuji's punches, but still strong enough to take down people like f*cken Todo! I did manage to land a few hits on him but he had done that one purpose to make me feel good.

Noroi: "I'm pretty sure this is called bullying. Right, Yako?"

After about two hours of this, I was out of breath.

Gojo: "Alright, that's enough for today.'

I promptly collapsed to the ground, my limbs feeling like jelly. My father stood over me with that innocent smile as if he didn't just waste two hours of my precious time to beat me up.

Gojo: "Oh my, did I tire you out THAT much?"

I laughed as I nodded my head.

Gojo: "Here."

He offered me his hand and I reached up to grab it, ignoring the way the ache in my arm protested against it. He yanked me up to my feet and Noroi walked over to us and jumped on my shoulder.

Gojo: "You've got some good stamina. You kept going with your attacks none-stop however, your reaction time is PAINFULLY slow and you tend to get lost on what to do whenever I engage in close combat."

I grimaced at that last part but nodded in agreement.

Gojo: "We'll work on that tomorrow. For now, get some rest."

Tenshi: "Thanks, Dad."

he smiled and patted my head before I walked out of the training room, my legs feeling like they could break any moment. I got back to my room and Noroi jumped off my shoulders and landed on my bed. I got a change of clean clothes and walked over to my bathroom. I took a quick hot shower and when I finished, I walked out feeling a tad bit refreshed. Just as I was about to remove my towel, to get dressed in some pajamas, there was a knock at my door.

Tenshi: "Who is it?"

Yuta: "I-It's me, Yuta!"

I cringed as I looked at Noroi for help. In a puff of smoke, he was in human form, but this time...

Tenshi: "Yako, what-"

He held up his finger to his lips before pointing to the bathroom. I sighed as I walked back into the bathroom so I could get dressed.

------------Yako's POV------------

I sat on the kid's bed as the Okkotsu brat knocked on the door again. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. Damn, that boy is clinging and pathetic!

Yako: "Come in."

The door opened and the boy walked inside the room. He froze as he looked at me horrified. He flung his arm out to point at me, which caused me to sneer at him. How DARE this human point at me!


I tilted my head as I smirked at the brat. He let out a growl as if he was some feral dog.

Yako: "Did you need something from the kid?"

The brat glared at me and opened his mouth to say something when the bathroom door opened and the kid walked out in her pjs. He looked at her appalled and pointed at me again, which pissed me off.

Yuta: "Noroi, who is this!?"

The kid glanced at me as I looked back at her annoyed. I pointed at the brat.

Yako: "Can I kill him, kid? He's pointing his nasty finger at me. Who knows where it's been!? Up his loose asshole!"

The brat gasped as he looked at me horrified and disgusted. The kid just sighed.

Tenshi: "Yuta, this here is, Yako. Remember, I told you that Noroi is his vessel."

I looked at her perplexed. His? When did I give her the impression that I was a male?

" Well, we never told her your gender, just your name. Plus we never did correct her."

Yako: "Because I don't care about that, Noroi!"

The humans looked at me confused. Damn, we have to fix that habit, Noroi!

Yuta: "Oh,'s nice to-"

I sneered at him and that shut him up. Good, a pest like him shouldn't be speaking to me!

Yako: "What did you want with the kid, brat?"

He started to sweat as he looked at the kid.

Yuta: "Um...Gojo-sensei put me in charge of picking up some sweets he ordered, and wanted you to accompany me."

The kid and I looked at the brat appalled. There is no way that damn sorcerer would say that, especially not after what this pervert was caught doing.

"So he lied!"

Yako: "Yes, Noroi, he lied!"

The brat looked at me shocked and upset.

Yuta: "I-I didn't lie! Gojo-sensei aid that!"

Yako: "Oh, my apologies for not believing a word you say. You're telling us, that Gojo told his daughter to leave school, to be alone with the boy that snuck into her room, and perverted on her? Ha! Don't make me laugh, pest!"

Yuta: "P-Pest!?"

Tenshi: "I don't want to sound rude, Yuta, but Yako has a pint. I don't believe my father would say that. I'll text him."

I smirked and nodded my head. Good call. the brat started to freak out at this.

Yuta: "What, don't!"

Yako: "Oh~! Why wouldn't ask her father? Are you hiding something~?"

I sneered at him and he looked at me scared. I can sense the damn Special Grade getting riled up, but with both mine and Noroi's energy, she must be too frightened to do anything. The kid pulled out her phone and texted her father. When she did that, the brat backed down.

Yuta: "I-I'm sorry, I forgot...I have something to do!"

The kid opened her mouth to say something, but the brat didn't give her time, as he ran out of the room in a hurry. She looked horrified by this, and I felt bad. She had gone through something like this with that Itadori brat, and for seven years she was free and safe, but now because that Okkotsu brat came into her life, she wasn't safe anymore.

Yako: "Don't worry kid. I'm sure your father would keep you safe."

Tenshi: "You seem to trust him now, Yako?"

Yako: "Hum...he keeps you safe, so...yeah he got our trust."

"Just don't tell the damn sorcerer that. Don't want his ego to inflate even more."

I laughed as I nodded my head.

Tenshi: "What did Noroi say?"

Yako: "Oh, nothing, just that, don't tell your father we trust him. Might make his ego even bigger."

She laughed as she nodded her head. Suddenly her phone beeped and she looked at it and let out a shaky breath.

Yako: "What is it? What did the sorcerer say?"

She walked over to me and showed me the message.

Father: "I have no idea what Okkotsu is talking about. I did order food, but I sent Megumi to go pick it up. I would NEVER tell him to pick up my food, I don't want to be infected with whatever he has and make me weird towards you, and I would NEVER have you be alone with him. If he tries something like this again...kick him in the balls!"

I sighed, I had known this was the case. That brat was lying to get the kid alone, but did he forget they wouldn't be alone? Noroi and I would have been with them. So whatever he had planned on doing to her was out the window. Let's hope he doesn't try something else.

Chapter 12: Lovesick


Warning: NSFW at the beginning.

Chapter Text

------------Noroi's POV------------


I cracked my eyes open as I heard a high-pitched moan come from somewhere in this blasted school. I then started to hear wet sounds bouncing around the room it was getting on my nerves. I stretched as I sat up on the kid's bed. I sniffed the air, getting a whiff of hormones.

"God, that smells disgusting!"

Noroi: "I know Yako! Do you want to see what it is?"

"You can, but I rather not have my poor eyes get assaulted."

Noroi: "I mean, you have a point."

???: "I'm sorry~!"

Eh? I glanced at the wall that separated the kid's room from that Okkotsu brat's room. God...he's doing something weird again! I huffed as I made myself invisible and teleported to his room. Since his room was next to the kid's room, I didn't need to worry about leaving her side. The moment I appeared in the brat's room, I froze in disgust. He was lying there on his bed, on his back, with his hand shoved down his pants working his hand up and down, and what I can only assume was his co*ck. But that's not what pissed Yako and me off or even disgusted us. This pervert had a pair of black panties with a red bow pressed against his nose as he was sniffing it and jacking himself off. He was drooling, his face, ears, and neck were red with blush, and he had this crazy look in his eyes.

"Aren't those the kid's underwear, Noroi?"

Noroi: "Yeah, I can smell her on them."

Tears welled up in the brat's eyes as he spewed out apologies, but never stopped jacking himself off. He stuck his tongue out and LICKED the damn thing!

"God, human males are so gross!"

Noroi: "Wasn't brother the same way?"

"Bitch, please! Your brother wasn't THIS bad!"

Norooi: "Yako...he massacred your whole damn race!"

"That was for power, not whatever THIS is!"

Noroi: "I do have a point. But I don't see Okkotsu committing INCSET!"

"He's probably into it!"

I groaned as the brat's hips started to spasm as he pumped his hand faster, his breath coming out as harsh pants, and his hips jutting up faster. Oh gross! Yako, he's going to-

"I know what he's going to do! If you don't like it, look away idiot!"

Noroi: "I have a better idea!"

I smirked as I watched as the brat tossed his head back against his pillow, letting out whimpers, whines, and moans. Then just as the brat looked like he was about to climax, I turned myself visible.

Noroi: "What are you doing, brat?"

The brat froze at what he was doing as he looked at me horrified.

Yuta: "F-Fox!?"

I laughed as I sneered at him. He pulled his hand out of his pants and stuffed the panties under his pillow.

Yuta: "What are you doing here!?"

Noroi: "What were YOU doing with the kid's underwear?"

I sneered at him as he looked at me shocked before he glared at me.

Yuta: "H-How do you know it was Noroi's!?"

Noroi: "One, I can smell her on them. Two, I can't leave her side, so there were moments I caught a glimpse of them. Don't worry, she was never wearing them."

He looked at me shocked and upset.

Yuta: "Look, I know what you're trying to do!"

I raised a brow at him, not knowing what he was talking about.

Noroi: "And that would be?"

Yuta: "Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about! You want Noroi all to yourself!"

I looked at him dumbfounded. How does he come up with these delusional ideas!? First, he accused that blasted sorcerer of wanting to groom and f*ck his child and now he's accusing me of the same thing!

Noroi: "I view that kid as my little sister, you idiot! A brother must protect his family!"

"You tell him, Noroi! He shouldn't be able to get away with accusing us of something so disgusting!"

The brat scoffed and crossed his arms.

Yuta: "Really? So you don't like her like that?"

Noroi: "No, you pest. Damn, all you human males are the same! You think a girl can't be friends with a male without there being something else!'

The brat opened his mouth to say something when suddenly there was an alarm sound. We heard the kid groan as she woke up.

Tenshi: "Huh? Noroi...where did you go?"

I sent one last glare at the brat, before disappearing back to the kid's room. I appeared at the end of her bed and she looked at me confused.

Tenshi: "Where did you go?"

Noroi: "That brat next do...I caught him jacking off to one of your...underwear."

She gasped as she looked at me horrified and disgusted.

Tenshi: "S-Should I tell somebody?"

"He'll just hide it, then people will question how she knew. I'm worried that the pest will expose our lie."

Noroi: "Yako, said not to. She's worried that he might hide it, then expose our lie to get back at us."

The kid looked at me horrified before sighing and nodding.

Tenshi: "Yako has a point. Yuta can easily tell everyone about the lie. Let's keep away from him for the time being. It's only one pair of underwear."

I sighed and nodded my head.

------------Narrator's POV------------

Yuta's body was still trembling from his lack of climax and the horror of getting caught by the fox spirit. He got off his bed, tidied his appearance, and washed his hands. Then he walked back to his bed, picking up Tenshi's panties. The sight was enough to make him hard again. He walked over to his closet and slid the door open. Tucked away in the corner of his closet, hidden behind a suitcase, was a small plastic storage bin.He pushed the suitcase away and opened the storage bin. Inside were some of Tenshi's belongings he had stolen during the time she was gone. There were a few used shirts, a poke a dotted skirt, a used bra, a dirty-looking shirt that looked like it belonged to a five-year-old, and the black ribbon. He gave Megumi a fake one, so he could keep the real one. He then added the used underwear to his collection before closing the lid and hiding it behind the suitcase. Sure, it was a poor spot to hide something as bad as this, but he held on to the fact that nobody would break into his room and rummage through his closet. Not even the fox spirit that is caged to her. Suddenly his alarm clock rang.

------------Tenshi's POV-------------

I took a hot shower, got dressed, and then left my room with Noroi in my arms. I skipped breakfast and headed to my father's classroom to see I was the last to arrive.

Yuta: "Good morning Nori-chan!"

I cringed as I looked at him irritated. He was flashing me with his usual warm and tender smile, which would make any fan of Jujutsu Kaisen swoon, but knowing what this pervert was doing with my underwear...yeah, no! Also, only my father is allowed to call me that!

Tenshi: "Good morning to you as well, Okkotsu."

He looked at me stunned and upset as Maki snickered.

Maki: "Oh? Calling him by his last name now? What happened?"

Toge: "Salmon." (Affrimative)

I nodded as I walked over to the desk my father lent me. I sat between Maki and Inumaki.

Maki: "Yesterday, you guys were calling each other by first names, but now you're suddenly calling him by his last? Something happened last night, huh?"

I sighed as I nodded my head. Okkotsu let out a timid chuckle as I noticed the blush on his cheeks.

Yuta: "I asked Nori-chan to go with me to the city since Gojo-sensei put me on pastry duty."

Noroi and I narrowed our eyes at him, upset that he was still going with that lie.

Tenshi: "No he didn't, he sent Gumi."

Everyone looked at me surprised before Maki narrowed her eyes at Okkotsu.

Maki: "Wha!? You lied to Noroi!?"

He held up his hands as he looked at Maki frightened.

Yuta: "No, I swear, he asked me!"

Tenshi: "My father said he told Gumi, Also, you told me that my father asked me to tag along with you. My father wouldn't do that, especially after you had snuck into my room!"

Maki breathed in deeply and I looked at her worried. It looked like she was trying to reign herself to keep herself in full control.

Tenshi: "Are you okay, Maki?"

Toge: "Salmon." (Affitamavite)

Maki: "No, I'm not okay!"

She slammed her hand on her desk causing me to jump. I looked at her shocked as she jumped out of her seat to point her finger at Okkotsu.

Maki: "This asshole snuck into your room, stole something of yours, then straight up lied to you, to get you alone with him! He probably planned on assaulting you!"

Okkotsu's eyes widened as he stared at Maki horrified.

Yuta: "I would never do such a thing!"

The door to the classroom opened and my father walked into the room. He looked at us confused.

Gojo: "Oh, did something happen?"

Maki whipped her head in my father's direction as she pointed her finger at Okkotsu.

Maki: "Do you know that Okkotsu lied to your-"

Gojo: "Yes, I know."

Okkotsu froze up as he stared at my father horrified. Noroi said nothing as he sat on my desk, watching the chaos unfold. I think he's enjoying this.

Gojo: "Nori-chan informed me when it happened and I advised her not to be alone with Okkotsu."

Maki sighed as she sat back in her seat. Okkotsu looked like he wanted to run off crying.

Gojo: "Now that we've calmed the training fields we go!"

Panda and Inumaki groaned while Maki grinned as she looked at Okkotsu. He saw this and shirked in fear. Noroi laughed at this. During training I noticed how my father's smile would fade away the moment he would look in Okkotsu's direction, and how he made Okkotsu's training stricter than everyone else's, I'm sure he was aware of it, but he hid it pretty well.I stood on the side watching them train with Noroi standing beside me in his human form. He was cheering on Maki as she kicked Okkotsu's ass.

Noroi: "Whoa! You're doing great girl!"

I sighed before glancing at my father. He wasn't paying attention to me, so I glanced at Noroi.

Tenshi: "When Okkotsu leaves. Can you check his room? See if you find any of my things in there."

Noroi: "I can always make myself invisible to that brat and check his room."

Tenshi: "But he would see you moving around things, and he already knows about you, so he will know it's you."

Noroi: " have a point."

Gojo; "Who are you talking to Nori-chan?"

I jumped as I looked at my father to see him smiling down at me. I nervously chuckled.

Tenshi: "Just the Yokai that eats your food."

Gojo: "Oh! Are they hungry? I brought some snacks."

Noroi glanced at my father, before turning into his fox form. I sighed as I nodded my head. My father let out a cheer as he pulled out some mochi and started sharing with Noroi.

------------Time skip------------

A whole month passed and it was now time for Okkotsu to leave for the Sister School Goodwill Event in Kyoto. Okkotsu asked for my help to pack, and I was going to deny it, but then I thought about it. If I helped him, Noroi could turn invisible to him and look around his room while I moved things around. Okkotsu would suspect a thing! So here I was, in Okkotsu's room, doing all the folding as he sat on his bed, staring at me.

Yuta: "Thanks for helping me pack."

I hummed as I nodded my head. I glanced at Noroi who was busy sniffing near Okkotsu's closet. I think he found something, but I won't look just yet. Okkotsu was still here. I folded his shirt.

Yuta; "Sorry for asking you to do this. Usually, I can do it."

Tenshi: "It's okay. I'm happy to help out a friend."

I glanced at Okkotsu from the corner of my eye, to see him frowning. I tried my best to make him know that I didn't feel the same way about him and that I was putting him in the friend zone.

Tenshi: "You will be gone for a whole week. I'll miss you."

He nearly dropped something and I looked at him unsure. Should I have said that? I meant it in a platonic way, but knowing now...I probably shouldn't have said that.

Yuta: "I-"

I cringed at the crack in his voice. Yeah...I shouldn't have said that.

Yuta: "I'll miss you too, Nori-chan! But I'll be back soon. It's only a week!"

Noroi made a tsk sound before clawing at the closet door. I turned to Okkotsu after I folded the last shirt.

Tenshi: "Look."

He nearly jumped as he stared at me with wide eyes.

Tenshi: "Only my father is allowed to call me Nori-chan."

His expression changed rather quickly to a frown as he looked at me upset.

Yuta: "Nori-chan, I-"

Tenshi: "What did I just tell you, Okkotsu."

I didn't mean for my tone to sound harsh, but this boy was pushing my damn buttons. He cringed as he looked at me all sad.

Tenshi: "You crossed my boundaries when you broke into my room and stole my things, and don't think Noroi didn't tell me about what he caught you doing with my underwear."

His eyes widened as he stared at me horrified.

Tenshi: "The only reason I haven't told on you yet, was because I like you as a FRIEND, and I don't want to be the reason you get killed. Okay, Okkotsu."

He stared at me hurt, but nodded his head. I closed and zipped up the suitcase before throwing myself onto his bed. I lay there hearing Noroi claw at the closet like a cat begging its owner to let it into the room. I glanced at the closet, worried that he found something, and when I glanced up towards the ceiling, I nearly jumped in fright. Okkotsu was leaning over me, his dark blue eyes, staring into my light blue eyes.

Tenshi: "Uh...what are you doing?"

Yuta: "There was something on your face! H-Here!"

He brushed something off my face and I knew that was a lie. I quickly sat up clearing my throat.

Tenshi: "Thanks, but we should probably...continue."

He nodded in agreement as he hid his face from me.

Tenshi: "Where is your suitcase?"

Yuta: "Oh, it's in the closet."

I internally cheered, because now I had an excuse to look inside his closet. Noroi had been clawing at the damn door forever! I got off the bed and walked over to the closet. I started to slide open the door, when...

Yuta: "WAIT!"

I yelped as I jumped back, and Okkotsu got between me and the closet, guarding it. I stared at him with wide eyes. Okay...he's hiding something in there.

Tenshi: "Are you okay?"

Noroi: "Oh he's defiantly hiding something in there."

Yuta: "I-I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. It's closet is a mess! So...I'll get the suitcase!"

I internally groaned in annoyance. That had been my chance to see what he had in there and now it's gone! Now I have to wait until he's gone for the week!

Tenshi: "Okay."

He turned around, blocking my view, but I saw Noroi peak between his legs, to see what he was hiding in his closet. He grabbed his suitcase and whipped it out before slamming the door shut. He pressed his back against the door.

Yuta: "I got it. Let's uh...put all this away."

I nodded slowly as I shot him one last look, before turning away to pick up a stack of folded clothes. He walked over to the bed and put his suitcase on it. I started putting the clothes into the suitcase when Noroi jumped on my shoulders.

Noroi: "I got a peak in his closet."

I glanced at him surprised, luckily Okkotsu wasn't paying attention.

Noroi: "All I saw was a storage bin and that was it. I have no idea what's in it...but it smells a lot like you."

That got me worried. What could Okkotsu have in that storage bin that would smell like me? Well, I guess we'll never know until he leaves for the Exchange Event.

------------Time skip------------

Okkotsu left for the Exchange Event early in the morning with the rest of the upperclassmen. I am so glad I pretended to be asleep when they left because I didn't want to see them off. I was kind enough to text him goodbye and a small good luck, nothing much.

Noroi: "I still don't get why you texted him."

I groaned as I was sitting at my study desk in my room. Noroi was lounging on my bed, reading one of my books. I looked back at him annoyed.

Tenshi: "All I did was text him goodbye and good luck. Any normal person wouldn't get turned on by that."

He let out a tsk as he flipped a page in the book, not even glancing at me.

Noroi: "And who's to say the Okkotsu brat is normal? No normal person sneaks into someone else's room, steals their underwear, and uses it to jack off to it."

I frowned, as I knew he had a point. No normal person does that, but I still hold onto the hope that Okkotsu would return to his normal self. I looked at the book he was reading, to see it was one of my manga, Demon Slayer. Weird for him to read it, since he's a curse and a vessel for a fox spirit, trapped in a school of people who kill cursed spirits. That was the third volume, so he's been reading it for about two hours. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I looked at it to see that Ijichi was calling. I answered the call.

Tenshi: "Bello~!"

Ijichi: "Gojo-san. I have a mission for you tomorrow. Will you be available for it?"

My eyes lit up at the mention of a mission.

Tenshi: "Yes!"

I jumped out of my chair and Noroi looked at me confused.

Ijichi: "Alright, I'll send you the case file."

He hung up and several seconds later, my phone buzzed with a new message. I looked at it to see that I was being sent out to Sendai City, in Miyagi, because civilians made multiple complaints of supernatural happenings inside an abandoned apartment complex. I was being sent on the mission with...UNCLE NANAMI! I cheered as I held my phone in the air. Noroi looked at me confused. I looked at the time to see it was nearly dinner time. Man, how long was I studying for?

Tenshi: "Noroi, put down the door. Dinner!"

He put a bookmaker on his page before closing the book. He got off my bed, before turning into a fox and jumping on my shoulders. We left my room and headed to the common room to get something to eat. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Wait...didn't it say...Sendai City?

------------Time skip------------

I got up early the next day, forcing Noroi to get up. He groaned as I quickly took a hot shower. Once I was done with that, I got dressed and swung open my door, to see Megumi standing there, hand up as if he was about to knock. Oh, what is he doing here?

Tenshi: "Gumi! What are you doing up so early?"

Megumi: "I could say the same thing to you, but I heard from your father that you had a mission today."

Noroi jumped on my shoulders, staring at him.

Tenshi: "Yeah, I wish you were my partner on this mission! We work great as a team!"

He stared at me shocked before hiding his face. Noroi snickered and I glanced at him confused. Megumi cleared his throat and I looked back at him.

Megumi: "In that case...don't do anything stupid. I wouldn't want my... p-partner to get herself killed."

My eyes widened as I stared at him amazed.

Tenshi: "You know me, Gumi! Stupid runs in the family!"

I saw how his lips turned upward a bit and I heard a soft laugh before he cleared his throat and went back to looking serious. It caused me to giggle.

Tenshi: "But I promise Gumi, I'll be safe.'

He nodded stiffly but his shoulders looked relaxed.

Megumi: "I shouldn't hold you any longer. Come back soon."

I giggled and nodded my head. He turned and walked down the hall and I did the same, only to stop as I glanced at Okkotsu's door.

Tenshi: "Should we tell somebody about Okkotsu?"

Noroi hummed as he closed his eyes, probably Yako speaking. He opened his eyes and frowned.

Noroi: "Yako said, while it seems like a good idea, the brat knows our secret. There is a chance that he will tell everyone to get us in trouble."

I sighed as I looked at the floor. Yako has a point. Okkotsu knows about our secret and could use it against us if he went up against him. If I tell anyone about what he has been doing...he will tell everyone the truth. Also, it's only small things, as long as I keep Okkotsu at a distance, and make sure my feelings are known, he wouldn't go very far. He knows I don't feel the same.

------------Yuta's POV------------

I am so glad to get off that god-awful bullet train. I have nothing against my upperclassmen, but if I had to sit there for hours and listen to Hakari and Kirara act all lovey-dovey with each other any longer, I felt as if I was about to summon Rika to kill them all. It's unfair! They get to be like that, but I can't be like that with Noroi!

???: "Welcome to Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College."

I glanced over at who had just spoken. I think his name was Kusakabe Atsuya. We huddled around each other at the entrance.

Kusakabe: "Come on, let's go meet up with the competition."

We started walking up the stairs to the school and I looked around. I am surprised that the school looks similar to the one in Tokyo. Suddenly Kusakabe stops.

Kusakabe: "Ah, there's some of them. I take it you guys are our guides?"

I spotted three people, probably students, walking our way. One was a short girl with blonde hair tied up in pigtails that spiked upwards, she was also holding a broom. Beside her was a dark-haired boy with small eyes. The third person...holy f*ck! This guy is HUGE! He was extremely tall and extremely muscular. There was a large scar running down the left side of his face. Please don't tell me we have to fight against him!

???: "Welcome to our school. I'm Kamo Noritoshi. This is my classmate Nishimiya Mono and this is-"

???: "Todo Aoi!"

He walked up to us and sent us a stern glare. Then he slowly lifted his hand and pointed...straight at me! Why the hell is he pointing at me!?

Todo: "You."

I jumped as I looked at him terrified.

Yuta: "M-Me?"

Todo: "Yes you! You're Okkotsu Yuta, right? The new Special Grade Jujutsu sorcerer."

Everyone looked at me and I shrank at all the attention. My mouth ran dry as I looked back at the big guy. Was he a bully? I can't let him push me around! It had been MONTHS since I have been bullied and during those months I have worked my ass off to be where I am now! So I steeled myself, straightened my back, and stared into the big man's face.

Yuta: "Y-Yes, that's me!"

Todo: "Good!"

I started to mentally pat myself on the back for being brave.

Todo: "What kind of woman is your type?"

I froze as I stared at the big man in pure confusion. Some of my seniors were snorting in amusem*nt and the two people behind Todo sighed and rolled their eyes. D-Did he just ask for my type in women?

Yuta: "My...type?"

Todo: "Yes! What is your type of woman?"

I stared at him shocked, confused as to why he was asking me something like this. Then I thought about it. My type? Suddenly I got a flash of an image of Noroi, her short glossy white hair and bright blue eyes. Her kind smile and her joyess laugh. But then I thought about her slim legs as she walked, or when her eyes shined as she cried. I shook my head, trying to make the images go away. I can't pop a boner in front of everyone! That would be uncomfortable! W-What should I tell him though!? I can't tell everyone I like people with glossy white hair and bright blue eyes. They might think I'm into my f*cken teacher!

Yuta: "Um...I like girls with nice personalities."

The whole area fell silent and I glanced over at Noritoshi and Nishimiya to see, that Kamo looked bored as Momo was shaking her head. What, did I say something wrong? I looked back at Todo to see him...CRYING!

Yuta; "Are...Are you okay?"

He dipped his head back and then sniffed before looking back at me with a fierce glare. I tensed as I stared at him terrified. I said something wrong and now I'm in danger! My love I'm sorry! I can't come back to you!

------------Tenshi's POV------------

I was sitting at my desk studying when suddenly I sneezed. Noroi jumped as he looked at me disgusted because I had sneezed on him. Everyone looked at me confused or worried.

Noroi: "Gross! How dare you sneeze on me human!"

Gojo: "Nori-chan, are you sick?"

Tenshi: "No, I suddenly just sneezed."

Panda: "Oh, that means someone is thinking about you~!"

I looked at him confused. Who could be thinking of me at a time like this?

------------Yuta's POV------------

Todo: "'re absolutely BORING!"

All of a sudden, the big man was striding towards me, his cursed energy pouring out of his body like a death threat. I jumped as I reacted, reaching for my sword in case he tried to fight me.

Kusakabe: "Alright, that's enough! Save it for the event, boys."

Todo stopped coming at me, and I sighed in relief.

Kusakabe: "Can you guys show us where we will be staying?"

Kamo: "Of course, please follow us."

We went to the dorms and they were similar to the ones back in Tokyo. I got my dorm. I set my bag on the bed before checking my phone and saw a few messages from my friends. Inumaki and Panda wished me well, while Maki demanded that I kick everyone's asses. But my eyes were drawn to one message in particular. It was a message from Noroi just a few hours ago.


Sorry that I didn't say goodbye before you left. I was asleep.


Oh, right! I hope you have fun in Kyoto and I wish you good luck! I know you can do it. I believe in you. <3

I nearly stopped breathing at the sight of the heart. Did this mean she reciprocated my feelings!? I let out a dreamy sigh, a smile blooming over my pink face as I reread her message over and over again. So...were those times she told me she didn't like me...wait, they were always in front of Noroi! So was I right!? Is Noroi grooming her?! He must have feelings for her and wants her for herself! But...he doesn't seem to mind Gojo and Fushiguro. Are those three keeping her from me!? I decided to send her a text back.


It's okay, Nori-chan, I understand. We left early, so the others didn't get to say goodbye either. The completion hasn't started yet but I will try not to let my worries distract me. I miss you! <3

I then hit sent but then my heart dropped as I realized what I just did. I-I sent her a f*cken heart emoji! Oh god! What did I do!? That was so forward! But...she sent one first, so does it matter? Plus, it's too late. The message had been sent and now all I have to do is wait for a reply. I'm sure she'll love it!

------------Noroi's POV-------------

I was lounging on the kid's bed, reading one of her books, which she calls manga. It was a book about this human boy training to become something called a Demon Slayer, so he could turn his sister back into a human after a demon had killed his whole family and turned his sister into a demon. A lovely story I would say.The kid was in the shower, getting ready for bed when suddenly her phone pinned. I glanced at it and saw a text from that Okkotsu brat. The one thing that caught my attention was the heart-shaped emoji.I placed the book on my lap before grabbing her phone and turning it on. This idiot needs a password. I looked at the text and frowned. Why would she send him a text with a heart emoji? That would only lead the idiot on. I deleted the text before placing it back down and went back to reading my book. The kid is already stressed about going back to Sendai City, fearing she might run into that Itadori brat. She doesn't need to worry about this as well.

------------Yuta's POV------------

I had finished my meal and was sitting at the table with the others. I was looking at my phone in dread, because my love hadn't replied to my message yet, hell she hadn't even READ it! She probably saw the notification and got creeped out! I mean...I did break into her room and steal her sh*t. Then that stupid fox told her about what he caught me doing! You know what...I wouldn't be surprised if that stupid fox saw the message before my love did, and deleted it before she could see it! He's preventing us from getting together! It doesn't make any sense to me! He won't allow me to be near her, but allows that blindfold pervert and gloomy boy!

I went to my photo gallery to look through the photos I have sneakily taken of Noroi. I must have around a million pictures of her. There were pictures of her walking through the halls of the school, reading books, doing homework, unlocking the door to her room, and training with Fushiguro. I would have taken more...naughty photos if it wasn't for that damn fox! I tried that once, I snuck into her room while she was in the shower, but the fox was sitting in front of the door, guarding it. He growled and hissed at me until I left!I'm pretty sure he told her about it! Then I tried to take a photo of her sleeping, but he woke up and nearly BIT me! I at least have a photo of Noroi at the beach! I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help it!I know what this is! This is lovesickness! To be in love with somebody so much that you couldn't behave normally. Tons of people have gone through it, so I'm no different. Sure I might be taking things too far, but I love her that much! I had never felt this way before, not even with Rika!I grazed at the picture of a scantily clad Noroi, oblivious to the camera lens aimed at her. I love you so much. Please love me back. Love me, love me, love me, love me.

???: "Okkotsu."

I jumped in my seat before stiffly turning in horror when I saw Todo Aoi standing behind me, bent down at the waist so he could peer over my shoulder to inspect my phone screen. Hastily I flipped my phone over, but I knew it was too late. He saw the photo I was looking at. sh*t!

Yuta: "I-I wasn't...I was just-'

Out of all the people here, I HAD to get caught by this guy!

Todo; "There's no need to explain yourself!"

He straightened himself up and took a deep whiff of the air as if trying to hold himself back from crying. I scrambled to my feet, feeling my heart ring. Everyone was now string at us and I so badly wanted to turn into at least disappear!

Yuta: "It's not what it looks like!"

Todo raised his hand cutting me off.

Todo: "Enough. I...have misjudged you, Okkotsu. Your taste in women."

He squeezed his eyes shut and shoved his fist against his chest.

Todo: "Is IMMACULATE! You were just too shy to admit it! Well, there's no need for that, Okkotsu! You have impressed me! Girls with cute faces and big breasts are something worthy of attention! While I prefer big butts, Noroi is the expectation!"

I froze as I stared at Todo horrified. How...How does he know my love's name!? How does he know her name!?

Kusakabe: "Okkotsu."

I jumped as I looked at the man, to see him giving me a weird look.

Kusakabe: "What the hell were you looking at on your phone?"

I swallowed as I started to sweat. If Todo knows Noroi, does this mean everyone here knows her? How many here know her!?

Todo: "Okkotsu was looking at a picture of a semi-naked Gojo Noroi!"

I stared at him horrified as Kirara's jaw dropped.

Kirara: "Oh my god! You were looking at a photo of Noroi!?"

Hakari: "Why do you have a semi-naked photo of her in the first place?"

Yuta: "I had gone on a beach trip with my class and Nori-chan tagged along!"

Kirara: "Oi! Only Noroi's father can call her that!"

I looked at Kirara shocked. I thought Noroi was lying to me!

Todo: "I have to say, you have good taste. Noroi is smoking hot!"

Momo: "Oi! Todo, don't forget, she's a middle schooler!"

Todo: "I can admit one's beauty!"

I glared at him, upset he was talking about her like that. The rest of dinner counties with my classmates teasing me while the Kyoto students scolded Todo. I am just glad he only saw that picture of Noroi and hadn't seen the other photos of her. If he did...the conversation would have gone WAY differently. It appears Todo...has a crush on my Noroi! Once dinner ended, I retreated to my room and checked my phone again to see that Noroi still hadn't replied to me. This got me upset, but I shook the feeling off. She probably had been in the shower and didn't see it. Or...Or that damn fox deleted it before she could see it. If that's the wouldn't hurt to send her another text.


hey, I just came back from dinner. The competition starts tomorrow morning. I had dinner and it was so bad!

I hit sent and waited for a reply, hoping she would see this one this time.

------------Tenshi's POV------------

I was sitting at my study desk as Noroi lounged on my bed, reading Demon Slayer. Suddenly my phone pinged and I saw the notification that Okkotsu texted. I sighed as I opened my phone to see what he wanted. I read the text, not so bad. I decided to send him a text back.


Oh, what happened during dinner? Did the food taste bad?

I hit send and was about to place my phone down before it pinged with a reply. Damn, that was quick.

Noroi: "That was quick."

I sighed and nodded my head. I looked at the reply.

Creep Boy:

No, the food was amazing. But there was this big guy that unintentionally embarrassed me in front of everyone.

Huh, big guy? Well, he is in Kyoto and the only big guy I know from there is Todo, so maybe he's talking about him.


Ah, are you talking about Todo Aoi?

Creep Boy:

Yeah! You know him?


Meet him when I visited Kyoto. Aunt Utahime introduced me to her class. Let me guess, he asked for your type in women.

Creep Boy:

Yeah! I um...I said I liked girls with big butts and now he's my friend!

I stared at the text with wide eyes.

Noroi: "What's up? Did the Okkotsu brat say something bad?"

I got up from my chair and walked over to my bed. I showed him my phone and Noroi read the message, before laughing.

Noroi: "Damn, that's hilarious!"

I glanced back at my phone just as he sent me another text.

Creep Boy:

sh*t THAT JUST CAME OUT! I SAID I LIKED THEIR PERSONALITIES NOT BUTTS! I was thinking about you when I said it.

I cringed and Noroi let out a tsk.

Noroi: "Shouldn't have sent that text with the heart emoji."

I groaned and nodded my head.

Creep Boy:

Anyway, enough about my day! How was yours?


Oh, I have a mission with Nanami in Sendai City. I might run into your family!

Creep Boy:

Or that Itadori kid. Do I have to leave Kyoto and tag along on this mission to keep you safe from him!?

I cringed again not liking that idea. One, those two should only meet AFTER Shibuya! Two, I don't know if Yuji forgot about me, he probably did, so I don't need Okkotsu attacking him! And three...I don't want him anywhere near me!


No, it's fine. I have Fox to keep me safe. On top of that, Yuji probably forgot about me, I mean it's been seven years.

Creep Boy:

You're right! Just...please stay safe. I don't want you to get hurt.


I'll be fine, Okkotsu."

I put my phone down and went back to studying.

------------Yuta's Pov------------

I stared at my phone, shaking with anger and jealousy. I just don't get it! She...she calls me by my last name now, but she...she calls that Itadori boy, the one she claims abused her by his first name! Why is he so special!? Why does she call him by his first name, yet call me by my last name?! Does she...does she like Itadori!? That must be it if she still calls him by his first name after seven years of not seeing him! Do I...Do I have to be like Itadori!? Is that what it will take to get her to like me back!?

Chapter 13: Misson Gone Wrong


Tenshi's mission with Nanami goes wrong. They end up meeting a...Finger Bearer.

Chapter Text

We were standing in front of the abandoned apartment complex, it was located at the side of a green-covered hill, wooden boards blocking the way inside. At the center of it was a bright yellow sign that read, "DO NOT ENTER"

Tenshi: "What happened here?"

Ijichi: "I can answer that. It had been reported that a family of four once lived here, a father, a mother, and two twin boys. It was that family that caused a giant fire to break out and kill everyone inside, but when firemen put out the fire and went to recover the bodies, it was reported that both the twin boys had died of being stabbed. It was then laded a murder-suicide."

I looked at him shocked, before looking back at the apartment complex, thinking of the backstory of Hanako from Toilet Bound Hanako-kun. Ijichi left to go set up a ceil.

Nanami: "Remember, the main reason we've been sent here is to check if there are any curses and to assess their grade level. If it's too high, we are to leave."

Noroi and I looked at him confused. Sure I might be a grade four, but Noroi is strong enough to be a Special Grade. So if there were any curses above our grades, there wouldn't be any problem.

Tenshi: "I'm strong enough to be a Special Grade, or did you forget that human?"

Nanami: "No, I did not forget. But this is an enclosed space and a thing about two Special Grades fighting. It's like elephants tap dancing on ants."

Oh, he's right! That guy in the trench coat said that in the Shibyua arc!

Tenshi: "Right, I understand then, uncle!"

He nodded his head and soon the veil was cast down, surrounding the perimeter.

nanami: "Let's go in."

I nodded as he pried the wooden boards off the entrance with his bare hands. Noroi hummed as he stared at my uncle.

Noroi: "He's strong for a human."

I nodded my head before walking into the apartment complex after my uncle. The moment I stepped inside the building, I already wanted out. It was all musty and gross, plus it smelled like damp earth, which wasn't so bad, but the interior was the problem. The wooden beams holding the place together looked molded and as if they were about to snap at any moment. The metal lining of the walls and ceiling were rusted over, with cobwebs all over them. Then there were a few dead animals littered around the floor. But so far, there were no curses around. We continued to walk, my eyes darting around, looking for any signs of a threat. Noroi sniffed the air, only to cringe in disgust. I guess he wouldn't be able to sniff out the curses while we were in here. I does smell bad, but Noroi's scent is heightened, so it must smell terrible to him.The more we walked, the more I began to notice that the awful smell was getting worse. Noroi stuffed his nose into my neck as he covered it with his paw, I think to block out the smell.

Noroi: "God, what is that awful stench!?"

Suddenly my uncle stopped and I looked at him confused and worried that he heard Noroi.

Nanami: "It smells like blood. We're close to a body."

I internally sighed in relief, because that's why he stopped. Not that he heard Noroi, that would have been bad.

Noroi: "It smells like a human."

Tenshi: "It smells like a human."

Nanami: "Right, while the body's still missing, the owner is most likely dead given that the cause was most likely a curse. None of the animals here are dangerous enough to kill a human. Let's follow the scent."

I nodded my head as Noroi groaned out in annoyance. We followed the scent and it didn't take us long to find an elevator shaft. I wonder why they made this inside the apartment complex, instead of stairs. I looked inside the elevator to find the dead body. I grimaced when I saw the poor person. The person, most likely a man, had part of his head missing, leaving nothing but blood and brain matter to be exposed. I saw some blond hair on his head and the floor and he had bright blue eyes that stared back at me. He looks young and fresh, must have been someone breaking in to explore...or ghost hunt.

Tenshi: "This looks fresh, so must be someone that decided to break in to explore or ghost hunt."

Nanami: "You're right, Noroi. No animal or human could've done this, which further confirms the fact that there's a presence of a curse in here. Possibly more."

Tenshi: "Do you think he went down the elevator, met the curse, and tried to escape by going back up?"

Nanami: "That seems to be the likeliest case."

Noroi; "Or he was already coming back up after exploring and the curse met him up here."

Noroi's right, that could have been the case as well. But then we would have run into the curse somewhere along the way. The thing probably went down after killing this guy. It's such a shame too. He looks young, I'll say, in his 20s.

Nanami: "Let's go down and see for ourselves. If he was able to use it, then it should still be considered safe for us."

He easily stepped into the elevator, as if there wasn't a dead body in the corner. I averted my gaze from the corpse and walked into the elevator. Nanami pressed one of the buttons and the thing started to slowly go down.

Noroi: "God this thing is so slow! No wonder this human male wasn't able to escape!"

I internally chuckled, knowing he was right. Suddenly the thing stopped and I started to get anxious. There was no way we reached the next floor because outside the door was nothing but a stone wall blocking our way.

Tenshi: "Maybe we should go back up?"

My uncle opened his mouth to say something when suddenly the elevator abruptly started to move again, but this time much faster than before. It sent us tumbling to the floor. I heard loud snapping sounds, which I could only assume were the cords of the elevator snapping. I held onto whatever I could find to keep me steady. I glanced at what I was holding, to see a white kimono. I glanced up to see Noroi in his human form gripping the back of my shirt as he narrowed his eyes at nothing.

Nanami: "sh*t!"

I glanced over at my uncle to see he as well was looking at the walls. I turned to look and froze, finally understanding why Noroi and Nanami were tense. The elevator was changing before our eyes. The steel case we were trapped in had suddenly morphed. The steel bars became see-through, we were trapped within deep burgundy walls wrapped in chains that manifested out of nowhere.As we continued to fall, the chains rattling grew louder, making it unbearable for me to listen. I glanced at Noroi to see him shutting his eyes tightly as he covered his ers. sh*t, his hearing! Suddenly the elevator slammed to the ground and it sent us flying into the air. I let out a scream as Noroi wrapped an arm around my waist, and spun us around in the air, so when we slammed back into the ground, he used his body to cushion mine. We lay there, breathing heavily, trying to gather our bearings when the door slid open. I got up and glanced out of the elevator to see a sight one would see in a horror movie or a nightmare. The walls of the apartment complex were red with chains hanging from the ceiling. It was so dark I couldn't see how high the ceiling was. Noroi stood up and helped me on my feet as Nanami stood up as well. He whipped out his knife.

Nanami: "This isn't good. It seems like we've been trapped in an Innate Domain. Do you know what that is?"

I nodded my head, as Noroi sniffed the air. He had explained to me what an Innmate Domain was because if I wanted to pretend to be a 1,000-year-old fox spirit, I needed to know a lot about Jujutsu Sorcerer. But it wouldn't have mattered, because I already know about it, due to the anime and manga.

Tenshi: "Innate Domains are domains created by a curse user's mind that can be manifested using cursed energy."

Nanami: "Good. However, the issue is that most curses aren't able to perform such a thing. Powerful curses though, can. They have high cursed energy, but to generate a domain like this, they would have to lack proper control over cursed techniques."

Tenshi: powerful curse? How powerful are we talking here?"

Noroi glanced down at me with a frown.

Noroi: "A Special Grade.'

I looked at him horrified, I had never gone up against a Special Grade before. Sure I managed to tame one, but that's only because I knew what would trigger Rika, so I knew not to do it! But this is a Special Grade that I knew nothing about!

Nanami: "A Special Grade. More specifically, a finger bearer."

I looked at him horrified. A f*cken finger bearer!? That means, one of Sukuna's fingers is down here with us! I glanced over at Noroi, thinking he would be able to calm me down, but I froze at the terror in his eyes. Wait...why the f*ck is he scared!? He's stronger than a Special Grade! Nanami started to smash his finger against the buttons on the elevator, but to our dismay, nothing worked.

Nanami: "We need to find another way out and avoid this cursed spirit entirely."

I nodded my head as Noroi clung to my shirt. Yeah, I would like that as well, seeing as my only source of power is freaking the f*ck out right now. I don't think he would be able to fight in this state. We stepped out of the elevator, taking in the creepy interior. The chains were hanging so low that some would brush the top of our heads. Noroi was clinging to the back of my shirt as he looked around nervously. Damn, what got him all scared? Earlier he was more pissed than anything, but the moment he heard that this curse was a finger bearer, he got frightened.

Nanami: "We should stick together. Stay close to me, and keep alert."

Nanami: "Yes unc-"

I paused as I started to notice that everything was starting to get bigger. I looked behind me to see that Noroi was the only thing that wasn't getting bigger. Weird. I looked down to see the ground beneath us rippled as if we were standing on water as it slowly swallowed us. We fell through the ground and landed with a harsh thud.

Tenshi: "Ow."

I peeled my head off the rough patch of ground and my vision was a bit blurry. I staggered as I pushed myself onto my feet. Noroi jumped up to his feet and grabbed my arm to steady me. Once my vision cleared and the throbbing in my head lessened, I looked around. We were in a completely new area, it looked like a child's playroom. There was a pile of toys in the middle of the room and toys scattered around the room. I looked up at the ceiling to see the hole was gone.

Tenshi: "We need to hurry and find Nanami-san."

Noroi nodded his head as we started to look for a way out. We were walking around when suddenly I heard something. I looked in that direction to find a small child.

Tenshi: "Eh? Noroi, there's a child."

He looked at me baffled before looking to see the child as well.

Noroi: "What would a child be doing down here?"

Tenshi: "I have no idea. Let's go find out."

He looked at me shocked as I walked over to the child.

Noroi: "Kid, are you insane!? Get back!"

I ignored him as I walked over to the kid. The kid looked at me and I froze. He...He had messy black hair and honey-brown eyes, they looked golden. Holy sh*t! He looks like either Hanko or Tsukasa!

Child: "What should we play?"

Noroi: "Eh? Play?"

I bent down to the kid's height and gently smiled at him.

Tenshi: "Are you hurt anywhere?"

He stared at me with those beady eyes almost as if he was staring into my soul.

Tenshi: " you know the way out?"

The kid nodded his head and Noroi let out a sigh of relief. I cheered as I picked the kid up.

Noroi; "Should you be touching the brat? Who knows what he has on him."

I shrugged my shoulders as I carried the child. The kid pointed over to a door and we walked over to it. Noroi stayed close to me as he kept looking around.

Noroi: "I don't like this. It's way too easy."

Tenshi: "Maybe the Special Grade went after Uncle Nanami."

Noroi: "If it is, we'll have to hurry and get back to him."

I nodded my head as we exited the room.

Child: "Are we going outside?"

I smiled down at the child in my eyes as I nodded.

Tenshi: "Yes."

The child frowned, looking rather upset about the idea of leaving this place.

Child: "I don't think you should do that."

Noroi: "Oh? And why is that, brat?"

I sighed as I closed my eyes. Why does he call people that, but not me?

Child: "They will get mad."

That caused us to pause as we looked at the child worried. Who are they?

Tenshi: "Um...who's they?"

The child looked up at me without saying anything. I sighed as I walked around some more, looking for a way out.

Noroi: "Oi, look."

I looked at him confused, to see him pointing in a direction. I followed his finger and was surprised to see another door. Hey, maybe that would lead us to Uncle Nanami!

Tenshi: "Maybe that would lead us to Uncle Nanami!"

I walked over to the door and Noroi was right behind me. I placed my hand on the door handle.

Noroi: "Wait!"

I looked back at Noroi confused, to see him looking worried, but it was too late. I had cracked open the door and the moment I did, bugs busted through it. I let out a scream as I felt someone wrap their arms around me. Then suddenly everything went black.

------------Time skip------------

I gasped as I woke up. I looked around confused, finding myself sitting on a couch, holding a stuffed fox. I held it in front of my face confused.

Tenshi: " this you?"

I grew worried at the thought of Noroi being turned into a stuffed animal.

Noroi; "Idiot, I'm right next to you."

I jumped before looking to my right to find Noroi in his human form, sitting right next to me. He too was holding a toy. I sighed in relief before looking around confused. It was the room from before, the one we fell in.

Tenshi: "It's the room from before. What happened?"

Noroi opened his mouth when suddenly we started hearing singing. We looked around the room before our eyes landed on the child, sitting in the light with his back facing us. He was signing, not even playing with the toys around him.

Noroi: "Creepy!"

We got up from the couch and slowly approached the child. Suddenly he turned his head to us and I froze. His eyes...they were void of all light. Oh god...why am I in the scene of TBHK!? I pointed at the child.

Tenshi: "Tsukasa!"

Noroi looked at me dumbfounded.

Noroi: "Really? You can't just name curses after anime characters, kid."

I shrugged my shoulders, not caring. If this kid is going to act like Tsukasa, I'll call him Tsukasa!

Noroi: "So...your a curse, brat?"

He crossed his arms as he sneered at the child. The child stared at us before grinning all creepily.

Child: "I told you, you shouldn't have taken me outside. But you didn't listen. They tried to only take the girl, but his soul kept following you."

He pointed at Noroi and I figured out what had happened. These curses tried to take me away, but since Noroi's and Yako's souls were trapped in me, he followed me every time. I looked around to find a hundred pairs of yellow eyes glaring back at us. f*ck, of course, we wouldn't be alone, on top of that, the child did say they were upset with me, but couldn't send me away due to Noroi. So they probably decided to bring the punishment to us! I took a wary step back, but that was like the bomb that had been set off. In an instant, the room was full of horrid screeching as the curses came down. They looked like grotesque bats with eyes too big for their heads pink noses squashed up, and tattered-looking black fur and wings. They came down at me. I crouched down and covered my ear, waiting for an attack. But then I heard a tsk and the next thing I knew, I was covered in purple blood. I looked up to see Noroi standing in front of me glaring at the bat curses.

The bat curses were relentless in their attacks, they didn't seem to care that Noroi was there, killing them off one by one. Most of them got past Noroi and I felt their harsh talons scrape through my skin, and their teeth munch at me. Fortunately, it was only a few, as Noroi kept slicing them in half. He swung his arm out, slicing the curses as he used his other arm to pull me closer to him. I pried my hands off of my ears, ignoring the icky feeling of my blood staining my palms. I looked at the child as he stared at us with blank eyes. Damn...he does remind me of Tsukasa! One of the curses swooped down at us, but Noroi sliced it in time as he shielded me from the attack. The number of curses had been cut down by half by this point. With a swift swipe of his arms, a massive razor blade came shooting forward, destroying the remaining curses in the room. He sighed out in relief and said something that I didn't hear. I could still feel the blood leak out of my ears. sh*t...I guess I'll need Aunt Shoko to fix my ears when we get back.

I glanced up at the ceiling, uncle Nanami was still up there and I could sense a hostile cursed energy up there with him. That has to be the Special Grade. I tugged on Noroi's kimono and he looked at me confused. I pointed up at the ceiling and I think he got the message. I looked back at the child as he smiled at me sadly. It made me feel bad for leaving his spirit behind, but I think once we exorcise the Special Grade, everyone's souls trapped here would be freed. I watched as Noroi raised his arm, a massive ball of blue flames began to form in the palm of his hand and it grew big enough. Then it shot forward at the ceiling, colliding against it like a comet. The force of it caused the whole room to shake. He created a large hole in the ceiling, big enough for us to fit through, especially if Noroi went into fox form. I looked back at the child as he went back to playing with his toys.

Tenshi: "Don't worry! We'll save you, then you'll be able to leave this place!"

The child looked at me surprised before grinning and nodding. Noroi wrapped his arm around me and leaped into the air. We jumped through the hole in the ceiling and got back to the creepy room Uncle Nanami and I had gotten separated in.

Tenshi: "Uncle Nanami!"

I found him fighting relentlessly against the Special Grade curse. It was a horrifying thing to witness, and damn it was terrifying! The curse was about ten feet tall and extremely polished to the point it was almost blinding. It had a silver metallic-looking skin with red horns. The finger bearer was exuding malicious cursed energy, just being in the same vicinity caused me to tremble. I never knew how powerful a finger bearer felt before now. Damn, no wonder Yuji and Megumi froze up when they met that finger bearer at the detention center! Uncle Nanami didn't look to be in good condition. While he didn't have as many injuries as me, they were bigger than mine. I could see blood pooling at his side and his knife was coated in so much blood. Despite all of that, he continued to fight. He's so amazing!

Tenshi: "Uncle Nanami!"

He whipped his head towards me and shouted something at me that I didn't quite catch.

Tenshi: "Sorry, I can't hear you! These bat curses screamed so loud that my hearing is-"

Suddenly the curse ran at me, but before it could reach me, Noroi shot forward, wrapped his arm around me, and swung his arm out. I copied his moves, swinging my arm out as well, pointing at the curse.

Noroi: "Cleave!"

The curse let out a screech of pain as it was cut, its body getting thrown back into the wall of the apartment complex. This caused the building to shake, causing dirt and dust to fall, and cracks began to appear on the wall where the curse slammed into. Noroi let me go and I ran over to Uncle Nanami, grabbing his wrist.

Tenshi: "We need to hurry!"

He said something again, but I couldn't hear him.

Tenshi: "Sorry, I can't hear you!"

He looked at me concerned and suddenly Noroi ran over to us, getting in front of us. I looked at him worried, I then heard something giggling manically and looked to see the curse placing its palms together. A bright yellow ball of pure cursed energy started to form in the air and I realized that the thing was aiming for us. I pushed Uncle Nanami out of the way. He looked at me horrified and worried. I hope Noroi knows what he's doing. He lifted his arm, holding out his hand. Wait...oh right! Sukuna did the same thing back in the detention center! I copied his moves as the curse shot a beam of pure cursed energy straight for my head. But as I predicted, Noroi was able to block the attack. The finger bearer made a funny "huh" sound as it stared at me surprised. I quickly turned to my uncle who was staring at me amazed.

Tenshi: "Hurry!"

I grabbed his arm while Noroi wrapped an arm around my waist, just as he used his blue flames to shoot us towards the elevator. The curse let out a wrangled scream and started chasing after us. Hastily I pushed Nanami out of the way as Noroi and I flung our arms out, blocking the attack again.

Nanami: "Noroi, let's go!"

He grabbed my hand and we ran to the elevator with Noroi behind us. The cursed spirit was speeding towards us at an alarming rate.

Tenshi; "Hold on tight!"

Uncle Nanami nodded as I grasped his arm, feeling him wrap his arms around me. Noroi did the same thing and then used his blue flame to propel us up. It was worse than when we fell! I could feel the air pressure pushing down on us, trying to keep us from going up! I let out a scream as we finally reached the surface, breaking through the roof of the apartment complex. Damn, how hard did Noroi push us!? We were a couple hundred feet in the air. Lucky for us, Noroi switched with Yako and managed to get us to the ground as safely as he could.We landed outside the apartment complex, just outside the entrance. This whole thing left me shaking, I have never dealt with something like this, in the seven years I have been a Jujutsu sorcerer! Uncle Nanami started to pull me to my feet, but my legs felt like rubber!

Nanami: "Come on. Com one, Noroi. Keep going. You've been doing so good before."

I took a deep breath trying to get my bearings straight as I felt Yako place his hand on my back. I calmed my nerves, before shakily flipping my hair and acting as if I wasn't efforted.

Tenshi: "I told you I could handle a Special Grade, Uncle Nanami!"

He chuckled and nodded his head. Suddenly there was a loud angered cry as the apartment complex behind us exploded, a blast of cursed energy destroying it effortlessly. The finger bearer had launched itself into the air, its body barely obscured from the dust and rubble. sh*t! Why did it leave its place of birth!? Suddenly there was another blast and I stared in shock as the veil surrounding us started to dispell.

Nanami: "Ah. Great, it's him."

I looked at him confused before I looked up at the sky. Ah...

Tenshi: "DAD!"

My father looked at me for a moment before looking at the curse. He pressed his hands together in position and I quickly realized what he was going to do. Holy sh*t! I get to see a Hollow Purple in real life! I watched with a dropped jaw as a massive purple blast blew forward, destroying everything in its path, the curse, the apartment complex, the hills, and even the surrounding area. By the time it was done, everything was gone. Damn, that thing is powerful!

Nanami: "What an overkill."

Noroi: "You're telling me. He's lucky there were no houses nearby."

I sighed and nodded my head.

Gojo: "Noroi!"

I looked up just as my father tackled me into a hug, his arms tightly enveloping me.

Tenshi; "Papa!"

I breathed out in relief as I buried my face against his chest. I could hear the hurried beating of his heart, it was racing so fast it was a miracle it hadn't burst out of his chest.

Gojo: "You're okay."

He pressed his lips against the crown of my head.

Gojo: "I'm sorry. I'm here now. You're okay. You're okay."

I felt my legs tremble as I leaned up against my father. His embrace was comforting.

Kitsune - Sukunasslu*t666 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.